Trident of Valhalla 1

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Iron Blood HQ

Research and Health Center.

Time: ??

Date: ??

(Y/N) could be seen lying down in the bed, while Ägir and August are watching him for the time being. Since due to the sudden surge of energy influx that is contradicting each other inside his body. "He who is reckless, yet selfless who does he think he is to just destroy his own very body just like this?" August who stated those words while Ägir just sigh.

"His personality is more aggressive now rather than reserve and he always restraint his desires, but when he transform his entire persona just change as if he's ordered to kill only." Ägir who stated her view on him, while August is still wondering on what is happening to him since he was fine when he returned but his eyes had been changed that's the only noticeable change on him.

August then looked at (Y/N), who is still unconscious which she took a deep breath. "I still feel uncomfortable in the current situation, I don't feel any relaxation in what so ever. The seas is now rocking wildly, as if everything would tremble and fall in just a matter of seconds."

"You're not the only one, the world is now in chaos... and I can already tell the people are now in their last struggle before chaos ensued that will engulf this entire world." Ägir cross her legs together.

"Just wake up now Donner and don't make up wait patiently in this room." She added.

"Merely calling him like that wouldn't suffice to wake him up, but I do supposed that he could hear us and just wake up just right now."

"I know, but waiting in here feels like it's been forever."

"I do agree in those part, but being patient is the key." August then grabs a cup of mug which has hot chocolate on it and passed it on Ägir.

"What's with the new taste?"

"I don't just stick to one taste just so you know, unlike you who only tries to drink alcohol like it's water."

"What can I say, a beer taste is always the best."

August just sigh at her remarks while Ägir just smiled as her heavy burden has been released from her, as trying to handle this heavy burden was already making her worst.

August then grabs a book in the book case, while trying to past some time while Ägir then approached the couched that can fit 3 people, which she decided to lie down and try to rest for the day.

August then continues to read the book that she borrowed. With that in mind hours had passed already without them knowing it. Ägir was sleeping in the couch while August then yawn, considering she has been reading the book for some time now. "Curse this world, why not a single clock is working." She sighed, which she closed the book and return it in the book case on where she found.

While August wasn't looking at (Y/N) his fingers begun to twitch. It was a sign that he was slowly waking up. His entire body begun to shiver, his cold hands became warmer. His eyes twitch and burst open he quickly stood up from his bed. While holding his chest, the noise of him when he stood up alarmed August who then turned around and saw (Y/N).

He begun to cough. "Gaaah!" He said loudly, his eyes returned to normal. It was now it's original color it was a light blue one that resemble Bismarck and Tirpitz. "Donner!" August then runs towards him, while he keeps coughing out of exhaustion and his situation where he thought he was drowning in despair.

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