Chapter 15

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"Son? Jaehyun are you there?" A female voice on the other side of the door said.

Jungwoo backed away from Jaehyun with widen eyes. He was scared and didn't know what to do. Jaehyun noticed his reaction and tried to hold Jungwoo's hands, "Hey, it's gonna be okay" he tried to comfort him.

Jungwoo shook his head, "No, no you don't know that. I'm not supposed to be here. She can't see me"

Jaehyun tilt his head in confusion. He didn't know what Jungwoo meant by his words. Another knock was heard, "Hold on a sec, Mom"

At this point Jungwoo was panicking as he looked at Jaehyun walking towards the door. Jaehyun held the door knob and opened the door. Jungwoo took a deep breath before seeing the elder lady.

"Hey Jaehyun, what are you doing and with whom-" she stopped her sentenced as she saw Jungwoo standing near the table.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she walks towards Jungwoo with an unreadable expression. "Mom, please not again" Jaehyun said with a pleading voice.

"First of all Mrs. Jung, it's nice to see you again. It's been a very long time. And second, it was your son who invited me here" Jungwoo said and was shocked as to where his confidence came from.

Mrs. Jung and Jaehyun was stunned by Jungwoo's response. "Look Jungwoo, I'm not here to humiliate you again. I came here to apologize in person about my actions five years ago. I don't know what came up to me that day and I don't have a reason for that. I will accept it if you won't forgive me, I just wanted the best for my son." She said with tears in her eyes. Jungwoo looked down as he listened to the elders words.

"I found out few weeks later after you left that you donated or rather have back the money I gave you that day to the orphanage. I sincerely regretted my actions. I'm deeply sorry Jungwoo" she continued as she knelt down on her knees.

Jungwoo got shocked and went towards the elderly to help her stand up. "Don't do that Mrs. Jung. You don't need to apologize, I understand why you did that. Every mother would want the best for their son or daughter," he smiled at the elder. "It was probably the best for me to move away and it did me good somehow" he continued.

On the other hand, Jaehyun was speechless. He didn't know anything about why Jungwoo left. Learning now that his mother was the reason about the younger ones departure didn't make him mad but rather upset. Mrs. Jung looked at his son.

"Jaehyun, I'm very sorry. You don't deserve any of this, you both don't. I made you guys miserable for years and now you guys are here." she apologize and held Jaehyun's hand with her right and Jungwoo's hand with her left. She looked towards Jungwoo, "You're a good person Jungwoo, your mother raised you well, she must be proud of you" and turned towards her son and said, "and Jaehyun, I've always known that you've been visiting Jungwoo's mom every once in a while." she smiled.

Jaehyun scratched his nape while his mother continued talking, "I'm not jealous at all, I'm very proud of you. You truly love this young man. I hope you guys end up with each other. Don't worry about your dad Jaehyun, I've already talked to him about this"

"Thank you mom" Jaehyun said as he hugged his mom tightly. Mrs. Jung chuckled, "Sorry if I ruined your dinner, I'm gonna go now," she then broke off the hug and hug Jungwoo.

Jungwoo was shocked by her actions but eventually hugged her back. They both pulled away as the elder walk towards the door. "Enjoy!" She said before closing the door shut.

After she left, Jungwoo released a sigh of relief as he felt glad that both him and Jaehyun's mom cleared their issue. He noticed that someone was staring at him deeply and he looked at that person which is Jaehyun. They both keep the eye contact as Jaehyun came walking slowly to Jungwoo.

The younger one stood up straight as Jaehyun stood right in front of him. Jungwoo didn't flinch a bit as Jaehyun put his right hand on his right cheek while his other hand was slowly creeping up to his waist.

Jaehyun leaned in as Jungwoo closed his eyes until they both felt each other's lips on their own. Jungwoo puts his hands on Jaehyun's neck pulling him closer, closing the gaps between them. Jaehyun pulled away his hand that was on Jungwoo's cheek and put it on Jungwoo's waist.

They both felt euphoric in that moment as they devoured each other's lips. Jaehyun bit Jungwoo's lips asking for permission to enter which he opened his mouth in response. Jaehyun explored the younger ones mouth with his tongue until they both had to pull away in need for air.

Jungwoo leaned his head on Jaehyun's shoulder as he gasp for air. "I'm sorry for leaving you" he said in between his breaths. Jaehyun kissed his forehead and responded, "I don't care about that now. I'm happy as long as you're here".

"What about your wife?" Jungwoo asked out of curiosity as he pulled away from Jaehyun's embrace.

"She's...gone. She passed away after giving birth to our son" Jaehyun explained to Jungwoo.

"Oh, I'm so sorry about that. Are you okay?" Jungwo felt back for asking but he also needed to know if they wanted to pursue this relationship.

"I'm okay now. I have to be for our son" he showed his dimple smile to Jungwoo.

Jungwoo smiled back and asked, "Is your son that Woonjae you called earlier?"

"Yeah, he's very close to your mom too" Jaehyun laughed at his own statement.

"I'm really grateful you were there for my mom all these years Jaehyun. I felt bad for leaving her behind but I'm glad she had someone with her" Jungwoo said as he put his hands on Jaehyun's cheeks.

Jaehyun leaned against the younger ones hands and feel the warmth of it before responding, "You don't have to be thankful Woo, after all she is my soon to be mother-in-law"

Jungwoo choked on his saliva after hearing the older ones words. "M-mother-in-law?"

"What? You don't want to be my husband?" Jaehyun pulled away and smirked.

"No- I mean yes- wait- I mean isn't it too soon?" Jungwoo stuttered in confusion.

Jaehyun laughed at his reaction, "Babe, it's not like we're gonna get married tomorrow. I still need to ask for your moms permission"

Jungwoo nodded and changed the topic, "Let's eat! I'm hungry" Jaehyun laughed again and said, "We'll eat if you eat a full course meal"

Jungwoo looked at him with a 'wtf expression'. Jaehyun looked pleadingly at him. He sighed and agreed to the older ones request.

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