Chapter ten

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Lexa's Pov :

It's been one hour since Clarke left for the police station, and Octavia is going to pick me up any time now. She said that she wanted to buy a very important thing and that she needed my help to choose it. I personally think that she is going to propose Raven, but with O' we never know. She maybe just needs a dress for tonight.

Someone was knocking at the door. I get off of the couch and open the door the a very nervous Octavia.

Octavia : We need to go, or we will not have time to pick everything...

Lexa : Well, hello to you too, it's nice to see you again. And thank you I'm fine.

Octavia : Sorry, Lex, I'm like really stressed right now. 

Lexa : I'm messing with you. Now why on earth are you this stressed ? The last time I saw you like this is when you asked Raven to be your girlfriend. So unless you're going to ask her to marry you, you should calm down.

Octavia : I'm going to propose Raven to be my wife, Lexa.

Lexa : Fucking shit now I own 50$ to Clarke.

Octavia : Did you put a bet on when we where going to marry ?

Lexa : Of course we did. And Clarke bet that you where going to propose her in the 3 months. I bet one next year, look like she was right. Does she know ?

Octavia : Only you and Abby, because I kinda ask her if I could marry Raven, she is like a third daughter to her.

Lexa : You know that Clarke is going to be pissed at me, because I knew before her.

Octavia : Don't matter, now we need to go and buy a ring for my future wife.

Lexa : Okay then, let's go. We're going to take my car.


We arrived at Tiffany in 10 minutes, and Octavia was really stressed. We went in and a woman came toward us.

Woman : Welcome to Tiffany, do you need anything ?

Lexa : Hello, we are looking for an engagement ring.

Woman : Okay, so who of the two of you is going to propose ?

Octavia : It's me.

Woman : Good, come with me, I'm going to show you three rings after you describe me your future wife. Okay ?

Octavia : Yeah perfect. So Raven is my girlfriend and my best friend. She is absolutely perfect. I'm going to propose her tonight before the opening of our restaurant. She would want a big ring because she would like to show to everybody that she is married. In her free time she always uses to make things, she is a mechanic too so something big but not to big. Before she wanted to be at the NASA, but when she learns that she will not be at home with me and had her accident, she abandoned the project and decided to open a restaurant with me. She is the type of person who will abandon everything for the persons she loves. She is my only family, and the person I love the most on earth. She is the most beautiful and intelligent person I know. So yeah, This is Raven, the person I want to marry ans spend the rest of my life with.

Woman : You clearly love her. I can see it when you talk about her. I think I might have the perfect. So I'm going to show you three ring and you can tell me the one you prefer, we will see if it's the one I was thinking about.

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