This Feels Like Home / Twenty - Three

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The ball is in three days and I was more nervous and excited to see the dress my mom will make for me. 

Vincent and Greggory have already left home for Christmas, saying that the ball was a stupid idea to be even holding in the first place.

Just because they want to be with their mommies for the holidays.

Draco has already asked me out for the ball which makes me more nervous about how he will react when he sees me with it.

As me and the group went to Hogsmeade as it was Saturday and the group has to pick up their dress robes and dresses today, except for me and Draco. 

Draco's mother sent him his dress robes just yesterday and it was all black as Blaise told me. 

Yes, all black. 

I thought that he asked my dress color so we can match but no, I was wrong.

I should've seen it coming.

"Hela, you good?" Theo snaps his fingers in front of my face. I blink my eyes a couple of times while he chuckles.

We were all standing out the dress shop for some people to get out since it was too crowded inside and Pansy didn't like it.

"Yeah, I'm alright, just zoned out a bit" I smile as my hair turns orange, tucking a strand behind my ear.

"Well you have been doing that.. a lot these days." he pats my back, chuckling as he swings his arms around my shoulder, "You sure you alright?" he raises an eyebrow in worry.

"Yes, I'm alright" I chuckle, nodding, "Just stressed out with exams" I smile reassuringly as I sigh, crushing the snow that is below my feet to the ground.

"Well then." he clears his throat, "Please.. umm.. help Daphne find the-.. umm.. perfect dress." he whispers hesitatingly, scratching his neck, red in the face as I laugh lightly, "I mean everything she wears is perfe-"

"Well she already found it, lover boy." I shush him before he starts to rumble about her, nudging him in the ribs as his face becomes redder. "Well then," I mimic him, "I'll be going." I smile at him before I walk to the dress store, hand in hand with Daphne and Pansy.

As soon as we walk into the store, both of them run to get their dresses which I know they're going to re-choose them again. I giggle, shaking my head to their behavior until I remember that I have to get the necklace.

I immediately run to the jewelry isle to get the necklace cause the staffs were too busy with everyone coming in and out of the store and buying last minutes things.

But when I got there, it was gone. 


I run up to the girl who promised me to keep it for me but I couldn't find her anywhere so I ask other staffs who were working there.

"I'm sorry but someone anonymously bought it two days ago, dear." one of them explains sympathetically, "They said it was for someone special." he smiles, with an apologetic expression.

"Oh." I sigh, "The lady with the silver hair who worked here when I was here, two weeks ago, said she will hold it off for me so.." my voice sounding gloomy, "And I assume that she's not here today?" 

"Oh, you mean Lilith! Yeah, she doesn't work this week since she went back home for Christmas."

He turns away as a girl and a boy came to pay for their things. I turn around with disappointment and sit while I wait for the others to be done. 

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