Chapter forty-eight

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Clarke's Pov :

Well this was not a good thing I suppose... Alice was looking at me like something really bad just happened, guest something happened since Octavia was crying next to the couch.

Clarke : Can someone explain to me what the hell just happened !!

Alice : Well your heart stopped for a whole minute before we succeeded in bringing you back among us.

Clarke : Fuck... I- I.... A whole minute ?? But why- why ???

At this point I was a crying mess and nothing was going right in my head. I just wanted a hug from my best friend and nothing else, Octavia understood and came toward me hugging me. Raven arrived in the room and saw her wife crying next to me and Alice was in the room with the defibrillator in her hand. She dropped the food on the ground and ran toward us hugging me and crying a little. She had immediately understood what had happened when she was gone and knew that nothing was going to get better if I didn't have a surgery.

Raven : Alice, please tell me you got something for her, tell me you have a donor of someone who might be in a complicated situation ??

Alice : We have no one Raven, Abby is searching the rest of the country while I search in California but no one seems to find a matching donor for Clarke.

At that moment I had just one question in my mind and Alice was the only one capable of giving me a proper answer.

Clarke : Jus- just how much time do I have left ?

Alice : With how frequent your crisis are and the state of your heart I wouldn't more than 5 weeks...

Clarke : I- can someone call Lexa please, I need to see her ? And maybe my mom and Madi too...

Alice : I will call all of them just stay in bed and rest.

Alice left the room and I broke down in my best friends arms not being able to contain my emotions longer. All of this was so fucked up and nobody was going to get out of this without suffering. I just laid there until I heard someone shooting my name, when I looked up, Lexa was there with tears in her eyes, Octavia and Raven get out of the bed and Lexa rushed to my side hugging me and lying next to me crying too.

Lexa : I shouldn't have left, I'm so sorry baby...

Clarke : I wanted you to go, don't say anything it would have happened even with you by my side.

Lexa : What happened ?

Octavia : We were talking and her chest started hurting so Alice came and her vitals started picking up and she stopped breathing Alice brought her back after a minute without any pulse.

Raven : I arrived when she jolted up. Alice said that there wasn't any donors anywhere. Nobody is compatible.

Lexa : Where is Alice I need to talk to her ?

Raven : In her office I suppose she needed to call Madi and Abby too.

Lexa left my side kissing me and left the room to go see Alice, for what ? I had absolutely no idea...

Lexa's Pov :

I needed to talk to Alice about everything and find something to help Clarke survive this. I went to her office and knocked at her door after some seconds she came and opened the door letting me in.

Alice : Hey-

Lexa : Do the tests on me and see if my heart is compatible with Clarke's.

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