She opens the window and as the cool air touches her face... She feels relieved and opens the letter

Dear Julie,

I came there, saw you too...  You were looking beautiful, but then that man told you the reality of that house and my plan flopped. Come back to me, we can be back together as we were 11 years ago. 
If you won't come back I will kill ur cutie pie and I will suicide. I will leak a letter revealing are long back relationship. You know I would have killed you but you followed my instructions so I am leaving your love.


Oh no, threat again. I am done with this. I have to tell Salvatore now about this, Julie stood up.

You can do it Julie! You can do it,  Julie takes a deep breath and opens the second letter  .

Dear Julie,
I am sorry, I know i have sended a letter way to early,  but she was missing you a lot, and she wants to know how you cook,  and your best thing is that u make delicious cookies, so can you make it for her and send it the same place by Wednesday. Please.


What?  What the hell? Is Peter playing a game, bullshit. I have to talk to Salvatore about it , Julie exits her room.

Salvatore's room.

Salvatore is staring at Szazy's picture and Julie enters.

Salvatore may I come in?  Julie asked.

Of course why not?  Salvatore says and quickly hides the picture under the cushions placed on the couch.

I... I don't know from where to start. But before I say something I know it's very late so.... I am sorry.. I should have told you everything first when it all started..

What are you talking about? Explain it properly, I am confused, Salvatore asked being completely clueless.

Ya......  OK like few days back .....Pet.... Peter sended a letter... Like I know you don't know.... I and Peter send letters to each other twice a month. I am sorry for that, Julie nervously said.

Peter, that motherfucker.... U still...i don't know Julie what to say, that's really not done, you should have told me atleast.  I.... I don't know what to say, Salvatore kicked the football kept in his room.

I know, it's my fault, I am sorry, Julie started crying.

Sorry doesn't help here, Salvatore shouted.

He is trying to... Salvatore stops Julie from completing her sentence.

What the hell he did?  Salvatore rolls his eyes.

He is... He is trying to threaten me, he is trying to ruin me, he has sended a few letters of threats, Julie hands over the letters to Salvatore and continued crying.

Salvatore read all the letters, after finishing reading the letters he rolls the letters and throws them in the dustbin.

This is bullshit, why Julie why u didn't tell me?  I need an answer Julie, answer me,  Salvatore shook Julie.

I thought I could handle everything, but I am unable to... I went there to House no 45, he came there but I got to know the reality of that house so he ran away, Julie said and looks away in another direction.

Amazing, Salvatore claps.

What? Shut up, Julie shouts almost her voice broken.

What Else I can say?  There is nothing left to say,  Salvatore raises his hands in the air.

Let me complete, I want you to know everything now.
So after I was coming back from that house, I asked Franklin to stop near a phone booth and somebody threw a stone wrapped with a paper in that it was written that if I try to tell something to someone, he will harm you or sweetie, I went there to talk to Emma about it.  She could help easily. And when i came near the car without even talking to Emma I saw that somebody wrote on the glass of my side that smart work Miss Hepburin, Julie said while staring at the ceiling, and tears weren't stopping from flowing.

What the hell was Franklin doing?. Sleeping? I don't know what he does when you aren't there, because he never drove for me,  I always drive by myself, Salvatore said and made a confused face.

I think we should talk to Emma about it, she may give a better advice, Salvatore said.

Yeah, we will go to her house in the evening. I have her address written in my diary.

Fine,  but I won't forgive you that easily, you have to make a pie for me,  Salvatore fold his hands.

Sure,  Julie smiled.

Knock!  Knock!

Come in,  Salvatore shouted.

Sir, Franklin is here,  he wants to talk something in urgent, William said.

Fine, tell him we are coming, Salvatore said.

Hey Franklin! Salvatore came and sat on the couch.

Hello sir, Franklin smiled.

Sit please, Julie tried to make an eye contact with Franklin.

Sure, Franklin fake smiles.

Mam can you give my salary, I will be our of town so I won't come from tomorrow. Please give Szazy's also,  Franklin said.

Franklin please think once again, see I wasn't in a proper state, it just came out of my mouth. I am really sorry Franklin, Julie sadly said.

It's ok ma'am, now I am done with everything, it was very cruel but it's OK,  we small people have to face these words,  it's ok, Franklin looks away trying to hide his tears. 

Sorry, but is it your final decision?  Julie looks at Franklin hoping that he will change his answer.

Yes ma'am , it's final, Franklin said.

OK,  Julie nods and leaves the hall.

Minutes later Julie hands over Franklin's and Szazy's salary and Franklin says them goodbye and leaves.

What happened to him?  Salvatore asked, he was puzzled.

When the car thing happened I just spoke to him very badly, I made him feel poor.  So he decided to not to come again and they both left the job, Julie wipes off tears.

It means Szazy won't come?  Salvatore shouted.

No... Why?  Julie asks.

A... A...  I just asked, she is kind, beautiful,ho...i am mean she deserves good job which u offered so... I was feeling bad about her, Salvatore avoids making an eye contact with Julie.

OK,  Julie said

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