Chapter forty-six

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Clarke's Pov : 

I woke up coughing, and I was enable to breath correctly. It rapidly alarmed Lexa and she woke up too. I wanted to talk but nothing came out of my mouth, so I pointed at the kitchen and she immediately understood and went there to get me a glass of water. I stand up and went toward the bathroom still trying to breath normally, but I wasn't achieving it. I arrived in the bathroom and splashed water on my face, I even spit out some blood in the sink but quickly washed it way as Lexa arrived behind me, I felt her rubbing my back, trying to help me calm down. After what seemed like hours I finally calmed down.

Lexa : Babe, we need to go back home, if something came to happen here, we are not prepared.

Clarke : But I don't want to ruin our honeymoon...

Lexa : Clarke, we already spent 12 days here, in which we spent the best time of our life. This is for your own good, now go lay in the bed I will deal with the rest.

Clarke : I love you Lexa.

Lexa : I love you too baby.

I went in the bed with a gigantic pain in my chest and my head was spinning. This could not be something good for sure.

Lexa's Pov : 

Clarke went back in bed and I went outside the house to make a call, we needed to fly back as soon as possible, Clarke's state was worrying me and it was not something good. I pulled out my phone and called Kane.


Kane : Hey, is everything okay Lexa ?

Lexa : Hey, Kane, I need to ask you something, can you please bring the jet here, we need to come back as soon as possible ?

Kane : The pilot is on his way, he should be there by morning for you. Is everything alright ?

Lexa : I don't think so... Can you put Abby on the phone please ? I need to ask her something.

Kane : You are worrying me Lexa, but yeah sure I will put her on the phone.

 Abby : Lexa, are you okay, is Clarke okay ? Why are you calling it's 1 a.m. in Hawaii ?

Lexa : Abby, I think Clarke is collapsing sooner than we thought. She woke up and couldn't breathe at all she is better now but I'm scared Abby, I asked Kane to fly the jet over here.

Abby : Lex, I need you to breath for me right now, Clarke is not doing good, so you have to be strong for her for a while until she can she herself again. Now is she having pain in her chest, I need you to ask her please.

Lexa : I'm going to ask her.

Lexa : Clarke is your chest hurting you ?

Clarke : Like hell...

Lexa : Abby, her chest hurt, what does that mean ?

Abby : She needs to get here right now, I will let Alice know and she will prepare her a bed at the clinic, she needs to be under the watch of the doctors.

Lexa : I will prepare everything and head to the airport a soon as everything is ready and we will wait for plane there.

Abby : Okay, I will let you do this, call me right away if something happen or if she is getting worse.

Lexa : I will, bye Abby.

***End of the call***

I rushed inside the house packing every belonging I could find in the suitcases and bags we had brought. Once everything was packed and by the door, I went to the room and found Clarke asleep on the bed, so I decided to bring her bridal style to the car so she could continue to sleep. The driver asked me where we were going at that hour of the night and I just let him know that we were going back to the airport.

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