Chapter 11

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"She is not here for you and she does not have your best interest at heart." Indistinct chatter came from the small group of people who bothered to listen to Sylvia while others kept going on with their daily routine. "The attack in the nearby district," Sylvia said urgently, "Was due to Genesis. It is not an accident that those explosions occurred. Believe me she knows what she is doing. She purposely stirs up conflict." Sylvia showed the audience her bandages from the explosion and some people gasped faintly, "I know because I was directly injured by it and I know her injustices. I will not stand for it anymore. She may be playing innocent now, but if she is elected our towns will be just like the other districts. Despite her promises, our cities will be ruined even more. Please believe what I am saying. I want to help you all see her true intent."

Sylvia's chest heaved in and out slowly as her gaze scanned the small audience. The birds chirped peacefully as silence was quick to settle and as the cold breezes rushed by. One person clapped slowly and the rest of them joined hesitantly while they all gazed at each other warily.

"Do you have any proof of her plans?" Someone from the crowd asked. Sylvia's gaze settled onto a hazel eyed man and she nodded. "I saw her plans for myself," Sylvia said firmly as she took a deep breath and gazed up at the banners of Genesis hanging down from industrial buildings, "It is not a coincidence that all of a sudden runners are dying. Take Walter for an example." Indistinct chatter rose within the tiny crowd and people walking by glanced up at Sylvia, "Now that Genesis has begun to run... her competition is being eliminated and I am sure that it will keep happening."

"But why would she take out runner Walter? Why not Amaia?" The hazel eyed man said boldly while dusting off his dark gray coat, "Walter was not even close to Genesis in regards to popularity." The rest of the audience nodded in agreement and their chatter grew even more noisy. "Genesis has her ways," Sylvia said rigidly as she gestured towards the crowd, "She will do anything to get what she wants. Targeting Amaia would have only gathered speculation on her end, think about it. Would that not be too obvious? She's been head to head with Amaia in terms of the election. I am positive that starting small is just her way to test what she can get away with." Someone in the crowd held out a camera flashing photographs of the current situation that was unfolding. "She is very strategic." "What are your connections with Genesis? How are you aware of all this... the rest of us were not even aware of all this information until now."

"Genesis is my aunt first of all," Sylvia said, "You are not aware of her plans because you are not as close to her as I am." The hazel eyed man nodded and determinedly took a couple of steps closer to Sylvia. "You know what," He said firmly and stuck out his hand, "I want to see what this is all about. I am willing to join your cause and as of now I am willing to stand right beside you." Sylvia shook his hand gently, "I am relieved to hear that." As the two shook hands he tipped his beige hat and said, "The name is Jasper." "It is simply a pleasure to meet you sir, my name is Sylvia."

As Sylvia shook Jasper's warm hand, she could not help but grin as the two raised their hands up into the air as if they were reaching for the sky. The small audience began cheering and clapping their hands rapidly. Sylvia's grin expanded and she exhaled faintly as her gaze searched the audience though some gazed up at her warily. I did it. Sylvia's grip on Jasper's hand tightened as the cameras flashed rapidly. I actually convinced them. Jasper glanced in Sylvia's direction, "This is just the beginning is it not?"

Sylvia nodded hastily, "Indeed it is just the beginning."

Meanwhile, lights from multiple cameras flashed quickly and a young woman with long hair flowing past her waist waved to the small crowd beginning to form around her leisurely. "Dalia," A young man said, shoving a microphone in front of Dalia's face, "As a person running in the election how do you feel about the recent shooting?" He asked swiftly. Dalia had her hands behind her back as she shifted from toe to toe. "I can not comment on anything regarding that at the moment," Dalia said softly, "I do not have much information about it due to it recently occurring." Dalia paused and shook her head slowly. "That is enough questions," Dalia's tall escort said firmly, "She just finished a debate...," She scoffed before leading Dalia to an ebony vehicle with tinted windows, "So restrain yourselves." Before Dalia entered the vehicle she gazed over her shoulder broodingly, "Though, what happened is horrible to say the least," She said pitifully before glancing to the floor briefly.

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