Chapter forty-seven

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Clarke's Pov : 

Today, Alice came in the room with another doctor to talk to us about the procedure en the results of the tests I had done yesterday when we arrived here. Lexa had stayed the night in the hospital bed with me and after all the events of yesterday afternoon we fell asleep pretty quickly to be honest. So Alice and the other doctor, her name was Dr Natalie Bishop came in my room to talk about the tests.

Alice : Well, hello lovebirds, how are you two doing ?

Lexa : We're doing fine, Clarke didn't have any crisis this night so cool, how are you ?

Alice : I'm good thanks. And I want to thank you Clarke for talking to Harper, we actually started talking at the wedding and we talk all the time now, and she talks a lot about you Lexa, the girls miss you on the team.

Lexa : I know, it's just that with Clarke being sick I didn't get the chance to go there and train with them.

Clarke : And that's why she is going out after the two of you talk to us about this fucking sickness. She is going to go train and leave my side a little, you can get the security if she doesn't go...

Lexa : Not fair to use the owner of the hospital to get rid of your wife.

Alice : I will don't worry Clarke, now let's talk about this heart of yours.

Clarke : What the pronostic doc ?

Natalie : Well, miss Griffin... or Woods which one ?

Clarke : Miss Woods will do.

Natalie : Well miss Woods, your heart weakened a lot since last time you saw doctor Wilson. This could be the consequence of several things, like long activities or too much effort in a short time. Could this be a cause or not ?

Lexa : Well, we just got back from our honeymoon so...

Alice : Yep, we understand don't need to be specific.

Lexa : I didn't meant sex Alice... Well we did but we did a lot of activities like hike, paddle, kayak and some other things.

Alice : Don't tell me she did the zipline ?

Clarke : I didn't, do you really want me to have a heart attack up there.

Natalie : Good, so the blood test revealed that your blood pressure is really low, and this could cause you dizziness, nausea, and a lot of fatigue but we can regule this here.

Clarke : Being here is going to help me not have these symptoms or not ?

Alice : Not really but we can increase your blood pressure to prevent from having those. Then on the radios, it showed us that your heart is in a bad shape. You can't really leave here because you could have a attack at any moment. However you are allowed to have guest in your beautiful hospital or hotel room.

Clarke : Believe me, I've seen worst five stars hotels than this place, you could have told me you had a hospital.

Alice : Can't reveal all my secrets on our first encounter.

Lexa : You literally assisted at our wedding two weeks ago from now...

Alice : Your point being ?? Anyway I think some people need to leave this room and let the princess sleep a little before her guests arrive.

Lexa : But-

Clarke : No but, you go now and train a little I know you want to go and I don't want to be the person not letting you be able to live your dream fully. Plus at least one of us need to stay in shape.

Haunted by the past ( Clexa Au )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora