Problems arise!

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Dr. Shepard kept a close eye on Chasse throughout the night, she was worried that this disease had progressed to far as it is. She needed to figure out where he got it and what he got it from as she began examining him. This causes Chase to wake up and he said "What is going on?" "Sorry Chase I didn't mean to wake you up. I am just trying to figure out how you got so sick. Is there anywhere you were that wasn't normal in the last week?" Dr. Shepard asked, "I don't know, I am sick? what do I have? I was in prison for a few hours one day" Chase said. "You have something called encephalitis it is very rare and well it causes hallucinations and seizures, it causes your brain to swell which we are treating. We are hoping we caught it in time. Hmm prison okay I will look into this. In the meantime Chase are you in pain anywhere?" Dr. Shepard asked. "My head mostly feels like it is going to split in half, these lights are very bright too" Chase said. Dr. Shepard turned down the lights and gave Chase some medicine for his headache. "Chase if you feel weird or experience anything out of the ordinary I want you to page my nurses okay. We want to get ahead of this. Anything at all you page" Dr. Shepard said. "Okay Chase said as he closed his eyes and fell asleep again. Dr. Shepard gave her nurses the run down and told her resident to make Chase her number one priority. Elise agreed and focused all her attention on figuring out encephalitis. 

Chase started to panic as didn't know if what he was seeing was in his head or was real. Sweetie was standing in front of him. "What are you doing here?" Chase asked. "I am here to kill you once and for all. You hurt me to many times Chase and for that you deserve to die" Sweetie said as she began to choke him. Chase panicked as he tried to shake her off but he was to weak and his heart rate began to race. Elise who was monitoring him ran into the room, she saw him thrashing around and realized he might be hallucinating again. "Chase wake up! it is not real Chase!" she said trying to snap him out of it. Chase was still thrashing around and Elise didn't know what else to do so she slapped him. Chase opened his eyes and looked at her, "What was that?" he asked. "Sorry, its just you were hallucinating and I didn't know what else to do. What you were experiencing was killing you. It was not real" Elise said. "It sure felt real, why is this happening to me?" Chase asked. "I don't know Chase but we will try our best to fix it. Want me to give you a sedative?" Elise asked. "I don't know I feel like the sedatives are just making it worse. I am in my head to much and with a sedative I can't wake up" Chase said. "Okay I will leave it for now. Chase next time push the call button, even if you do it discreetly whatever you are facing. I can help you through it" Elise said. "Okay" Chase said as Elise left the room. Chase tried to figure out why he was hallucinating Sweetie, "that is the second time she tried to kill me in my head, I really need to figure out why." Chase thought to himself. He was afraid to fall asleep, but his body decided otherwise as he drifted off to sleep. 

It was Saturday and Ryder and Katie woke up the next morning ready to go see Chase. Marshall and Cassie were ready to as they both wanted to go as well. "Don't you work Marshall?" Ryder asked. "I was supposed to but I explained the situation and since I am not an actual scheduled employee they said it was fine" Marshall said. Ryder sighed but understood as he knew everyone was worried about Chase. He expected all of his friends to be there too, Everest told Marshall to keep her updated as she had to stay with the twins. Skye was getting ready to go see Chase too but her mom stopped her "Where are you going young lady?" her mom asked. "Mom I am going to see Chase he is sick" Skye said. "I don't think so you skipped school yesterday missy, you are grounded" her mom said. "Mom it was for Chase! he is super sick, I can't not go see him I need to make sure he is ok" Skye said. "I am sure someone will text you. Skye you broke the rules, I am sorry but you aren't leaving the house" her mom said. "Chase could die!" she screamed at her mom. "You should have thought about that before you skipped school!" her mom yelled back. Skye screamed and ran upstairs to her room she was pissed she texted Marshall.

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