Many questions

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-Having lunch-

Before you sat down, you remembered what Hermione said and grabbed a bowl of soup and quickly headed back out of the cafeteria with it. You spooned the hot soup in the middle of the outer aisle. Blaise just ran into you too. "Hey idiot!" you yelled as always, no offense meant. "Hey Y/n!" he called to you and came towards you. Y/n? Did he just used my name? Otherwise he always used some nickname for me, something appropriate or funny. "It's all fine?" I asked immediately after that remark. "Sure, why not?" he asked confused, before realizing it. "Oh, because of the nicknames?" he asked. "Of course because of that." I replied, also confused. "Oh, now it's not so funny anymore you know" he explained. It was weird so you wanted to get away from him and were about to put the dishes away when Ron ran after you. "Shit! Totally forgot!" you thought to yourself and quickly sprinted out again, without a bowl.

He came after you anyway. "Y/n?" asked he. "Mhh.. yes?" you answered hesitantly. "How about a date for today?" Your heart stopped for a second. In fact, she was right.

Only you didn't have any real feelings for him. Yeah he was super cute and gentle but all in all not your type. I mean now that you got to know how you dreamed about Draco, he were the whole opposite of him. But you couldn't say no. His smiling was so adorable and he was not a bad boy either. Maybe you could get feelings for him and forget about Draco.

"Sure, how about 6 p.m.?" you asked. "That sounds very good," he replied politely. "Where would you like to meet me y/n?" "let's meet outside" "On the school grounds?" "Yep".

-6 p.m-

You were on your way to the further away trees. "He'll probably come a little later" you thought when you didn't see him anywhere.

Only a few minutes later, you heard a grim scream "let me down", "let me down immediately" You followed this voice out of sheer curiosity. It sounded familiar to you. Then, just before you got there, you heard several voices laughing about it at once.

Then you ventured a look through the branches. There was Ron, hanging from the tree. It must have been hung upside down by the people who were standing next to you.

But when you took a precise look at the uniforms, you noticed that they were Slytherins. Green ties and the snake symbol. You pushed the branches away from your face and walked forward towards them.

"Are you trying to screw me completely?!" you screamed around you. They all turned. You looked at each and every one of them. "What the hell are you doing with him?" you screamed loudly. "He's just a pathetic Gryffindor we want to show the way," said one. "Be careful that I don't show you where to go, you puny little one" you said angrily as you looked down at him. He was a full head shorter than you. "Better watch out," you added. He didn't say anything more and stepped aside.

"Blaise, Draco, you here too mhh?" you looked at them both angry. Blaise looked down from there, but Draco looked very angry. That confused you. You untied the knot on the rope and slowly let Ron flop down. He hugged you unexpectedly. "Thank you, my hero," he said. You smiled, somehow uncomfortable.

As he let go of you, you asked him, "Can you go back inside please? I'll meet you in a few minutes, 'coming to you. I just need to have a word with Blaise and Draco." He nodded, looked around and left as quickly as possible. You also looked around and demanded, loudly and clearly, "What are you waiting for, go away!" All of the other Slytherins, except for the two, left as well. They had a lot of respect for you and your powers.

Silence. "I'm really disappointed in you, Blaise. I didn't expect that from you," you began. He bit his lip thoughtfully and looked up at Draco. "You expected it from me, didn't you?" he asked with slightly furrowed eyebrows. You looked into his eyes and came a little closer. "I guess there's not much to expect from you, Draco. You're heartless. Every moment I enjoy, you spoil for me. So for the past few days, the expectation of you has been going down from the top, straight down," you told him, unease. The words seemed to hurt him a bit, but you didn't notice. You were hurt too. Like at the prom you were so happy until Draco said something that made your good vibes gone. In class you were talking to Harry and you were happy, then Draco interrupted you by throwing a paper ball at Harry's head and now that you wanted to spend a good time with Ron, Draco spoil it even more. "Let Ron out of your silly ways, he deserves better," you demanded of draco. "What kind of better?" he asked angrily. "What should you care about?" you asked him, also angry. "Guys calm down," Blaise jumped in. "Stay out of this!" you and Draco called to Blaise at the same time. You kept looking at each other with raised eyebrows. Blaise raised his hands. "Then settle the problem on your own," he responded. "What problem?" you asked him, shifting your angry glare from draco to blaise. Draco looked at Blaise wide-eyed and turned his head aslant at him, once. Blaise looked at him, speechless, and then at you. "I- so- that- how-" he stuttered. "Go ahead and say it, Blaise!" you literally yelled at him. "Shut up, Blaise!" shouted Draco.

You looked at them. "Wait" you said and thought about it. "Why are you being so rude to me, Blaise?" you added. He didn't say anything and just stared at you, occasionally shifting his gaze to Draco. "What did you tell him that he's not who I used to know, Malfoy?" you asked coldly. "Nothing," Draco said dismissively. "Oh really? I can't imagine that he woke up one morning and was like, 'Yeah, I'm going to call Y/n by her name from now on, even though I've never done it, fun. Oh, and I won't sit next to her anymore or talk to her for more than ten seconds' Who are you kidding?!" you got angry again.

"I think you should go now," draco said dismissively. "Are you serious?!" you asked him. "Yes. Go to paradise with your new lover, Weasley" he added unsuspectingly out loud. Blaise gave him a confused look and when draco realized he'd said it out loud he looked back at him. "My lover? Weasley?" you asked and your face grimaced. "Did he just claim that Ron Weasley was my secret lover?" asked the confused voice in your head.

To break the silence, Draco asked "So he and you aren't-?" "Lovers? What? No!" you answered him denially. "Oh" came crawling out of Blaise's mouth. Draco's face turned very, very angry as his gaze slowly shifted to Blaise. "You said-" he tried to tell him. "I didn't really know since we never got to talk," Blaise informed him in an innocent tone. A lot of questions shot into your head.

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