Chapter thirty-eight

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Narrator's Pov :

Raven and the others were still in the cabin when Octavia, Lexa, Kane, Emori and Lincoln arrived at the place of the ceremony, and since all the guests were already there and it was the time, they started the entrance. First Emori and Kane, then Lexa and finally Octavia on the arm of Lincoln who was walking her down the aisle. When they arrived at the end Octavia  let go of Lincoln's arm and put herself on the center beside the altar. Two minutes after, Abby and Kane made their appearance followed by Clarke who was stunned by the outfits of her best friend and girlfriend and other friends. When they arrived down the aisle, the music started again and Raven walked on the arm of Murphy already crying seeing the face of the love of her life. When she arrived close to Octavia she directly took her hand forgetting about Murphy who let out a small chuckle. 

They started the ceremony but neither of them heard a bit of it, they were to much in their world to heard the priest talking, and when the moment of the vows came the two of them concentrate on what the guy was saying.

Priest : Do you, Octavia Blake, take Raven Reyes to be your wife, promise her that you will be faithful and honest with her, you will respect, trust, help, cherish and care of her for the rest of the life you will share your life with her, you will forgive her, love her with all your heart, and you will try to understand each other better even when it will be difficult, through the best and worst, and as long as you both live ?

Octavia : I do !

Lexa gave Octavia Raven's ring and put it on Raven's finger still holding their hands.

Priest : Do you, Raven Reyes, take Octavia Blake to be your wife, promise her that you will be faithful and honest with her, you will respect, trust, help, cherish and care of her for the rest of the life you will share your life with her, you will forgive her, love her with all your heart, and you will try to understand each other better even when it will be difficult, through the best and worst, and as long as you both live ?

Raven : I do !!

Clarke gave the ring to Raven so she could put it on Octavia's finger.

Priest : By the power that were given to me by the state of California, I name you wife and wife you may kiss the bride.

The two of them didn't even let the priest finish because they they had already leaned on the kiss, and they stared making out on front of all the people they both loved. The guests were clapping and whistling to congrats them for this step of their relationship. 

The left the place of the ceremony to go eat, before starting the food it was time for the speeches and of course Clarke was the first one to stand up for this.

Clarke : Back in first grade when we were maybe 7 years old, I never thought that the little genius and little fighter would get married one, no actually I realized that third grade when Octavia would always ask me about Raven when she was not here or when she wanted to ask her something but was to shy for it. Raven... I'm so happy to be here as you maid of honor and be able to tell the others how much this right here is the most perfect thing that could have happened to both of you. Octavia, even after all the fight we had, we are still together and it will last till the end of my days, which could be much sooner than what we had planned when we were young.

Clarke : For those who don't know which means everyone except these two idiots and myself our lives have been planned since we know each other, none of us had easy lives in different ways of course but we always had the same dream... Being able to have a family, get married to our soulmates, name one of the three of us the godmother of our children, live in a house next to each other, be present at every important step of each other lives... And I could continue but everyone here is hungry, so I'm proud to make a toast for my two amazing best friend and for their wedding.

Everyone shared a toast and Abby decided to talk.

Abby : My previous husband, Clarke and Madi dad decided to add someone to our family a long time ago, Raven Reyes is my third daughter for almost 17 years, which is a lot of time supporting her as you can think... He would have been so proud of his daughters, he would be so proud of you Raven, he always knew something was going on between you and O' and that's the reason he decided to give you something, he had planned this day for so long. He was supposed to walk you down the aisle, and give you this as a wedding gift but he not here anymore so here you go.

Abby handed Raven a wooden box, Raven decided to open it and when she did she started to cry seeing all the photo they had together, the first ring Raven had made for Jake, the first time she had repaired a car with with when she was 11 and a lot of other things too. Like a lot of photos of Octavia and Raven together.

Some other people decided to talk and when they finished everyone started eating, talking and laughing. After some time, it was the time of the dance so Raven and Octavia walked on the dance floor and started dancing, soon Lexa and Clarke joined them, same as Lincoln and Marie, Abby and Kane, Madi and Aden, Murphy and Emori and everyone else started dancing eventually.

It was now late and everyone was starting to leave eventually. Clarke and Lexa went toward Octavia and Raven to talk to them.

Clarke : Hey, I would have wanted to stay more, but I'm actually going to faint or cry of pain, so we just wanted to tell you that we are going home. 

Raven : It's not a problem C', I know you have been struggling all day, go home and sleep.

Clarke hugged them both and went to wait in the car for Lexa.

Raven : Lexa take care of her. She is going to need you now more than ever.

Lexa : I will, now go spend your first night as wives you deserved it. But I also have a request...

Octavia : Ask away.

Lexa : We are probably getting married in two weeks and I know you two wanted to go on a honeymoon, but Clarke's state is getting worse everyday now and I'm really afraid for our future, she wanted to have some energy for the wedding and the honeymoon, So could you please go on the honeymoon after the wedding ? I know it's a lot to ask...

Raven : We were not going on a honeymoon before your wedding we decided it was best to go after anyway.

Lexa : I don't know how I can thanks you girls.

Octavia : Love her and don't leave her now, it's the only thing you can do for us Lex.

Lexa : Then I have nothing new to do or to not do.

Raven : Perfect now go your fiance is waiting for you in the car.

Lexa : Thanks and congratulation again girls, love you both.

Octavia & Raven : Love you too bitch.

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