Chapter 7

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"Jaehyun" they both look at the owner of the voice.

"Mom?" Jaehyun said in shock. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for a meeting with some friends with your dad" she said as she look at Jungwoo. "Who is he?" She pointed at Jungwoo with a look of disgust. Jungwoo looked down and back up to Jaehyun. Jaehyun's eyes was in panic, he didn't know what to do.

"Mom, he's a friend of mine, do you remember him mom, he works at our orphanage" he smiled looking at his mom then at Jungwoo, who faked a smile at both of them.

Well what did I expect, his boyfriend. It's better than nothing, plus he has a fiancé, this is only a friendly lunch. Jungwoo thought and faked a smile.

He looks at Jaehyun's mom, he stood up and said, "nice to see you again Mrs. Jung!" He held his hand out for a hand shake, but Mrs Jung casually ignors it and looks at Jaehyun. Jungwoo slightly got hurt by the gesture and take his back in and sat back down.

"Mom, don't be rude to my friend" Jaehyun tried to defend Jungwoo, feeling bad of how his mother treated Jungwoo. He looks at Jungwoo who's looking down at his hands.

"I'm sorry but I don't shake hands with low life people" she said nonchalantly, which shocked both Jungwoo and Jaehyun. Jungwoo suddenly stood up and excused himself and ran out of the restaurant. Mrs. Jung chuckles and said, "Come on Jaehyun, you're just wasting your time on him, you never know he might be a gold digger" Jaehyun had enough of his mothers attitude and lashed out on her.

"You know what mom, Jungwoo is the one that I was talking about last night. He's someone special to me and nothing will ever change that. Don't even think of him as a low life person. If you can't accept that just because we're rich then dont and expect me to marry Hana, because I never will. You understand that"

Mrs. Jung looks so shock as to what Jaehyun had just said to her. Even the people around the restaurant heard him and started whispering. Mrs. Jung couldn't believe it and tried to persuade Jaehyun to still marry Hana.

"JUNG JAEHYUN!" someone said angrily. They all look at the owner of the voice. It was his dad.

"Don't you ever dare raise your voice at your mother again. She has done nothing but care about your well-being. At this point you don't have a choice but to marry Hana. I've already talked to her dad and he agreed to wed you and Hana next week. End of discussion." Mr. Jung informed Jaehyun.

Jaehyun couldn't believe what he just heard. He ran out of the restaurant trying to find Jungwoo but he's long gone. He tried calling him but he wasn't answering. He tried calling his friend, Ten but he didn't know where he was. Jaehyun drove back to Jungwoo's house but no one was answering. At the end, he gave up and decided to give Jungwoo some space. As he got home, he saw Hana sitting down at the couch crying. He came up to her and asked her what was wrong.

"They're forcing us to marry each other. I mean, I like you Jaehyun but as a friend. I love my boyfriend more than anything." She said crying into Jaehyun's arms.

"I know Hana and I'm sorry. I also love someone and my mom met him this morning and she couldn't accept it just because he's not in our level but that doesn't matter to me. I lashed out on her and my dad got mad and that's how he made his decision. I'm sorry" he apologized as he comforted Hana.

"No Jaehyun. Don't be sorry for loving someone. It's not both of our fault. They've already planned all of this. We can divorce each other after six months can't we?" She said. "That's possible. My boyfriend already knows about this and he doesn't hold a grudge."

They pulled out of the hug. "That's possible. We can do that. I just need to explain this to Jungwoo." Jaehyun said, sighing as he laid his back against the couch.

"Who's Jungwoo?" Hana asked.

"Jungwoo holds a special part of my heart" Jaehyun smiled as he said that.

"Oooh someone's in love" Hana teased.

"I'm not in love. At least not yet. I'm not sure Hana, it's so complicated." Jaehyun replied, grabbing his hair in frustration.

"What's complicated? Jaehyun have you ever been in love before?" She asked.

"I did then I became a fckboy after that. She cheated on me Hana with my fcking enemy." Jaehyun sighed recalling those memories back in his high school days.

"Oh I'm sorry about that. You deserve someone better. And that someone might be this Jungwoo" she winked.

"Stop" they both laugh. "Maybe he his" he whispered in his breath.

They were both talking about each other's love life until they both heard Jaehyun's phone had a notification. Ding!


Who'd you guys think texted Jaehyun?

This is a short chapter but thank you for all your patience. I'll try updating more when I get better. Thank you for reading and loving this book:)

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