Chapter 6

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Jungwoo POV

I waited for Jaehyun to drove off before heading inside the house. Once he was out of my sight, I slowly walk to the door and got my keys from my pocket. I bet my mom is already asleep so I quietly went inside the house and into my room. I was trying to process everything that had happened earlier. My heart is beating so fast to the point where I'm almost hyperventilating. I'm trying to catch my breath and the minute I calmed down I opened my closet to find clean clothes to change to.

After I finished changing, I went inside the bathroom to brush my teeth, I look at myself in the mirror. Aside from what happened earlier, I remembered what I found out at the bar. I sighed at the thought and continued to brush my teeth. I went out of the bathroom as soon as I finished and head to my bed. I laid down and went to dreamland.

Jaehyun POV

As soon as I got home, I looked for Hana, letting her know that I've found someone special. She got happy for me and that we shouldn't continue the wedding if we both have someone we love. I told her that I'll let my mom know and she'll call her dad as well. I called my mom telling her that the wedding is not happening.

"What do you mean,son?" She ask worriedly. "Did something happened between you two?"

"No nothing happened mom, we both decided that the wedding shouldn't be happening if we both love someone else" I told her on the phone. "You guys said you'll respect our decision, that's our decision."

"Well we did say that but-" she said but I cut her off.

"She has a boyfriend mom, and I found someone special to me" I smiled just thinking about him.

"And who's that someone?" She asked curiously.

"Mom" I whined. "You'll meet them at the right time. Just tell dad about our decision" I couldn't tell her who yet. I wasn't ready at the moment. My mom is homophobic but my dad isn't so if I told her now, she won't tell anything to my dad about our decision and she'll force us to get married instead. I hung up the phone call, telling her bye.


I woke up with a light headache. I rubbed my eyes and pick up my phone to check the time. It's 10:00 am. I jolted out of the bed and went inside the bathroom to take a shower. Before I could enter I got a notification on my phone. Ding!


Hey woo, I'll pick you up in 15 minutes

Who's this?

lol sry abt that, it's me Jaehyun

Oh okay, cya then

I put down my phone and went to take a shower. I got out few minutes later and changed my clothes into some jeans and a grey hoodie since it's getting colder outside. I went out of my room telling my mom that I'm heading out and making sure that she should eat properly.

"Wait Jungwoo, I'll be visiting your grandma for a few weeks, are you gonna be okay alone?" my mom asked me. "Yeah mom, I'll be fine, you take care of yourself and tell grandma I'll visit her soon" I kissed her cheeks and gave her a hug before going out. Right when I got out of the house, I heard a honk. I looked at the car and saw Jaehyun at the driver seat.

I went towards his Tesla car and put the seatbelt on. "Hey, good morning!" I say to him. "Good morning woo, how was your sleep?" He asked as he starts the engine and drove off. "It was good just a little headache when I woke up this morning" He slightly chuckled at my statement. "What's funny" I look at him. He shook his head, "nothing, I just find it cute" I blushed, "what about you? How was your sleep" I asked him. "My sleep was amazing, thank you for asking" he smiled to the point where his dimples are showing. "cute" I mumbled to myself. "Thank you, you're cute too" he said still smiling innocently. I gasped at him mentally slapping myself. "W-what, I d-din't say you were c-cute" I stuttered, "I saw a cat on the street, that's whats cute" I continued as my voice faded away slowly. Jaehyun laugh, I look down embarrassed. "Don't worry woo, we'll keep it to ourselves" he winked and smirked. I covered my flushed face and he continued to laugh.

Author POV

The whole car ride was full of laughter, and then we arrived at the restaurant which looks like most rich people eat there. Jungwoo suddenly feel nervous as they got out of the car. "Woo, are you okay?" Jaehyun  asked which startled Jungwoo and hummed with a smile. "Woo, it's my treat, don't worry about anything okay? I'll be the one paying and my parents own this restaurant, we'll be fine" Jungwoo felt relieved as to what Jaehyun said and followed him inside.

"Hi sir Jaehyun, Welcome back! Please follow me" the waiter greeted Jaehyun and showed them the table which looks like for VIP people. The waiter handed them the menu and left to give them some space. Jungwoo was in awe of the inside of the restaurant. He looked around not noticing that Jaehyun was admiring him from his seat.

"Woo, close your mouth before a fly comes in" Jungwoo cover his mouth with his hand as he sat down on this seat.

"Sorry, it just, it looks beautiful in the inside too, I've never been to such place before" he said as he looked down at the menu, trying to avoid Jaehyun's eyes.

Jungwoo looked through the menu making his jaw dropped, he looked at Jaehyun who's already looking at him. He quickly covered his mouth making Jaehyun laugh at his cuteness.

"Are you sure about this Jae?" realizing what he just said, he looked at Jaehyun who's cheeks are slightly red. He look down again then heard Jaehyun chuckle.

"Jae? I like that nickname, please do call me that" he smirked but then continued, "and to answer your question, yes, I'm sure woo, why do you think I brought you here for?" He asked making Jungwoo shrug his shoulders.

"Jaehyun" they both look at the owner of the voice.

I'm sorry for everyone waiting. As you all know school is sadly back and I've been busy and for everyone who lives in Canada, y'all know how bipolar the weather is. I sadly caught a cold and I'm feeling better tho dw abt me. I'm writing two chapters as an apology. Again I'm sorry and I hope you like it.

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