Disaster strikes :(

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Everyone was so happy it was summer and they were excited for their upcoming senior year. They were all working this summer Chase as a police trainee, Marshall as firefighter/EMT, Rocky was working at the recycling plant, Skye was a pilot trainee, Zuma was a lifeguard and surf instructor, Rubble was working construction. Everest was not working as she was pregnant and Tracker was a safari guide in the nearby jungle. All the other girls were working in a clothing boutique and Ella was an interior decorator with her mom. They were designing the inside of Marshall and Everest's house. It started out as a typical summer day as everyone was off to work, Chase was driving himself and he was dropping Cassie off at a friends on the way.

Chase had stopped at a red light and there was a car coming full speed towards him from behind he didn't have enough time to react. He was rear ended and sent into oncoming traffic and was t-boned on the drivers side. Cassie was screaming from the backseat "CHASE! CHASE" she was in tears her brother was not responding. The paramedics arrived shortly after along with Marshall and the firefighters. "Marshall! get me out!" Cassie screamed and Marshall immediately panicked as his family was in that car. They were able to get Cassie out quickly and she was taken to paramedics where they checked her over. The police were trying to figure out what happened it turns out the car that rear ended them had lost their breaks. They were not able to swerve quickly enough and the accident was under investigation. Chase was still unresponsive and the firemen were working hard to get him out. Cassie was not hurt and she called her parents on the phone, "Mommy, we were hit by a car!" Cassie said. "What?" Katie asked a bit confused. " Chase stopped at a red light and a car hit us from the back and we were pushed into traffic and a car hit us!" Cassie said crying. "Are you alright?" Katie asked grabbing her keys and running out the door, "I am ok but Chase is not" Cassie said. "I will meet you at the hospital Cassie I am on my way." Katie said as she hung up and called Ryder from the car. "Hello" he answered on his cell, "Chase and Cassie were in a car accident, I am on my way to get you" Katie said. Ryder didn't have time to respond as Katie pulled up to the high school. Ryder was overseeing the summer school. "What happened?" Ryder said as she got into the car. "I am not sure Cassie was crying and it was unclear" Katie said. They arrived at the hospital and they ran to the nurses desk. "My son and daughter were brought in they were in a car accident." Katie said. "Your daughter is here but your son is not yet. The ambulance should be here shortly." The nurse said. Katie ran to Cassie and hugged her, "What happened?" Ryder asked also hugging Cassie. 

"A car hit us from behind it pushed us into the traffic that had a green light. Chase's side of the car was hit hard by a truck. They haven't told me anything and I couldn't wake Chase up" Cassie said crying hysterically. The paramedics arrived with Chase and he was taken in so fast Marshall came in and found his parents. "Chase is in bad shape, his side of the car was completely totaled, the impact of the truck hit him full force. He stopped breathing on the way here. I am not sure what is happening. Its bad really bad" Marshall said and he started to cry as well. Katie and Ryder sat holding Marshall and Cassie for what felt like hours as they all cried waiting for news on Chase. Dr. Shepard came out after 20 minutes and said "Katie, Ryder I am sorry, Chase's condition is serious. He has a major head injury and we are currently waiting on the CT results, he had a collapsed lung which we were able to fix. He also broke his leg as it was crushed quite severely. He will need surgery to repair that. I will update you as I know more, I again am so sorry Chase is on his way to CT then we will figure out if he needs brain surgery as well as the broken bone." Katie and Ryder were both just stunned they really couldn't respond Katie fell to her knees and Ryder held her. "I want to say he will be okay, but I am just as worried as you. He is strong my love. Chase can fight through anything." Ryder said. Marshall sent out a text to their friends.

Marshall: Everyone Chase was in a car accident this morning. It is very serious, we don't exactly know what is happening. Please respect that we asking for everyone to just not all storm the hospital right now. We as a family are trying to figure this out, we ask for you all to pray.

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