/ Eleven | Bereft \

Start from the beginning

"I know, I told you. You sound oddly excited for nearly being crushed."

"But where's Artemis? Shouldn't she be here?"

"This world isn't completely accurate to the show you know. She's probably somewhere else in this desert."

"I can't wait to meet the rest of the team. This is so awesome!"

"You should probably wake him. You do remember that a missile will be shot at this cabin soon, don't you?"


Kid Flash groaned when I nudged him with my foot and his eyes slowly opened. A smile formed on his face when he saw me and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, beautiful," he said.

"It's Noire."

"Well, Noire, I'm Kid-"

"I know Flash jr. but I think we should go," I glanced out the window at a tank headed our way.

"You sure do love calling him that," Natasha states.

"I find it funny how mad he gets when it's said wrong."

"Actually my name is-" he stops, hearing the whistle of a missile headed straight for us.

He picked me up in his arms and sped us out of the cabin. We were at a relatively far distance from the cabin before it was no more.

"Thanks," I tell him.

"I wasn't just going to leave you there. But, if you really wanted to thank me, you could do it with a kiss."

"Yeah, no thanks."

He checked his food stash but it was empty, claiming we must've been out in the desert for more than 24 hours. As we thought about what to do next, I saw Superboy jumping towards us. I stood in front of Wally and held out my hands, hoping I had a power that would at least distract Superboy.

"What are you doing?" Kid Flash asks.

"I-I don't know, I've gotta have some sort of power, don't I?"

But nothing happened. Superboy grabbed me and threw me at a nearby rock without hesitation. Kid Flash watched and as he was about to get attacked some soldiers showed up, hitting the clone with a missile. He then went on a rampage and attacked the tanks.

"You okay?" Kid Flash asked me quickly.

I groaned. "We gotta get out of here."

With Superboy distracted, Kid Flash picked me up and started running but ended up tripping, leaving us to fall down a hill. Two drones then appeared in the sky and opened fire. Kid Flash pushed me to the ground, keeping an arm around me as the drones missed their targets.

They swung back around to attack a second time, but Miss Martian and Artemis showed up just in time. Miss Martian was holding onto Artemis, allowing Artemis to shoot down the drones with her bow and arrow. Once they were taken care of, Kid Flash and I stood up, Miss Martian and Artemis landing in front of us.

"Well, J'onn, the costume looks familiar. But I'm not sure the new bod screams Manhunter," Kid Flash says.

"You know my uncle J'onn?" Miss Martian asks. "Hello, Megan, of course you do! You're Kid Flash, Wally, and you're Noire."

Noire (Kid Flash x OC)Where stories live. Discover now