Your Hogwarts House

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You woke up full of energy. You then took your suitcase into the bathroom and showered, brushed your teeth, changed your clothes, put on some makeup and took your suitcase to the Gryffindor common room. Now you're off to breakfast. It was still very early so, for example, the Gryffindors weren't there yet. Ravenclaws and Slytherins only. But even Luna wasn't awake yet. You were starving, though, so you grabbed one of the set dishes, bacon and eggs, and sat alone at the Gryffindor table. You suddenly felt something on your shoulder and heard it hiss. "She's sitting at the Gryffindor table, I guess she made up her mind," a Slytherin exclaimed while almost everyone laughed at you. You turned in their direction and had touched the spot on your neck. It was a snake, what else. You picked up the snake while the others waited for your reaction. You looked back from the snake to the others and gave a little "aww what a beauty you are". They were disappointed in your reaction and kept eating. No one had ever had such courage in the presence of a snake.
You still felt a look directed at you. A white-blond haired boy looking at you. Then he began to eat as well. So did you.

After the breakfast you cleared your plate and cutlery sorted away and went to your locker. You took your school supplies and wandered around the school building once until you came to classroom 104. The first lesson was 'Defence against the Dark Arts'. There you should learn to defend yourself against malicious magical threats and attacks using suitable spells and curses.

Professor Snape had just arrived and unlocked the classroom. You were allowed in and sat to a chair without a name tag. It was in the middle of the room, more on the right side. To your left was a free aisle and next to it were tables with name tags that you already knew. Hermione, then Harry, and then Ron. The sight made you happy. To your right, right next to you on the double table, sat someone who went by the name 'Draco Lucius Malfoy'. You didn't know him yet. Sitting next to him were two others named 'Vincent Crabbe' and 'Gregory Goyle'. Then there was a wall.

Gradually, more and more students came along. Then you saw the three. Hermione, Harry and Ron. You all smiled at each other. As they sat down, you cheerfully said, "I'm sitting next to you. Just one little space is between us, Hermione." Ron grimaced and Harry said, "But right next to Malfoy." His brow furrowed briefly. "Malfoy? I haven't met him yet. Is he that bad?" All three looked at you and Hermione said "He's a Slytherin. The leader to be exact." Then they turned around looking at some guys next to the door. You looked with curiosity too. There was the white-blonde haired guy again, only this time he looked very annoyed. He and two others approached you. "What are you doing in my place, you brat" he asked you with a big appeal. You looked into his eyes and said "This is a free seat, not yours. If you don't like it, go to the cheap seats over there". You were at least as annoyed as he was. The Gryffindors retreated with a simple but long "uff" and turned around. His mood changed abruptly. He grinned broadly and immediately had to smile afterwards. You were confused and a little scared but didn't show it. He turned once left and right to his friends and said "maybe she's not a Gryffindor through and through" then he sat down next to you.

You all learned a new spell to curse and the appropriate protective spell to go with it. "Partner work, let's go! What are you waiting for?" Professor Severus Snape said, very annoyed. Draco watched every single one of your move. You noticed his stare, but you didn't cared. But then you noticed that it distracted you from reading and so you looked straight into his eyes. You were really pissed off, but his eyes were so beautiful. Such a wonderful blue-grey *cough, cough*, so boring. You cleared your thoughts, if that's even possible.

"Are you some stupid Mudblood like-" he tried to say. You cut him off with the words of the curse and then cried out in anger, "How dare you!" Only then you realized what you just did. "Reverse that spell unfortunately, Ms. Laufeyson" Professor Snape challenged you. Of course you did it directly. Draco became a human again, you put a ferret spell on him. Everyone was amazed at how quickly you could do it, even on the first try, the first time at school. For you, however, this was just a beginner's spell that your parents taught you back then.

"A pureblood then," he answered his question quietly to himself. Even Malfoy was a bit scared at the moment, but more like surprised.

The rest of the day you had your rest from stupid jokes. Then the 24 hours were already over and you were under the hat again. When he was put on you, slightly bruised, he thought again. This time he measured your actions and thoughts and said "SLYTHERIN" loudly. You were totally shocked. You didn't think the hat would assign you to this Hogwarts house. You felt so comfortable with the Gryffindors. Now you've probably ended up with the arrogants.

For lunch you had to sit down at the stupid Slytherin table, this time and for the rest of your school days. Your thoughts curled up on the way there. "What if I end up like Luna? She's an outsider in her own Hogwarts house. I love being around people. I really thought I was going to go to the Gryffindor House," you thought to yourself, disappointed.

You took smaller steps as you were almost there and as unexpectedly as could be you were offered a seat. From Draco Malfoy himself. So there you were, totally confused. Draco guided his hand from your direction to the seat. So you sat down and were prepared for anything. Any joke, any rumor and everything else. But the very thing you weren't prepared for happened. They've been kind to you for the most part. "You proved yourself to be powerful and sneaky today. We liked that a lot. That was definitely the reason why you were assigned to this Hogwarts house." said Draco's two closest friends. "But we have certain rules that you should follow" they added.

"The basic rules first:
1. Your home is your family. Family stands together.

2. The common room does not belong to YOU. It belongs to everyone. Keep it tidy.

3. Quarreling with another Slytherin is only allowed in Slytherin House. See the FIRST RULE.

4. Learning time is QUIET time and compulsory. You will receive weekly plans.

5. NO ONE should skip house meetings. House meetings are almost always scheduled.

6. Hogwarts house elves are not your servants. It is your responsibility to keep your dorms and common room clean.

7. Dormitory inspections once a month. These are NOT planned. You are forewarned.

8. All meals are compulsory. No candy in your dorms. No sweets after 8pm. Those taking a nourishing potion come see Professor Snape or Madame Pomfrey once a week.

9. Bedtime at 10:00 p.m

10. We are the enemies of the Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws and Gryffindors," they all said in unison.

"But now a little tip for you. Plan like a Ravenclaw Sound finds. Blend into the background like a Hufflepuff. As for the Gryffindors, learn from their mistakes and be ready to react, Slytherin, quick as a snake." draco whispered to you.

You took a deep breath and so the food was already served. It tasted very good to you, you noticed while eating.

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