Chapter nine

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Clarke's Pov :

The police officer leads me to the office of the inspector David Miller. My mom and his wife used to know each other before she died. After this Nathan and David were often at our house. I gave him a kick hug, and sit in the other chair.

David : Hello Clarke, it's good to see you. It's been a lot of time and not the better circumstances to see each other again.

Clarke : I can't disagree with you, and it's good to see you too, David.

David : Okay, so you need to talk to me about every single thing that happened with Finn.

Clarke : Okay, five years ago we started dating, at first he was gentle but after four months he starts becoming abusive because I didn't want to pass to the next step of our relationship. Three years and two months ago, one night, I wanted to brake up with him but he was furious, he sends me to the hospital, and shot my friend Raven in the back, sending her to the hospital too. That night the cops get him, but when they were taking him he said that he will get his revenge on me... Well, this son of a bitch keeps his promise.

I wasn't felling really good so I asked for a cup of water.

David : Take your time Clarke I know it's hard talking about things like that.

Clarke : Thank you.

Clarke : So one day I was with Octavia, Raven and Lexa. We were having a sleepover at Lexa's house, and we saw in the news that Finn had escaped prison. We decided it was better if we stayed at my mom's house for our safety. Lexa called her parents and we stayed their waiting for the police to find Finn. But it didn't go that way...

My hands started shaking, but I couldn't be weak I needed to stay strong and finish my story.

Clarke : After three days at the house, around 11 p.m., I got a call... from Finn... He threatened my family and said that he will explode the house, if I didn't g to the tree house, me and my dad build years ago... I didn't want my family to get hurt because of me so went to my step-dad's office and take the gun he hides in it. I needed a distraction, or else I couldn't go out without being seen by someone, so I told the guard who was in the kitchen to go see my mother. After that I wrote a note to Lexa, my girlfriend saying exactly " I did it to protect you all, he said he will kill you, don't try to find me, I have to, just remember us two yesterday in the woods, I love you Lexa, I love you all. May we meet again."...

At this point, I was crying and had difficulty breathing.

David : Hey... Hey, Clarke calms down breath, do you want to take a break ?

Clarke : I'm not sure it will be better after so we better finish this now.

Clarke : I opened the window of the kitchen and ran to the tree house as fast as could... When I arrived, he-he was there in the chair waiting for me to arrive... He starts yelling at me and punching me, telling me that I was a bitch and that he will have to teach me a lesson... The next thing I see, is him taking a knife out of his pocket and plunge it in my leg... I passed out because of the pain...

My whole body started to shake, and I couldn't control my tears anymore, I was starting to have a massive headache and I couldn't breath. But I needed to continue.

Clarke : I woke up because Finn was pressing on the hole of the knife in my thigh ... He starts punching me again... Then he called Lexa... I don't even know how he got her number...

David : I think we know this, apparently Finn was in contact with a woman called Costia Pine. Apparently she knows Lexa.

Clarke : I don't know her... I-I have no idea of who she is...

David : Hey Clarke, calm down please... We will find who she is, I promise. Now breath. Do you want to continue ?

Clarke : Then he hangs up the phone and told me that my dad Jake was the reason his dad died... Apparently his dad was the other person who died this night. He blamed me for his death... After that he pulls a gun out of his pocket, but I take mine too... I shot him twice but before the second bullet hit him, he had already pulled the trigger and shot me in the stomach...  

I started don't feeling good.

Clarke : David... I don't feel good... I-I...

After that I only saw black.

Murphy's Pov : 

I just finished my talk with the captain and they accepted my transfer. But I heard someone calling for help... It was the office where Clarke enter early. I ran to the inspector Miller and saw Clarke laying on the floor unconscious.

Murphy : Hey what happened !!?

David : She just fainted...

Murphy : Clarke, hey wake up please.

She opened her eyes and asked for water.

Clarke : What are you doing here and why am I on the floor in the middle of the inspector's office  ? 

David : Clarke... You just fainted. You need to see a doctor it's not normal.

Clarke : Yeah, but not know I need to go home and get prepared for tonight. I'll  see you tonight Murphy. Thank you inspector, hope I helped you. And for the both of you, could you please don't talk to anyone about the all fainting thing ? I don't want anyone to worry about me more than they already do.

Murphy & David : Yes no problem.

She ran out of the door. But I stop her.

Murphy : Clarke, wait !!! You need to promise me something if you don't want me to warn the others...

Clarke : Yeah of course...

Murphy : Clarke, you need to promise me that you will go see a doctor. I'm worried about you... Last time something like this happen...

Clarke : I know what happened last time Murphy, okay... I will go to the doctor tomorrow... But can I ask you something ?

Murphy : I'm listening.

Clarke : Could you please come with me, I'm afraid of what they will tell me.

Murphy : Of course, I'm coming with you, just send me your address and I'll pick you up.

Clarke : Thank you Murphy. See you tonight.

Murphy : Bye Clarkie.

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