Chapter 10

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Author POV (Jaehyun's perspective)

Jaehyun woke up in the middle of the night. He found himself laying down on the bed with Hana beside him facing her back on him. He thought maybe Hana carried him to bed when he fell asleep. Jaehyun got out of the bed to freshen up.

He looked back at his phone before deciding to go visit Jungwoo at his house. It's 3 in the morning and Jaehyun was driving his Mercedes Benz to Jungwoo's house. It was still dark out. When he arrived all the lights were turned off and he figured Jungwoo must've been asleep.

He went to the door and texted Jungwoo multiple times but he wasn't replying. So he called him but he also wasn't answering. He didn't want to be rude but he really wants to talk to Jungwoo and make him explain the texts, so he rang the doorbell hoping Jungwoo or his mom would open. No one.

One of the neighbours across the street came up to Jaehyun asking him what's going on.

"Do you know where the owner of this house went? No one is answering so I figured they went somewhere else" Jaehyun curiously asked the middle-aged lady.

"Oh that kind gentleman, Jungwoo? He went to the airport. He told me just a few minutes before you arrived. His mom went to visit their hometown so no one is home at the moment," replied the lady.

Jaehyun at this point panicked at what the lady said.

Is Jungwoo leaving? Where is he going? Is he coming back?

All this questions went through Jaehyun's before thanking the lady for the information and headed back to his car. He starts the engines and follows Jungwoo to the airport. He's hoping he can still catch up to him before it's too late.

As soon as he arrived, he got out and ran towards the entrance. He looked around trying to find Jungwoo but there was no use, there was a lot of people inside, there's no way he's gonna find Jungwoo.

He walked around the airport hoping to find Jungwoo very soon but then there was an announcement for flight to Canada. He figured Jungwoo might be on this flight. He quickly ran towards the gate and found himself panting while looking for the younger one.

Jaehyun finds himself slowly walking pushing everybody out of the way ignoring their complains and called Jungwoo's name when he saw him walking inside the gate.


He didn't turn back. He stayed still.

Jaehyun pushed everybody trying to get to Jungwoo but the security guards got to him before he could get to Jungwoo.


Jaehyun POV

I was heartbroken after hearing what Jungwoo said. I went back to my car with a heavy heart. I sobbed inside the car ignoring the calls I was getting.

I can't believe it. He can't just say that out of nowhere. What if he meant it? Does he really not have feelings for me? Ugh I messed up. I shouldn't have brought Jungwoo to our restaurant.

I banged my head on the stirring wheel.I wiped my tears feeling annoyed because the phone keeps ringing. I looked at the ID caller and saw Hana calling. I answered the call.


Jae where are you?

I'm coming home Hana. Go back to sleep okay? I'll see you in the morning.

Okay, come back safely.


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