Chapter thirty-nine

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Clarke's Pov : 

The wedding of the girls was two days ago and now we are choosing our outfits for my wedding. Kane, Raven, Murphy, Lincoln and Aden were here with me to choose my suit, and I was stressed as fuck.

I understood the feeling Raven had the day she had to choose her dress now. What if Lexa didn't like the dress ? Wait no, I couldn't think like that or I would drive myself crazy, I breath and got out of the dressing room to see Raven and the others with a glass of champagne in their hand, when I got out, Raven directly said no.

Raven : Nop, not this one, it's way to much.

Kane : I agree with Raven on this one, how much suits do you have to try on ?

This suit was the one of the eight suits I had already tried on. And all of this was starting to tire me out.

Clarke : I only have one more.

Lincoln : Well, let's hope it's the one then.

Murphy : Then what are you still doing here Clarkie, go try the suit.

Clarke : Geez calm down cockroach.

I went back inside and put the other suit on, this had a white shirt, vest and pants along with a black tie, a black and white handkerchief and black shoes. I put everything on and get back outside. Raven started to cry and Aden came toward me hugging me.

Clarke : Should I take that as this is the suit for your wedding Clarke ??

Kane : You look beautiful Clarke, this one is perfect for you.

Aden : My sister is going to be a mess when she sees you.

Clarke : Well I hope so Aden. So this is the one are you sure ?

All : Sure !!

Clarke : Okay good, now I'm gonna get changed in my normal clothes and Murphy, Kane and Aden, go choose something for you.

I entered in the changing room again but I was still talking to Raven.

Raven : Why am I not choosing something ?

Clarke : You are not choosing anything because, you, Octavia and Madi are going to have the same dress so we need to go get the other girls after this, to choose the perfect dress.

Raven : Okay. So are you going to do the traditional vows or are you two making up some ?

Clarke : We wanted to be able to express our feelings for each other in front of our family. So yes we are make up some.

Raven : Cool, so are Gustus and Anya coming or they still on their business trip ?

Clarke : Well, actually they were never on a business trip. Anya wanted Lexa to break up with me because of my heart problem, they had like a really big fight. Then they came home and wanted to have Aden back but we didn't let them. Gustus will be here but not Anya, I don't think I will ever see her again.

Raven : Well, that's a shitty situation, but why didn't the two of you just told us about that ?

I had finish putting on my casual clothes so I got out and went toward one of the worker to give them the suit I wanted and went back to Raven and continued my conversation with her. 

Clarke : Don't really know... But anyway let see what the boys have because there is no way they are coming to my wedding with spongebob suits, and Murphy could totally do it.

Raven : Aden would follow him in this for sure. Let's go !!

We went to the other side of the shop where all the suits were exposed, but to our surprise nobody was there, so we decided to ask one of the workers and they simply told us that the three of them were getting the mensuration taken for some custom suits. So we went to the other room and we found Aden, Murphy, Lincoln and Kane choosing there style for the suits, like the colors of all the pieces, the material of it and choosing some shoes to go with.

Clarke : We let you go for five minutes and you are already breaking my bank account !!

Murphy : Well you are the one who told us to choose what we wanted and that you were going to pay for it.

Lincoln : I could pay for it, but you have way more money to waste.

Kane : And don't worry you banks accounts are pretty full, and even if it's a problem did you forget that I'm the CEO of Mercedes-Benz and that I have more money than I could ever use ?

Raven : You got the point, but anyway are you all finished, because us girls still need to go get my dress ?

Aden : Don't be this impatient Rav', being beautiful take time.

Murphy : She doesn't know how it feel to be beautiful Aden, don't make her dream.

Clarke : Even with your custom suit, the dresses Lexa and I choose for them is way better and you are all going to be on your knees, but not you Aden because I don't want you to fuck my sister yet please.

When I said it, Aden because all red and was embarrassed as fuck... Did it mean that they had...

Clarke : Oh my god... Please tell me you two didn't ??? She is my little sister Aden, and she is 16 !!

Aden : I-I

Raven & Murphy : He totally fucked her !!!

Kane : I don't want to know about it, I'm going to wait for you all in the car.

He left and Raven, Lincoln and Murphy followed him not wanting to see me with Aden right now.

Aden : Are you mad at us or just shocked ?

Clarke : Honestly, I don't really care as long as you were both consentant and you used protection, I mean I don't want to be aunt before a mother, and with my health I don't think I want to see my sister pregnant but not have a chance to meet my niece. 

Aden : Niece ?

Clarke : Yeah you two are going to have a girl, but don't change the subject are these two condition respected or not ?

Aden : Of course you know I could never do something without her consent, you know I love her, we may have not said it but I truly love her and one day you will be here with me to choose a suit for our wedding too.

Clarke : Hey way too soon for a wedding !

Aden : Clarke, you and my sister are getting married at 22 years old, you are both really young.

Clarke : But I have an excuse, I'm dying !!

Aden : You would have still married her of you were not sick.

Clarke : Yeah but all of this would have been prepared way much better like a year before. Because in a week and a half your sister will become my wife. Fuck she is really becoming my wife !!!

Aden : Yeah she is now let's go see this wife of yours.

We went to the cars and went in direction of shop where the others were waiting for us to arrive and to choose the perfect dress for my bridesmaids

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