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You run straight to his room door and knock on it. "Draco, I know you're in there," you said in a reasonably normal voice. "Go away" he called from his room. "I'll stay until you come out. Even if it takes days," you called after him. He opened the door, a crack. "I couldn't go days without eating," he replied.

His eyes were quite red. Apparently he also had a weak moment, which is also completely normal. As you could see and already know, you had hurt him very badly. When even he collapses. But you already knew from months ago that he had only put up a wall which it seems you had broken down. You still felt so incredibly guilty.

"Please let me come in, Draco," you said desperately. He looked at you hopelessly. "Please let me explain. I didn't mean it like that. You're not like your father. Not at all" you explained, tears coming to your eyes again. He took a deep breath and opened the door wider. You walked in with a soft "thank you."

You sat on his bed. "You have to understand me though, draco. I was so upset and angry with you at that moment. Haven't you ever accidentally hurt someone when you were angry?" "Yes, of course. But you say things that catch your eye and don't lie.." "But that was a lie! I don't see you like your father. He's cruel." "You don't know what he's like." "Yes I do. You haven't talked about him since then."

"How else do you see me? I'm nothing more than a lost Slytherin with a humble father! That's how everyone sees it! Everyone's scared of me, and all I ever wanted w-" he said out of breath, frowning, meanwhile tears flowed down his face.

"What did you always want?" you asked him worried. "Oh, that doesn't matter now. The thing is, when I came here in my first Hogwarts year, the teachers hated me by then. They hated me for the mistakes my father made. I didn't even have a chance. Then I saw Potter he was so adored by everyone I was so jealous of him, so I proved to be arrogant and sneaky and thus became a Slytherin just like my father expected. I became enemies with Potter. He didn't deserve happiness. Nobody deserved it. I can't have happiness, why can everyone else?! That's so mean-" he couldn't help but cry in anger. He looked away and bit his lip in anger.

You took his hand. "I understand you, draco. Believe me. A child should never shoulder the guilt of their parents," you told him with a sadly frown. "They completely destroyed you inside, didn't they?" you whispered to him cared for.

He rested his elbows on his lap, rested his head on his hands and covered his face. You didn't know exactly how to react. He just started crying secretly in front of you. He literally poured his heart out to you. You rested your right hand on his head and he, in the same position, began to whisper in a cracked voice "I wanted everything Harry Potter was." Your heart stung at those words. How can a person be so broken, and that from an early age. He just admitted that Harry Potter wasn't all that bad and that he never really wanted to be his enemy. All he wanted was to be like him. Be happy. You started running your hand through his hair. You stroked his head and said nothing.

After a few minutes he lifted his head and wiped away his tears. You took your hand off his head as he tried to get his voice up again. You threw a long, mutual look at each other. God were his eyes beautiful. The blue came out so well through his weepy red eyes. Then he also noticed your red eyes, filled with tears, some tears were already spread over your face. You were very close to all of this. He brought his hand to your cheek and wiped away your tears, then you jerked into his arms. He also crossed his arms over your back and you rested your heads on the other shoulder. You hugged tightly.

"Do you forgive me?" you asked him quietly. "Only if you forgive me," he negotiated. "Deal. But draco?" you answered him. "Yes?" he whispered in your ear. "Why were you like that to me? I never made you feel unhappy, did I?" you asked. "Well" he replied as you broke your arms free. You looked at each other. "What do you mean?" you asked confused. "You were so fixated on the dates that you totally rejected me," he tried to explain. "Rejected? But I can't remember that at all. You just walked away from our daily snacking in the cafeteria," you explained your situation. "Exactly, ours. Not Blaise's or anything. And there was no place for love stories either. So you kind of turned me away indirectly. Your thoughts were still about boys, love and all that. At least I felt kind of useless there" he told you. "I can't smell that. Why didn't you just say something?" you asked confused. He just shrugged.
He changed the topic "I'm going to the bathroom." You nodded while holding your hand on your mouth when you yawned. You were so tired and fixed from the stress and crying.

Draco's point of view

When I got back to my room, I saw Y/n sleeping. She looked so incredibly cute. So peaceful. I walked up to her and tucked her in neatly. I didn't want her to freeze. I grabbed my sleeping clothes and quickly changed. After that I lay down next to her in my bed. I also covered myself and made the bedside lamp a little darker. As usual, my thoughts were spinning around. I was pretty happy to have talked about my feelings, even if that wasn't all that was going on inside me. I just looked at her the whole time. I couldn't believe how beautiful she looked. Otherwise I never had the chance to really look her in the face. Never that long. I could have just carried her to her room, to her bed, but the sight was too good to believe, and when would there ever be an opportunity like this. I felt her warm breath against mine. She smelled improbably of mint, which was probably due to the fact that she constantly ate mint gum. It smelled good, so fresh. I closed my eyes peacefully and fell asleep.

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