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"Zhan, what about..."

"we keep meeting in crazy situations, what about" Zhan cuts him and Yibo smiles as he wanted to ask same "I'm too tired. maybe next to you, it gonna feel less misery?"

"contact me tomorrow"

"alright, I'll call you" Zhan nods and turns back after slightly caressing Yibo's hand. latter one keeps watching him and small smirk shakes his lips

"call me? when you don't even have my number. addressing me as detective and not Yibo like always. Sean Xiao...just wait until I expose you"


Yibo walks into police station next day and searches for Ming, until finds him drown into papers. latter one is busy as always and hands cases' documents to Yibo, without looking at him

"good job Yibo. as senior, I have to praise you"

"for what boss?"

"your first case, you did very well at it"

"nothing to be proud about, just small and easy one"

"I love that you're being humble. just to know he got high sentence, 30 years in special prison. actually Sean played huge role in this decision"

"did he really?"

"yes, his expert opinion was kinda... exaggerated?"

"that is his job" Yibo mumbles but detective still notices his lips curving up into smile "wish he just stops getting into my way"

"my head busy enough to think about your complicated relationship. right, Jiang left something for you Yibo" 

"finally, I was waiting for it" Yibo quickly takes envelope from him and opens it with trembling hands. he moves address paper away and takes attention on the old picture "so...I was wrong all along? how, how is that possible?"

"what happened Yibo?"

"boss sorry, but can I take few hours off? I need to go somewhere, urgently"

"alright, there is no new case for you anyway. be careful"

"sure, thanks" Yibo pets his back and runs out, waving hand for the taxi "to this academy please"


Hearing kids' loud laughter and naughty sounds, makes Yibo smile and remember his school period. Not very happy and carefree but still enjoyable and memorable. He couldn't keep friends because of private matters, but at least he had Lei and Jiang now. Yibo asks for director's room and knocks on the door, waiting for the answer. pleasant voice replies him from inside and he greets old woman with sweet smile. latter one signs to sit down and moves plate, with cookies on it forward

"eat dear, it's been long since I had handsome guest like you. as girls say, everyone would love to be arrested by you?"

"come on aunt, you make me shy" Yibo visibly blushes and sits down "I have few questions for you, is that ok?"

"sure, did our student or teacher do something wrong?"

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