1st time at Hogwarts

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You already had your school things. Now you were on your way to the train station King's Cross. Your note said you have to get on the train at platform 9 ¾.

You didn't see anything with that number on. There was only platform 9 and platform 10. You were confused. How are you supposed to get to Hogwarts now? You didn't even know where a simple track was. Then you saw three people running through a wall. "Woah how cool," you thought.
It seemed strange to you to walk through a wall too, but you were already aware of this magic. You took a running start and ran through it. Before you got through it, you closed your eyes and when you opened them again you didn't feel any impact. It was crazy. Your gaze went to the top right. The sign said 'platform 9 ¾'.

You boarded the train straight away because it said 'Hogwarts Express'. You walked through the aisles and looked around. You didn't know which cabin to go to, they were all taken. Passing a door, however, was a girl who waved at you. You didn't know her, but she looked very friendly. You smiled and sat down next to her. She was alone.
"Hey, my name is Luna Lovegood, I'm a half-blood witch and assigned to Ravenclaw," she imagined. She adds "And you are who? I've never seen you before." "I'm y/n Laufeyson, a pureblood and I don't know what Hogwarts house mine is, sorry. I was traveling the last few years before my parents died." you swallow the pain. "But I'm in my fifth year," you explained. "Oh I guess we're in the same class then" she told you with a huge smile. She seemed like an outsider to you, but you were kind of one too. She seemed so likeable to you right away. You talked a little about trendy topics.

Arrived at Hogwarts, you get off the train with Luna and you went to school together. There you will meet Dumbledore, who was already waiting for you. He told you that in a few minutes you would get the hat on and be assigned to a house. He also told you to go to the common room because he would gather everyone. So did he. It was time, you were under the hat. After your classification, the first graders will be classified. The Hat took a while to figure it out. You had traits that fit into two different houses. The hat was silent. Usually the hat chose your wish, but you didn't have one. At least not a helpful one, because those were both houses you wanted. Dumbledore and the teachers were as confused as the hat. Then you were a little surprised too. "Why doesn't the hat just decide," you whispered softly to Dumbledore. Dumbledore responded with a simple "You'll probably have to put up with the two houses, Gryffindor and Slytherin, for the next 24 hours and what suits you in the end, you'll choose with the hat. You nodded with a bit of shame.

You walked towards the two Slytherin and Gryffindor tables. Both of them didn't really want you with them, you just couldn't decide. The Gryffindors didn't want somebody with a bad side and the Slytherins didn't want somebody with a good side. But then a brown-haired boy with blue eyes and round glasses took you by the hand and signaled that you could sit down. You sit down next to him on the Gryffindors table and watched the smaller ones find their Hogwarts houses.

When they were done, you all ate together. "By the way, my name is Harry. Harry Potter," the boy with the round glasses told you. "My name is Y/n Laufeyson" you told him. You smiled at each other for a moment. "Would you like to stay with us for the night?" interrupted a girl across from you. You took a quick look behind you and heard what rumors were already circulating about you and how badly they were talking about you, behind your back. You turned back and answered her with an big "Yes". She smiles. "By the way, that's Hermione Granger, if she doesn't introduce herself," he pointed to the girl who asked you. He continued, "And this is Ron Weasley." "Very pleased Ron and Hermione," you said nicely. Ron smiled at you too.

The four of you played a few rounds of chess in the Gryffindor common room. It was a fun evening and you must have been feeling really comfortable around them. They were special in their own way. And especially Harry.. He could understand your past so well because he had lost his parents himself, albeit not recently. But after several hours you said, "That's it for me for today. I'm so tired. Hermione, could you show me the girls' room?" She led you to the door with a nod and said, "This is our bedroom. All the girls sleep there, as you already figured out. Your suitcase is already inside. I'll be right behind you." "I haven't had fun like this in a long time, thank you" you called afterwards them and walked into the room. The two boys blushed and said "My pleasure" as if they had been rehearsed. You got ready in the bathroom next to the bed and climbed into your bed. You closed your eyes and fell asleep with a clear mind. The day went by so quickly.

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