Chapter fifteen

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Clarke's Pov : 

I left the restaurant after saying goodbye to Raven, and the talk with Octavia. I headed to the valet who had bought the car in the front. I went in, and waited for Lexa to come. After two minutes she entered in the car. I started the engine and went on the road to go home. The ride was tense, neither of us talked or looked at each other. I decided to bring the subject of tomorrow now.

Clarke : Tomorrow I will go on a early run, and then I'm going with Murphy, we need to catch up.

Lexa : Will you be gone all the day ?

Clarke : I don't know. This will depend on what information he will give me. Or what shit he did.

Lexa : So, it will be only you and Murphy ?

Clarke : Yeah, is that a problem to you ?

Why in the hell was she talking like this to me ? Does she think I was gonna go see someone else. The only true thing in what I told her, was the person with who I was going to go. 

Lexa : I don't know should this be a problem ?

Clarke : What the hell are you implying Lexa ? You know what, I don't want to know. I'm sleeping on the couch, you can take the bed.

Lexa : Clarke I-

Clarke : No Lexa, stop right here. I'm tired that I always have all the default. I'm doing everything I can, to don't be fucking mad at you, but you are always, or implying things or rude to me.

At this point we where at the parking of the apartment. I get out of the car. And went in the elevator. I didn't even looked back at her. But I knew she didn't leaves the car. When I entered in the apartment, I went to my bedroom, take some clothes for tomorrow and a pyjamas for tonight. I went in the bathroom downstairs to take a shower. When I went out of the shower and lay down on the couch, the front door opened and Lexa entered.

Lexa : Are you sure you want to sleep in the couch and not in the bed ?

Clarke : Go to sleep Lexa. You will see me tomorrow night. I will pass the afternoon at my mom's house with Madi.

Lexa : I'm sorry babe.

Clarke : Goodnight Lexa.

Lexa : Goodnight Clarke.

*Next Morning*

The alarm of my phone woke me up. I get up from the couch and went to take my clothes that I had leave in the bathroom the night before. I put a grey sweat pant, a grey sweat shirt and a pair of air force 1. I put my hairs in a ponytail, take my phone and my wallet, and get out of the building.

I decided to text Murphy since he still wasn't here, to take me to Santa Barbara, and it was dark since it was early in the morning

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I decided to text Murphy since he still wasn't here, to take me to Santa Barbara, and it was dark since it was early in the morning.


Clarke : Hey Murph, where are you ?

Murphy : I'm at your apartment in two minutes. Don't worry.

Clarke : Okay, I'm waiting for you in front of the principal door.

Murphy : Yep, I see you.

Murphy parked his car right in front of me. I went in the car, and we took the road to Santa Barbara's hospital. We had two hours till there. 

Murphy : You know what, we are going to play game.

Clarke : You're still a child Murphy, but okay. What game ?

Murphy : 20 questions !! Come on you start.

Clarke : Okay, so... When are you gonna propose Emori ?

Murphy : Well we just moved back here, and compared to you I still need to work to have a good ring for her, we used a lot of money to come live back here. Now, why do you have the face that tell that you slept on the couch ?

Clarke : Well, because I did. Why the police, and not another job ?

Murphy : Back in New York, one night we where at the restaurant with Emori, and a two armed guys entered and wanted to rob the money. A little guy, he was 14 years old, jumped on one of the guys, he stopped him but the other was armed, he shot him in the chest in front of all of his family. It was his birthday. The guys with the gun was going to shot his mother, because she was crying and yelling over her son. I beat the shit out of this guys. And then, went to Lucas and apply pressure on his wound. When the cops and the paramedics arrived, the shooter was covered in blood on the floor. The mother of this child, she told me to come to the hospital where her son was and since then I knew that I would not let anybody get the same fate that Lucas did. I knew that I would do anything to become a cop. So I signed up for the police school two months later, and end up one of the best recruit of that year. 

Clarke : Are you still in contact with Lucas and his mother ?

Murphy : Yeah, Anna and I still talk. She invited Emori and I to Lucas' brother birthday, I know almost all of her family. After the incident they consider me like family. 

Clarke : It's a beautiful story.

Murphy : Yeah, I think it's enough for the questions, how about a little music ?

Clarke : I'm the DJ.

Murphy : I know I'm not gonna regret it.

Clarke : With me... Never.

After an hour and a half, we arrived at the hospital. It was 6:50 a.m. and the doctor came toward us, grated us and presented herself.

Doctor : Hello miss Griffin, I'm doctor Alice Wilson. Come on we are going to my office.

Clarke : Hello doctor, I'm Clarke Griffin and this is John Murphy.

Alice : You are the men who called me ?

Murphy : Yeah. The state of my friend over here is worrying me.

Alice : Okay so we are going to do some tests but first, I will need to know your symptoms.

Clarke :  Since I was shot, two months ago, I start feeling dizzy when I'm stressed, but yesterday was worse, I needed to talk to the police about the incident, and I start shaking, sweating, and feeling dizzy, then I fainted. Murphy was there that's why he called you for an appointment. And at night I had a fight with my girlfriend when I went to the bathroom, I felt a huge pain in my chest. I think I know what the problem is, but if that's problem I don't know if I can live with it again.

Alice : What do you mean again miss Griffin ? Has something like this already happened to you ?

Clarke : Uh... Yeah, when I was seven years old.

Alice : Can you tell me what happened back there ?

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