Valentine's Day

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Chase was startled awake as he had another nightmare, it was always the same dream. He couldn't understand the dream as he knew it wasn't ever going to happen. He dreamt that he was hit by a car again but his friends didn't help him. He kept hearing them say good riddance and how they were happy he was gone, then he dies. Chase shook it off realizing it was only 4 am he tried to go back to sleep. After several minutes of a failed attempt at sleeping Chase woke up and turned on his computer, he played a few rounds of league of legends. It was then time to get up for school so he dressed and went downstairs. Katie noticed the bags under Chase's eyes and she sighed. "You okay Chase?" She asked. "Yeah just tired, Can I have some coffee?" Chase asked. "You know it doesn't actually keep you awake forever" Katie said. "Yeah but it might help me now" Chase said pouring a cup and loading it with cream and sugar. "Chase you are more just drinking cream and sugar now" Katie said. "Meh" Chase replied as he downed the cup. The rest of the family joined in for breakfast. "Chase you are going to the doctor this morning with mom, she will drop you off at school after ok" Ryder said. Chase almost forgot he was getting his cast off today he fist bumped the air and said "Yes I totally forgot" Ryder laughed as he and Marshall headed to school. Katie drove Cassie to preschool and then took Chase to the hospital.

They arrived and it wasn't busy, "I brought my son for an X-ray and to hopefully get his cast off" Katie said to the nurse. "Alright just fill this out and we will be with you when we can" the nurse said. Marshall was bombarded by Skye "Where is Chase? is he okay? Is he mad at me still?" Skye asked. "Woah Skye chill, he is fine, and I have no idea if he was ever mad at you. He is at the doctor hopefully getting his cast off" Marshall said. "Oh yay for him. Is he coming later?" Skye asked. "You need to calm down, you sound like a crazy person. It is like you are obsessed" Marshall said. Skye glared at him, "I can't help it, I love him and I worry very easily" Skye said. "I get that, but like I said he is fine" Marshall said noticing Everest and walking away leaving a very disgruntled Skye. "Am I becoming an obsessive girlfriend? Ugh I need to stop! or Chase will hate me one day" She thought to herself. The doctor called Chase in and removed the cast before doing an X-ray. "Can you stand for me Chase?" Dr. Shepard asked. Chase stood up and noticed how stiff his leg was. "Stiff, can you walk a bit?" Dr. Shepard said. Chase walked getting the feeling back into his leg. Dr. Shepard looked at the X-ray and said "Alright the break is healed, but I still want you take it easy for a bit. I can tell it is stiff, just don't do anything extreme for a few days alright" Dr. Shepard scolded him. "Basketball game on Friday can I play?" Chase asked crossing his fingers. "If you take it easy Chase, I would suggest taking a week before jumping into basketball, but I can't stop you" Dr. Shepard said. Chase nodded and walked out of the room and Katie smiled "Ready for school?" She asked. "No, but do I have a choice?" Chase asked. Katie laughed "nope" she said as she dropped him off in front of the high school. 

Chase realizing that the first class ended and he would be late for the second one so he went to his dad' office first. "Hey dad" Chase said walking into his office. Ryder was on the phone he held up his hand and finished his call. "Hey Chase, sorry, I see your cast is off that's good. You here for a late pass?" Ryder asked. "Yeah, don't want to get detention you know" Chase said. "You wouldn't have but here you go." Ryder said handing him the slip of paper and getting back to work. Chase left and grabbed his books from his locker as he went to Socials. Chase handed the slip over to the teacher and walked to his seat getting a huge smile from Skye. The teacher continued with the class and Chase noticed that Danny was back at school. Class ended and it was lunch time everyone was headed for the cafeteria when Chase heard is name "Chase" he turned around. Danny was running up to him Skye glared at him and said "What do you want?" "Skye stop, just go I will catch up" Chase said, Skye was hesitant to leave but then she remembered the talk she gave herself and left. "Chase, I just wanted to say I am truly sorry, I should never have been driving that car. I feel awful for what I did, and I hope you can forgive me." Danny said. "It is fine Danny, I mean I know it was an accident. I see you aren't in prison so that is good" Chase said. "No, I was given 1 year of community service, and I won't be able to get a license for a few years but it could have been worse if you pressed charges. So I guess thanks" Danny said. "No problem just maybe next time don't do a stupid dare" Chase said causing Danny to laugh. Chase met everyone in the cafeteria and he noticed Skye staring daggers at him.

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