/ Seven | Schooled \

Start bij het begin

"Whoa. One guy with the powers of the entire League?" Wally asks.

"In the end, it took eight Leaguers four hours to defeat and dismantle the android."

"An android? W-who made it, T.O Morrow?" Robin questions.

"Good guess, Robin. But Red Tornado doesn't think so."

"The technology bears the signature of Professor Ivo," Martian Manhunter tells us.

"Ivo? But Ivo's dead," Kaldur says.

"So we all thought, or hoped," Black Canary says.

"To make certain this threat is permanently neutralized, we're sending two trucks carrying the android's parts to two separate STAR lab facilities in Boston and New York for immediate evaluation. Every precaution is being taken. We'll have four additional decoy trucks to create confusion in case Ivo, or anyone, tries to recover the remains. You will split into undercover teams to safeguard the two real trucks."

"Yes! Road trip," Wally cheered.

"So now we take out your trash," Superboy comments grumpily.

"You had something better to do?" Batman asks.

"Coordinates received. On our way," Kaldur says.

||Litchfield County
||August 03, 20:08 EDT

We were all on our own bikes, waiting in the trees for the trucks we'd be following to leave. Each of us had been given motorcycle suits so we could go undercover and not stand out.

Batman gave the signal and they all headed out.  Three trucks went to the right of the highway, the other three went left. We split up into two groups. I went with Robin and Superboy in one direction while Aqualad, Miss Martian and Kid Flash went the other way. All we did was follow behind the trucks, keeping watch for anyone trying to get at them.

"If dislike is the opposite of like, is disaster the opposite of aster?" Robin asks us. "See, instead of things going wrong, they go right. Uh, clearly you're not feeling the aster. What's wrong?" He asks Superboy.

"Canary," he answers. "And what business does she have teaching combat skills to a guy with super strength?"

"Taking down stronger guys is part of the gig. Canary learned that the hard way. Same with Batman and, well, me."

Superboy sped up ahead of us, clearly not wanting to talk anymore. "Yeah, he's definitely not feeling the aster," I chuckled. "He'll learn soon enough that strength isn't everything."

Robot monkeys flew out from the cornfields that lined the road, all clinging onto the truck ahead of us. They were quick to start trying to break in, the truck swerving as the driver tried throwing them off.

"Robin, Superboy, Noire, our truck is under attack!" Aqualad tells us, his voice urgent over the comms.

"Kinda figured," Robin says.

"I hate monkeys," Superboy grumbled.

"Robot monkeys! Haha! Totally Ivo's tweaked style," Robin says, sounding way too excited about this.

We both switched our bikes to battle mode, but Superboy left his the way it was. He jumped off of it, letting the bike fall on its side and skid to a stop. Robin and I both had to jump to get out of its way, so we wouldn't be taken down as well.

I flew onto the truck and started pulling the monkeys into pieces, while Superboy smashed other robots with his hands. At one point Superboy got picked up then dropped off the truck by monkeys, soon jumping back on after regaining his senses.

Noire (Kid Flash x OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu