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Y/n's point of view

You woke up, turned your head a little to the side and opened your eyes. You saw Draco Malfoy next to you. You were sleeping in his arms.

"holy shit" came out of your mouth out of sheer tiredness and shock for the first time.

You had to come to terms with it first and wake up completely. After that you went to the door and looked out, through the keyhole. But there were the other Slytherins. "Damn it," you whispered. If only you were wearing your uniform and not yesterday's dress. You only wore that to meet Ron.

You saw how draco was still sleeping. You walked over to his closet and opened it. As already thought, there were really many copies of the school uniforms. Why not, his family was rich. Most of the others only had one or maybe two to change into.

You took a white shirt, a green tie, black pants, a greyish sweatshirt and a green-black cape. "Fuck it" you thought to yourself. You glanced at Draco again to make sure he was still asleep and he was. You changed quickly and looked through the keyhole again. When you saw that they were having a small meeting, you took advantage of it and quietly opened the door. You closed the door again and walked out towards your room. You didn't make it there when the others saw you. "Why so out of breath?" shouted one. "I've already done morning sports" you designed as a spontaneous lie. They believed you, they didn't see where you came from. Then you went outside into the hall, to your locker, locked your dress in and went to breakfast.

You ate your breakfast, went to the locker to get your school stuff und went to the library. Today was Sunday. But you need to wear school uniforms inside of the school rooms, like the library or classes. You had to learn for your final exams.

You met Ron and sat down with him. "And how did it go?" he asked you. "It went pretty well, we forgave each other," you replied with a smile. "I'm glad to hear that," he smiled back. You two started to learn together.

You suddenly turned red. "Are you okay?" Ron asked you caringly. "Yes, everything is fine. I'm just sweating," you explained to him. He got up and came over to you. "Let me take your jacket off you." You squint your eyes. "Uh" you said at that. "C'mon, it's way too hot with a Jack," he said. You got up "Well, there's no other way..." you tried to explain. "Why not?" he asked confused. You slowly opened your cape to him. "Why are you wearing pants? That's not part of your-" he stopped. You nodded embarrassed.

"That's exactly what's missing in my closet," said a familiar voice loudly. You both looked over at the person. You saw Draco grin with a smug. You opened your eyes wide and blushed. Then you closed the cape and sat down. "It's okay. You can keep it. I would just like to know why you're wearing my clothes," he smiled. Now Ron sat down too. "I had no other choice. The others were standing in front of your room door and I had to go to breakfast or to my room, it didn't matter, just get out of there. Who would go to breakfast or wake up with a dress on?" you explained until Ron spoke up "You slept with that guy?" Ron was shocked and disgusted at the same time. "What no!" you said upset. "Only in the same bed," Draco said with a dangerous grin. Ron looked from him to you, wide-eyed. "Ha-Ha Draco, really funny," you said wryly. "What? It was like that, wasn't it?" he asked with a grin that wouldn't go away. You looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, come on. Relax a bit," draco offered. You just shook your head and looked at your book. "What subject are you studying for?" asked Draco. "For potions class" you answered him. Ron was still looking at you both, back and forth. Draco noticed. "She didn't sleep with me, Ron," he pointed out again. "God thanks!" you said to him as if a stone were lifted from your heart. Ron nodded slowly, deeply disturbed.

"I knew he was the one we were talking about," Ron observed mentally. "Ron!" you shouted. "What?" he exclaimed. "You were talking about me?" Draco asked and a grin spread again. "Yes. She asked me for advice," Ron replied, still lost. You got up with a start and went to Ron. You held his mouth tight and said "Shut up!" You were so embarrassed, you didn't even remember what you said yesterday. You couldn't separate the things you thought and the things you said.

Ron looked up at you. "Is it enough now?" you asked him hastily. He nodded and you took your hand from his mouth. Draco just watched you. "It's not a bad thing, you were just telling me that you felt bad about what happened and that you felt guilty," Ron told you, hands up. You just looked embarrassed now. Did you just overreact? Draco gave you an unquestioning look and then his smile returned. "No, no. It's okay, Weasley. Put your hands down. She thought she told you other things about me that she thought about," he said out loud. "Damn! He really noticed!" you screamed in your mind. You blushed and hid behind your book. Draco walked away slowly, noticing your embarrassment. Ron walked over to you and took the book away from you. "Is that true?" asked he. "What's true?" you tried to play dumb. "Well, that you didn't remember what you told me and what you didn't?" he asked. "Mhh" you nodded. He didn't understand anything at first, then it 'clicked' in his brain too. "Draco Malfoy is your Crush??" he asked you shocked with wide eyes. You bit your lip and kept blushing. "Well..." you said. "It's okay. If you don't want to say it," he replied.

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