Chapter 11

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I heard my name being called coming from my house. I looked back to see my mom with her tears coming down her face. I smiled at her.


She came down running towards me as I opened my arms wide waiting for her hug but instead I got a smack on my arm.

"Ow mom"

I hear the Dreamies laughing behind us. I turned my head and glared jokingly at them. They just continued laughing. I turned my head back towards my mom.

"Mom why'd you do that for?"

"You dummy, of course I'm gonna smack you. You haven't come back home in 5 years, you left me" she said as she wipe her tears away. I hugged her right saying sorry all over again.

"Mom, I'm sorry for not visiting, I got busy with my work and I couldn't find time. I'm not even here for a vacation but for work." I pulled away from the hug and held her hands as I explained to her. She hugged me again and I chuckled.

"What even is your job and...who are these handsome kids?" she asked as she noticed the guys at the back.

We pulled away from the hug and I turned around to face the Dreamies while smiling.

"Mom these are my children. Guys introduce yourselves"

Author POV

"Hi Mrs. Kim, my name is Mark." said the green haired guy, bowing to the elder.

"Hello, my name is Renjun" bowed the two-toned hair guy.

"Hi my name is Jeno" bowing and showing his eye smile to the elder. The welder can't help but smile at his cuteness.

"Hi my name is Donghyuck but you can call me Haechan"

"Hello my name is Jeno" said the platinum blonde.

"Hyung, that's not your name" said the youngest.

"Ah sorry my name is Jaemin" scratching the back of his neck. Everyone laughed at his silliness.

"Nice to finally meet you Mrs. Kim, my name is Chenle" bowed the pink hair guy.

"Hello, my name is Jisung and I'm the maknae" he politely bowed and smiled at the elder.

"You guys are such adorable. Nice to meet you. Here come on inside. You guys must be tired from the long flight." Mrs. Kim showed them the way to the house.

The guys followed the elder inside the house while Jungwoo followed them from behind. Mrs. Kim each showed them their rooms, they had to share rooms since Jungwoo's house wasn't that big. Mark and Haechan in one room, Chenle and Jisung, Renjun, Jaemin and Jeno shares the biggest guest room at the end of the hallway.

They all got rest while Jungwoo's mom starts to cook for dinner. On the other hand, Jungwoo couldn't sleep at all, he was jet lag. He was thinking since his mom is here, there's no reason for him to go back to his hometown. After all, he has a fashion show coming up the day after tomorrow so he probably won't have time to pack.

Maybe I could take the Dreamies out tomorrow. I could show them around town, they haven't been home since they were a child. That is a good idea! Jungwoo thought.

It's 5pm in the afternoon and the Dreamies were still sleeping. Jungwoo decided to go downstairs as he smelled something really good. As he walk through the living, he notices some furnitures were changed and the tv was new. Jungwoo made a frown face and curiosity got him so he decides to ask his mom about this.

He walks through the kitchen and sees his mom cooking a lot of food.

"Mom don't you think that's a lot of food?"

"Son, this ain't too much. You haven't been home and you brought your friends home so I cooked some of your favourites. I haven't cooked this many in a long time so just let me be." she gave a smile to her son letting him know it's not a big deal.

"Okay mom. I got one question though" Jungwoo said as he sat on the stool in the counter.

"What is it?"

"I notice you got new furnitures, when did you change them?"

"Oh that, your friend Jaehyun comes in once every other week to check on me. He's been doing this for the past 5 years, he's a nice guy." she explained.

Jungwoo stopped eating the grapes that was in his hands after he heard his name. He couldn't believe that after all that happened, Jaehyun visits his mom. That made his heart melt but he hurt him. Jungwoo doesn't think he has the guts to face him anytime soon.

"Mom why did you accept them? I mean our couch was still fine and the tv was still working. He must've spent a lot" he said as he puts his hands on his face.

"I tried refusing but he insisted. He misses you a lot Woo. He explained everything to me and I don't know what made you do that woo but you better have a good explanation. When he comes, he always asked to go to your room and sleep there. I couldn't refuse so I let him." she replied as she puts the dishes on the dining table.

"H-he sleeps in my room?" He mumbled to himself.

"Go call the kids, it's time for dinner. Don't worry about it, everything is gonna be fine." She gave him a reassuring smile.

"Now go wake up the kids" she waved his hands to the direction out of the room.

Jungwoo stayed silent and walk quietly to wake the kids up. He enters each room and wake them up with his calm voice. Chenle and Jisung were already up and playing games on their Nintendo switch, while their hyungs were sleeping soundly in the other room.

They all went downstairs and sat down around the table. Jungwoo explained to everyone that they will be going out tomorrow and show them around town. Everyone seemed excited, while his mom just laughed at their cuteness.

She was glad that her son met some good people while he was out of the country. At first she was worried about his decision but at the end all her worries were washed away after finding his son was now one of the top male models around the world. She is very proud of him. One thing she didn't tell Jungwoo was that, tomorrow was the day that Jaehyun will be visiting, so she wonders how he will react about it.


Hello everyone, I'm sorry for the delay update. School has been working me out and since semester is coming to an end there's a lot of assignment to work on.

I'll try to update once or twice a week. I can't promise tho but I'll try. Thank you for your patience.

Feel free to comment anything:)

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