Chapter 14

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Genesis heaved her arms over her chest while gazing rather perplexedly at her vision board. She tapped her chin apprehensively as she stared at the photo of Walter which had a huge “X” over it.

“It is odd,” She breathed softly, “So very odd.” She began to whistle faintly as she ran her finger along the photo of the deceased runner. Her tune appallingly bounced off of the spacious room as she tapped her chin.

She gazed at the rest of the runners thoughtfully, “Amaia, Dania, and Damien,” She said gently. “Man Amaia is a pain… she is the real competition for me that is for sure,” Genesis said vexedly while crossing her arms over her chest.

A knock on Genesis’ door snapped her out of her deep train of thought. Swiftly, she opened the door carefully before quickly closing it. “Yes, Sylvie?” She said earnestly as she smiled cheerfully. “Genesis,” Sylvie said delightfully, “I accept your offer.” Genesis gazed softly at Sylvie and took a deep breath.

“My offer for what exactly? I offer many things you know,” Genesis said amusedly as a smile played with her face. “I want to run beside you,” Sylvie said zealously almost as though she could not restrain herself, “I will help you in any way you want me to.”

Genesis pulled Sylvie in for a warm embrace without another moment's hesitation. “That is great,” Genesis said joyously, “I am so happy to hear that.” Sylvie wrapped her arms around her aunt's back swiftly as she cheerfully allowed a smile to form on her face.

“That means you accept my offer to you,” Genesis said more seriously, “For power as well.” Sylvie squeezed Genesis tighter just like how a child lovingly squeezes their mother. “I suppose so,” Sylvie paused for a couple of moments before continuing humbly, “I am mainly in this for you.”
Genesis pushed Sylvie back a little and kissed her niece on the forehead affectionately.

“This is lovely… This is the best news I have heard all day,” Genesis said as her smile grew larger. Sylvie smiled eagerly and her eyes lit up just like how a small child's eyes do when seeing a piece of candy.

Sylvie sighed contently and said optimistically, “I am sure this will go well and even if it does not-” “There is no losing with you and I,” Genesis said confidently, “We are going to win because I will do whatever it takes.” Sylvie squeezed Genesis tightly and exclaimed cheerfully, “Now, that is the spirit.” Genesis nodded as the two separated, “Now let me get back to work now ok,” Genesis said softly.

Sylvie nodded firmly, “I will keep you updated on my plans alright,” Genesis said nonchalantly. “Ok,” Sylvie said before waving to Genesis. Genesis waved back slowly before slipping back into her work room, “Though I am not sure if things will go according to plan...”

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