Just Fine / Twenty - Nine

Start from the beginning


A small, innocent smile appear on my lips as I softly flatten the fabric that is connecting the sleeves of her robes to her shoulder and putting a strand of her straight black hair behind her hair as I lean in.

"Stay away from things that aren't yours."

I turn away from her to go back to my table, but before I can even walk to the table where my books at, this bitch has the audacity to say this.


I froze in my spot as students, who were listening into our conversation gasps. I couldn't feel anything than anger.


One of my hands folds into a fist by itself in anger while the other grabs my wand from inside my robes as my hair turns bright red.

"Say that again?" my legs instantly took me right up to her. 

She's the best height for me to cower over.

"Say that again?! I dare ya." I say again but more loudly this time while putting my wand under her chin, lifting her face up to look at me.

"A whore." she chokes out through gritted teeth, whimpering under my eyes.


I pull her by the hair with force, pulling her out of the library while she fights back but her punches and slaps were so weak, I didn't felt a thing. Some other students stare at me in shock while some tries to help, but stopped themselves when I glared at them and won't dare to do anything more, until another girl came from around the corner when we came out of the library.

"Let her go!" 

I turn around to see a girl with ginger hair, dressed in the same robes as the girl in my hand. While the short girl in my tight grip who's now currently fighting her best out of it, tries screaming her lungs out but not a single note came out of her mouth.

Oh, great. Might be her friend.

"Her?" I chuckle, "Well, take it." I grunt.

I tighten the grip on her hair as I threw the small girl with strength as if she was just a thin, light book at her friend which instantly knocked her off her feet when the girl hits her and both of them hit against a wall behind them.

"Say dumb shit like that again or try to spread lies, I will fucking come for both of you! You hear me?" I yell while they both curled in a corner, accompanied by other students, "Now go on before I break skin."

My eyes follow the two girls as my chest rise and fall with rapid breath, who immediately runs the other way across me, not one look back behind them.

"And wash your mouth out with soap!"

"Hela, what happened? Your wound is bleeding again." Marie finally broke the silence in the hall, taking my attention to her as she comes out of the library to me, with Cedric from behind but he was not the only one with her. 

Pansy, Daphne, Draco, Theo and Blaise were also coming out the library in a line of a train  with other students, all looking at me shock and confused. Students who were in the hall walking past has all stopped in their tracks with my yelling and were now staring at me.

"Cho is what happened." I breathe out as I wipe the blood on my skirt,  "Do you know her?" I look at Marie but she unsurely nods, "Do you know who Cho Chang is?" I now turn to Cedric who shrugs but finally softly nods.

"Yeah, I do." he exhales, scratching the back of his head, "She fancies me since fourth year but at that time Marie and I already got together." he shrugs uncomfortably, "I have to ignore her all these days and I had been ever since." he sighs as he walks behind Marie while his eyes are wandering around his surrounding to the students who now went back to mind their own business. "I never wanted to, but she got absolutely annoying to the point that she won't leave me alone when I go to the loo. She would make comments on Marie ever since we started dating-" 

He stops as soon as we hear footsteps running along our way. I look over to see that the teachers came running with the same Ravenclaw girl who was with the gingered hair girl when I took a glance behind her when I came out of the library. 

"We can talk about this later, not here." I wave him off.

He straighten his back up and nods.

"What happened here, Mr. Diggory?" McGonagall asks, a hand over her chest as she looks around the hall.

"Nothing, Professor." I cut him off before he can answer, "A girl was speaking too loudly near our table in the library so I have to take her out before she starts to disturb other students." I lie with a straight face as I adjust the collar of my under shirt, "I apologize for causing a scene."

"No, Professor, she's not telling the tr-"

I look at her and she immediately put a hand onto her mouth as if she's trying to stop herself from spilling more words, but that's not quite what she was trying to do.

"Are you alright, Ms. Turnip?" McGonagall looks over to the girl with confusion and concern, who was gagging and inhaling at the same time, "Ms. Tur-"

She gagged once more before liquid comes out from the gap of fingers but she instantly removed her hand and spew out huge amount of mushed up, green slimy liquid from her mouth.


Everyone yelped and run backwards from her including me but immediately using a protecting spell so the puke won't hit back from the ground to us.

"Oh, take Ms. Turnip to the infirmary right away, Flitch." McGonagall hurries him and cleans the underneath of her robes and the puke on the ground with spells, "Go back to what you have been doing, everyone." she sighs as she follows Flitch from behind. 

"Bloody hell, is she okay?" Blaise walks from the group to me as he looks at the spot where that Turnip girl threw up.

"Oh," I smile, "She will be just fine."


remember, she can read minds.

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