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Three months passed. You and Hermione had become best friends by now. No matter how much the Gryffindors and Slytherins ended up hating each other. Pansy was expelled from school for using muggle charms around town, which made you happy because the drama had finally escalated. Nothing else really happened. Oh except it's been rumored around the school that Harry Potter has a crush on you. The rumor spread over lunch yesterday, on a Wednesday afternoon.

Today, like the last few months, you went to the cafeteria together with Draco. There you ate dessert together. Blaise approached you. "Hey Malfoy, hey pretty lady," he greeted you as he sat down. "Hey idiot" you greeted him with a smile. You and Blaise have a different relationship than you could describe. You don't know what that is either, but it's funny. "How's our prom queen?" Blaise asked with a smile. You laughed with him. "I'll never be the prom queen, Blaise. Take it out of your mind," you answered him awkwardly. "You're definitely going to be the prom queen, beautiful as you are," Draco obviously admitted while eating his apple pie. You blushed. This was his first official compliment towards you.

"Draco is growing up," Blaise said while smiling at him. Draco lifted his head, gave him a smile and picked at his cake. "A compliment straight out of your mouth, I'm in shock," Blaise said wryly, cupping his hand to his chest and opening his mouth wide. You had to grin and you and draco looked at each other. You shrugged your shoulders with a smile and finished your favorite dessert.

"Have you heard the rumor, guys?" Blaise asked both of you. You nodded and said "do you think that's true? That Harry Potter has a crush on me?" He shrugged and asked, "Do you think so?" You shook your head and said, "Well, it wouldn't be impossible, but I could never imagine that happening with Harry. Hermione said recently that he and Ginny were going to prom night together." "Harry Potter and Ron Weasley's little sister?" Draco choked on his food and had to cough. "Yes" you answered him. "It wouldn't be impossible like you said," Blaise said. "Weasley would be more into you then," Draco said eagerly. "What do you mean?" you asked him. "Just the way he looks at you," Draco said while clenching his teeth. "I've actually noticed that, too," Blaise added. "Do you really think so?" you asked seriously. "Of course," Draco replied, looking over at Ron. "But don't fall for him right away," Blaise said in a joking manner. "Blaise!" you said confused and grinned. Draco and Blaise looked at each other at that moment. Blaise was grinning wildly and could hardly contain himself and Draco gave him a serious look.

"Let's change the theme a little," Blaise then began. "Who are you going to the prom with?" he added questionably. "You mean as a date?" you asked again more precisely. Blaise nodded. "Nobody, yet." you answered him. "And you Draco?" asked he. "Mhh?" he looked at him unquestioningly. "Who are you bringing to the party for a date?" he asked again. "Oh. Ah, nobody," he said a little in thought. "And what about you?" you asked Blaise. "I'd probably like to date you, Y/n," he rephrased the question. You were about to look away when you looked back at him. "Did he just ask me out??" you screamed silently in your head. "Would you like to be my date? I promise I will submit to your willingness. You decide what I will wear" he offered you. You were totally freaking out in your head, never has a boy asked you out on a date so skillfully. "You had me, choosing your suit," you smiled at him with a dangerous grin and the short rise and fall of your eyebrows. He laughed and said, "Uh, if only I hadn't said that." Draco got up and left. "Malfoy! What-" Blaise was about to say. He ignored you. "Maybe he wasn't hungry anymore" you denied the situation. In your mind, however, you were wondering about this. Why did he leave so suddenly?

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