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After a week in the hospital Chase was finally able to go home, he needed to take anti rejection meds for his liver and a few other meds for pain if needed them. Chase was sitting on the couch and he texted his buddy Rocky: Yo Rocky, are you off today?

Rocky: Yeah, but I am working anyways

Chase: Why? are they paying you?

Rocky: No, I like sorting all the junk and finding stuff

Chase: You are one weird dude, come over I need company

Rocky: Call Skye

Chase: I don't want Skye, I want you to come

Rocky: Why?

Chase: You are my best friend and I haven't seen you for a while. Just come over

Rocky: Fine

Half an hour later Rocky showed up and he sat next to Chase on the couch. "How are you feeling?" Rocky asked, "I feel fine, the question is how are you feeling?" Chase asked. "Look if all this is just to talk about me I am out" Rocky said. "Rocky chill, we are just worried about you. I don't know how you are feeling but you need to move on." Chase said. "Screw you Chase, how would you feel if Skye left hmm? Would you be able to just move on?" Rocky asked a bit angry. "I don't know man, I wouldn't shut out my friends. We just want to help you, Taylor even told you to move on didn't she?" Chase asked. "Who cares, I loved her Chase she was everything." Rocky said sadly. "Dude you are 15 years old, I mean sorry but I am sure there is someone else out there." Chase said. "Ugh I don't want anyone else" Rocky said. "Fine don't move on just stop shutting us out. We are still your friends and don't think any less of you because you don't have a girlfriend." Chase said. "Fine, I will try" Rocky said, "Good now let me kick your butt in some NBA live" Chase said handing Rocky a controller. "Oh you are so on dude" Rocky said as they started the game. 

The next few days for Chase sucked as he was still not allowed to leave the house and all his friends were working. Chase walked outside to get some fresh air and he started to feel a bit dizzy he sat down on the porch. Chase tried to regain his composure shaking off the dizzy feeling when he felt a sharp pain through his head. He groaned and laid down closing his eyes, he wanted to move to get the pain meds but he couldn't. He realized his phone was on the coffee table in the living room as well. Chase groaned as his head was throbbing and the sunlight was just making it worse. Mayor Goodway was walking by and she noticed Chase she stopped and said "Chase are you alright?" Chase grabbed his head and groaned again. "Oh my" Mayor Goodway said as she called an ambulance. The ambulance arrived and they drove Chase to the hospital, Marshall was doing a ride along when he heard the address he texted Katie and Ryder.  

Marshall: Just picked Chase up in ambulance, not sure what is going on. Mayor Goodway found him on the porch outside. He is with doctor's now

Katie: Oh my god, I am on my way

Ryder: Me too

Marshall paced the waiting room as Ryder and Katie ran in "is he alright?" Katie asked. "Don't know yet" Marshall said. A few minutes later a Doctor walked out, "Hi, I know I am not Chase's doctor but I just examined him and he is starting to go into rejection. We are changing his medication hoping that fixes the problem. If he does reject the liver we will need to get him back on the transplant list. We will need to wait to see if these meds work" the doctor said. "Does his doctor know?" Ryder asked. "Yes we have informed Dr. Shepard and she said to keep her updated." the doctor said. Ryder, Katie and Marshall walked into Chase's room and he seemed bummed. "You alright Chase?" Katie asked. "I mean I hate being in the hospital, I only just left and here I am again. But I am fine" Chase said. Ryder squeezed his shoulder and said "Hang in there buddy, hopefully these new meds stop you from rejecting your liver otherwise you will be in here longer" Ryder said. Chase rolled his eyes, "Worst summer ever" he said. "It is not over yet" Katie said. "It is in like what a month, I am stuck inside all the time. I am not happy about this" Chase said. "I know but, school will be starting soon and you will get to see your friends more often" Ryder said. "I hate school, and I hate this hospital" Chase said. "Why are you so angry Chase? We can't solve the problem , I am sorry you are stuck here but we just want you to be alive" Katie said. Dr. Shepard walked into the room and said, "Chase I hear you are having some rejection. How are you feeling now any better?" "My headache is gone, but I am still stuck inside the hospital" Chase said a bit angry. "I see we are irritable, which is not a good sign. I am going to have the lab come take some blood." She said as she checked his temperature. "You also have a fever, Chase I am worried the meds might not cut it, I am going to rush the lab work. We might need to get you back on the transplant list" Dr. Shepard said. Chase sighed and started to cry he was so pissed off. 

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