New friend

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Sunday morning in Adventure bay was always a day for Chase to sleep in. Marshall was also sleeping in and he was always up early. Cassie wanted so badly to wake up her brothers but Ryder wouldn't let her. "They had a busy night last night Cassie, they will get up soon" Ryder said. "Daddy! I'm bored" Cassie whined. "Why don't you go play with Alex, or Julia and Julius?" Ryder suggested  "I want to play with Chase!" she whined, "Well he might not want to play with you when he gets up." Ryder said. "Why daddy? I am a fun girl" Cassie said. "Yes you are but he probably has homework or wants to see his friends." Ryder said. Katie was working at the clinic today and Ryder was starting to wish she would come home soon. Marshall was finally up and he came downstairs Cassie tackled him, "Marshy!!!" she giggled. "Cassie good morning" Marshall said as he walked into the kitchen. "What is for breakfast?" Marshall asked. Ryder looked at Marshall and said "Whatever you make for yourself we already had breakfast" Marshall grabbed a couple of frozen waffles and put them into the toaster. "Is Chase coming soon Marshy?" Cassie asked. "I have no idea" Marshall answered. Chase rolled over in bed noticing the time and decided to get up. He dressed and went down realizing that he had to make his own breakfast. Cassie was so excited he was awake, "Chase play with me!" she said. "Later Squirt, I have homework to do first" Chase said. Ryder gave her and I told you so look and continued doing his paperwork. "I can play with you Cassie, I am done my homework" Marshall said. "YAY" she squealed as she grabbed her toys and sat down with Marshall. "What are we playing?" he asked. "House! this is the baby and you are the daddy" Cassie said. Marshall nodded and played pretend with his adopted sister.

Chase was freaking out he hated physics so much he texted his best friend: Rocky help me!

Rocky: hahaha physics?

Chase: yes how did you know?

Rocky: It is Sunday and you always leave your homework till Sunday. Plus why else would you need me?

Chase: Please just help me

Rocky: okay I am coming, give me a few minutes

Chase: Thank you!

Rocky arrived 30 minutes later and knocked on the door. Chase answered it and Rocky went up to his room. "Why is physics so hard? Like what does this even mean?" Chase said pointing to the question. Rocky read the question "What is the difference between centripetal acceleration and centrifugal force?" He tried to answer in a way that Chase would understand "Centripetal acceleration is the acceleration an object experiences as it travels a certain velocity along an arc. The centripetal acceleration points towards the center of the arc. Where as Centrifugal force is the imaginary force an unrestrained object experiences as it moves around an arc. This force acts opposite to the direction of centripetal acceleration." Rocky said. Chase looked at him with a huh look. "What?" Chase said. Rocky laughed "Let me think of an example umm, if a car makes a sharp right turn the passengers would tend to slide in their seats away from the center of the turn, towards the left (if they are not wearing their seat belts, that is). The passengers would feel as if they are experiencing a force. This is defined as centrifugal force." "Okay got it" Chase said writing all this down. 

Next question: Why is it possible to drive a nail into a piece of wood with a hammer, but it is not possible to push a nail in by hand? Rocky waited to see if Chase could answer first before he said anything. "Well this question is dumb I mean obviously your hand isn't strong enough. But I am guessing that is not the answer?" Chase said looking at Rocky. "Nope" Rocky said. "Okay help me" Chase asked. "When you swing a hammer you increase its kinetic energy, so that by the time it strikes the nail it imparts a large force which drives the nail into the wood. The impact force greatly exceeding the maximum force you can exert by just pushing on the nail." Rocky said. "Dude how do you know all this stuff without even looking its just freaky" Chase said. "Well first I had the same homework, and second I am really good at remembering stuff. I also really enjoy it" Rocky said. "Right I forgot you are a dork, okay last question" Chase said. "Hey if you make fun of me I won't help you" Rocky said. "Sorry okay last question. When a moving car encounters a patch of ice the brakes are applied. Why is it desirable to keep the wheels rolling on the ice without locking up?" Chase read aloud. "Umm, If I understood what I just read I could answer" Chase said. Rocky laughed " Static friction is greater than kinetic friction. Static friction exists if the wheels keep rolling on the ice without locking up, resulting in maximum braking force. However, if the wheels lock up then kinetic friction takes over since there is relative slipping between wheel and ice. This reduces the braking force and the car takes longer to stop." Rocky explained. "Right so static friction got it" Chase said. "Do you understand any of this?" Rocky asked. "Nope, but that is why I have you" Chase said. "Yeah but I can't write the exams for you" Rocky said. "No but you can help me study when the time comes, thanks for helping me" Chase said. "No problem, I have to go though I have things to do before school tomorrow" Rocky said as he left.

Chase went to play with Cassie even though he didn't want to but he promised her he would. Cassie made Chase play house with her as well and he wished he was doing anything else. Finally Ryder called them for dinner as Katie came home. "Mommy!!!" Cassie squealed giving her mother a hug. Katie hugged her back as was surprised Ryder had even made dinner, "smells good. I wasn't expecting dinner" Katie said. "Hmm well I am full of surprises" Ryder said kissing his wife. "Mom, dad gross" Chase said. "What you can kiss Skye and I can't kiss my wife?" Ryder asked. "Not in front of me, and me kissing Skye is different." Chase said. "How? We are married you are not" Katie said. "Whatever its still gross watching your parents make out." Chase said. Dinner was finished and Marshall and Chase did the dishes. Marshall and Chase played a few rounds of League of Legends before heading to bed.

Monday morning Chase's least favorite day of the week, his alarm was ringing and he rolled over and turned it off. He fell back asleep not realizing the time and Ryder yelled, "Chase we are leaving in 20 minutes!" Chase jumped up dressed quickly and ran downstairs and grabbed a bagel to go. He gathered all his things and ran out the door to meet Marshall and his dad. They arrived at school and they were greeted by Skye and Everest. "Hello beautiful" Chase said kissing his girl. "HI" Skye said kissing him back. Marshall tripped and Everest caught him "Hello my clumsy man" Everest said kissing him. Marshall's faced turned red and he said "Thanks, Hi Eve" They were at their lockers and they could hear Sweetie's obnoxiously loud voice, "I don't want you to be my friend anymore! You told Chase! you made him hate me" Sweetie said. "First off you made him hate you not me. Second off I don't want to be your friend anymore anyways you are way to bossy and third Chase deserved to know!" Tracker yelled back. They were causing a scene in the hallway. "Ugh I hate you!" Sweetie yelled throwing a book at Tracker she missed and it almost hit principal Ryder. "Sweetie, Tracker my office now" he said. They both walked into his office and Sweetie crossed her arms in anger. "What is all the yelling about?" Ryder asked. "Sweetie, is mad because I told Chase something and she thinks I made him hate her. She did that all on her own. She is a bossy person and I am glad we aren't friends" Tracker said. "Well, I am not sure if Chase hates anyone but, I can't have this fighting in the hallways you are both in detention for 3 days." Sweetie started to cry and Ryder told Tracker he could go to class. "Sweetie are you alright?" Ryder asked her. "I am fine principal Ryder, it's just I think Chase does hate me. I just wish I could fix it" Sweetie said. "Why does Chase hate you?" Ryder asked. "He never told you?" Sweetie asked. "No, do you tell your parents everything?" Ryder asked her. "No I guess not, well I am the one who dared Danny to drive the vehicle on New years eve. I was also in the car when he was hit. Chase found out and basically said he hated me" Sweetie said. "Well I can't speak for Chase, but Sweetie maybe you should think about it from his point of view. You could have killed him with your dare and well you can't always have what you want. He is with Skye and I think he does love her." Ryder said. Sweetie sighed as she said "I know but I can't help it" "Well you should get to class" Ryder said handing her a late slip. 

Lunch finally came and Chase ran into Tracker as he was putting his books away, "Hey sorry about Sweetie, you can join us for lunch if you want" Chase said. "Thanks Chase, and no don't be sorry it was time I separated from her, all she does is boss you around. She thinks she is all high and mighty" Tracker said. "Well her mom is a really famous isn't she?" Chase asked. "Who cares that doesn't give you the right to treat people like crap does it?" Tracker said. "No I guess not" Chase said as they walked into the cafeteria. "Guys Tracker is going to join our crew" Chase said as they sat down. "Welcome dude!" Zuma said. "We need to add another girl to the mix, I guess" Rubble said. "Another girl?" Tracker said. "Yeah you need a girlfriend, we all have one then you won't feel left out" Rubble said. "Oh umm this is awkward" Tracker said. "Don't worry Tracker we can find you one" Skye said. "No it is not that its just well I am not interested in girls" Tracker said. "Oh" Skye, Everest and Zoe said. Chase said "That's cool man, we can also find another guy" "Actually, I do have a boyfriend he just doesn't go to this school, and well not everyone knows I am gay" Tracker said. "Honestly dude, I had no idea. I wouldn't have ever guessed" Zuma said. "Yeah none of us would have guessed, but regardless welcome to the group Tracker" Marshall said. Everyone welcomed Tracker as a part of the group and Sweetie watched from a far regretting yelling at her friend as she really did miss him. She was going to see if she could turn this around during detention. 

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