25 - The Beginning of The End

Comenzar desde el principio

Michael: I am well aware of that, but if they live in ignorance to the dark that will soon befall them, they'll never be able to stop Y/n's creatures, or even him for that matter if we fail to stop him.

Suddenly, Saji's phone goes off, and he answers it, seeing that it's his parents.

Saji: Hey mom- what? Wait, what?! Okay, I'll see it, just make sure you calm down! I'm hanging up. Bye.

Saji then hangs up the phone, and everyone looks at Saji.

Saji: Turn on the news.

Issei turns on the news and sees that the Prime Minister is speaking, and due to him being unaware of Y/n's existence, he goes on about how this must be an attack from one of the other nations, and will soon declare war.

Kiba: No way...

Issei: Are they idiots?! No human could do that!

Michael: But they don't believe that since they don't know that we exist.

Azazel: You know, I'm actually starting to see why we need to reveal ourselves. Y/n has forced us into a corner, even if this wasn't part of his grand plan to begin with. If humanity doesn't learn of the supernatural world, and the threat that Y/n is bringing to them, then humanity will divide itself, they will all kill each other, and Y/n will have won this war without even lifting a finger.

A long moment of silence then arises again, causing Sirzechs to sigh.

Sirzechs: If that is what we must do. However, once Y/n is defeated, we erase any and ALL memories of what he's done to human society! His existence and what he's done might hurt humans and make them distrust each other.


We now see Y/n arriving at what appears to be a huge shrine.

We now see Y/n arriving at what appears to be a huge shrine

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Y/n: So this is the place, huh?

Y/n then begins to walk inside the building, and almost instantaneously, a magic blast tries to kill him, but he quickly jumps back, dodging the attack. As Y/n wipes off the small debris off of him, he notices a green haired Shrine Maiden standing right before him.

 As Y/n wipes off the small debris off of him, he notices a green haired Shrine Maiden standing right before him

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The Delusional Devil (Betrayed Male Reader x High School DxD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora