"Okay so do we know who I'm going to be doing this to?" I ask.

"No that's the part that we will figure out for you from the description we will be given, once we do we will point you in his direction through our earpieces and you will go from there." He says.

"Okay so when I approach him should I flirt with him right away or make small talk first?" I question.

"Flirt first. If you flirt with him then he will know you're interested and we can get the key card faster but if you make small talk then he would think nothing of it. Need I remind you he's not exactly a stupid guy, except when he's horny which is almost every guy out there. They become submissive if you give them what they want."

"Alright, go up to him and start flirting, easy. Once he shows he's interested too, then what?"

He grabs my hand and puts it on his bicep, "You'll want to put your hand on him somewhere like this, on his arm or some shit to make it more obvious too and that's when you'll get your cue that he's into it. Once he is, offer him a drink which he will most likely take and that's when you make the small talk. Anything he asks you about, just lie. After that you're gonna want to start saying things about how good he looks or something, I-I don't know but it will come to you once you're there. When you get to the part where you're gonna have to kiss him that's when you will start feeling around him for the key card since he will be distracted, you'll grab it, hide it and make an excuse to walk away. Then you will let us know when you have it through the earpiece and we go from there." He explains all of this while I just intently listen.

"Okay, we will probably tell you all of this again but we will go over more of the plan the day of but do you get it so far?" He asks.

I nod, "Yeah I got it all."

With my right hand still on his arm, we both glance at it and I take it off.

The guys are still gathered around behind us just listening to what Harry said, besides Louis, so I look at them, "Got anything to add?" I ask.

They all shake their head except Zayn speaks up, "If at any point you feel uncomfortable then just let us know, I'm serious this shit can get kind of scary especially for your first time."

"Thank you Zayn, but I can only assume you know nothing about what it's like to be put in the situation to seduce a man so I'm kind of in this part alone. But thanks for your concern." I speak up while walking away to put on my hoodie. I seriously appreciate where he's coming from but I'm in this shit because of them so thanking them just sounds weird. But, they don't need to know how I exactly feel.

"Since we're done for the day I'm gonna head out just let me know when you need me next." I announce, grab my bag and start heading up the stairs.

"Bye Lilah, take care of yourself." Niall shouts as I'm halfway up.

As I get up the stairs and walk into the main part of the club I see Louis behind the bar making himself a drink.

"Uh hey, are you okay?" I ask him, struggling to pull my bag over my shoulder

He turns around to face me and shrugs, "I'm fine, why?"

"Forget it. Thanks for the help, I'll see you guys later." I give a fake smile which he nods at and I walk out.

When I finally get to my car, I break. I'm gasping for air, and not seeming to find it I start punching my steering wheel but when I feel a sharp pain in my hand I shoot it back. It starts bleeding and since I punched my damn mirror last night I most likely opened up the wound again "Damnit!" I shout. Why the fuck has everything in my life gone to shit? Where did I go wrong?

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