Chapter 1

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Author POV

It was a nice and sunny day in Seoul. Jungwoo had woken up early to go to work. He works at an orphanage close to his apartment. Jungwoo graduated from college a year ago. Ever since then, he applied at the orphanage he always visited after school.

Jungwoo had always loved kids, since he is an only child, he would play with any children he would encounter with. Now that he's working at an orphanage, he couldn't be any more happier.

Jungwoo works really hard to pay for his moms hospital bills. His mom recently went into a kidney transplant, but she's all good now. Jungwoo just needed to work to pay for the bills. His dad left them when he was a toddler so he didn't really have a father figure while growing up. Until now, he hasn't seen his father and he isn't planning to look for him anytime soon since he was also upset at him for leaving them behind.

Jungwoo finished his breakfast, he walk towards the kitchen and put the dishes in the sink. He washed the dishes before going outside. He slid on his shoes and went outside, he was greeted by the freshness of the air.

He took a deep breath and started walking towards his work. Few minutes later he arrived and was greeted by children running and giving a hug.

"Aigoo, good morning everyone!" He said, showing the children his beautiful and healing smile. "good morning Mr. Kim" all the kids said in unison. We all walked towards the classroom and sat down. "Are you all ready for today's activities?" He asked. "Yes Mr. Kim" the kids replied. "Okay shall we start then..."

Jaehyun POV

I woke up with the bright shiny sun reflecting on the windows. I rubbed both my eyes, I look around and realized I wasn't in my room. I notice I wasn't alone so I look beside me and there was a girl.

I slowly sat up, massaging my forehead since I have a mild headache. I started putting on my clothes before heading out the hotel room.

As I was heading towards my car, I heard my phone ringing. "Jaehyun-ah where are you? You're late for your meeting!" I heard my assistant/best friend, Johnny scolding me through the phone. I looked at the time. "Oh shit" I hang up the phone and started the car.

I headed straight to my company, luckily I have some spare suits in my office. I arrived few minutes later. I rushed towards my office and changed my suit like my life depends on it, which it does. This meeting is very important and I don't want to be the reason why we didn't get the deal. Plus I don't want to be a disappointment to my parents which I sort of am already but not completely confirmed.

After the meeting

The meeting only took about an hour before making the deal with our client. I'm very glad that we got the deal or else I'm doomed to my parents. Even though I'm the CEO of the company, my parents rely on me to continue their success.

"Yow dude, where were you last night?" Johnny asked as soon as he entered my office. I was about to respond but he cut me off. "Let me guess, another girl?" I nodded. He sighed, "seriously bro, when are you gonna stop? You've been doing this nonstop for the past 8 years" I look up to him and noticed his disappointment face.

Yes, I'm a CEO and a fuckboy, but I wasn't always like this. I was one of the popular student in high school, girls were head over heals for me not that I'm bragging but I was though. I used to date someone back in high school, I truly loved her, she was my everything to be honest. Until one day, I found out she was cheating on me with my enemy, I couldn't believe it at first so I confronted her and she said it was the truth. I was mad. I wasn't the type of person who punch someone because of anger but I controlled my anger. Weeks passed, I started sleeping with most girls in my school.

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