New years 2015!

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It was New Years eve and Chase was boarding down Jake's mountain with Everest and Rubble, they were really the only ones who liked to go. "Told you I'd win" Chase said as he reached the bottom first. "Only because you cut me off causing me to fall over but whatever" Everest said. "It is almost time for the party we should head home and get ready" Rubble said. Everyone said goodbye and headed to their houses. Zuma was hosting the party as he lived near the beach and they would be able to set up fireworks. Zuma and his dad were finishing setting up, "Thanks for helping dad" Zuma said. "No problem, hope you guys have fun tonight your mother and I will be next door" Zuma's dad said. Zuma's mother finished getting the snacks and food ready for both Zuma's and her party. "Alright you kids have fun and we are right next door if you need us" Zuma's mom said as they took off next door. 

Rocky was the first to arrive, "Hey dude" Zuma said as he opened the door. "Wow your place is cool, why don't you ever host game nights? or beach campouts?" Rocky asked. "I don't know, I mean I guess I could" Zuma said. Rubble, Taylor and Zoe all showed up at the same time. "Hello" Zuma said as he opened the door seeing his girl Zoe and giving her a kiss. "You could have waited until we weren't watching" Rubble said as he walked into the house. Chase, Marshall, Skye, Everest and Alyssa finally arrived and the party has begun. Everyone was singing karaoke and dancing, Rubble was eating as always. Zuma turned on the ball drop and they all watched and waited for midnight. Once the clock struck midnight everyone kissed their significant other and they went outside to watch the fireworks. They show was a success and they all sat on the beach. "We should play truth or dare" Alyssa suggested. "Sounds fun you start" Zoe said. "Okay, Skye truth or dare?" Alyssa asked. "Truth" Skye said, "If you couldn't have Chase, who else here would you have chosen?" Alyssa asked. Skye really didn't like this question and Chase perked up as he was curious who else his girl found attractive. "Oh um, please don't hate me Chase or Zoe, but Zuma" Skye said as she blushed. Zuma beamed and said "I am flattered, but I am glad I have my Zoe and you as friend Skye" "Me too Zuma, Okay Chase truth or dare?" Skye said. "Dare" Chase said ready for anything. "I dare you to run across Adventure Bay in less the 5 minutes" Skye said. "Wow Challenge accepted!" Chase said as he started to run. 

It was nearing the 4 minute mark and Chase was coming around the corner almost making it back to the beach when he heard a car behind him. "Chase watch out!" he heard one of his friends call but it was to late the car was going to fast around the corner and hit Chase head on. The driver of the car panicked as he saw a bunch of kids running towards him, he turned his car and drove off. Everest was fast and caught the license plate. "What the hell he just took off, Chase oh my god!" Skye said as she reached Chase. Zuma was on the phone with 911, and Marshall called Ryder and Katie. "The car just hit him and took off, I don't know he hasn't moved at all" Zuma said to the 911 operator. They heard sirens in the background and all the girls were in tears. "Ryder, I am sorry we were playing truth or dare and Chase was dared to run around Adventure Bay, he was hit by a car, they just hit him and took off!" Marshall said in tears. Ryder jumped up and told Katie, she ran upstairs and woke up Cassie. They raced to the hospital, the ambulance and police arrived and Chase was taken to the hospital quickly. No one really knew anything, the police were asking questions. "What kind of vehicle was it?" the officer asked. "It was a blue jeep, the plate said 5J4 7MP" Everest said. The officer called the in the plate and police were on the lookout for the car. Everyone rushed to the hospital.

Ryder and Katie arrived with a very confused Cassie, and Katie ran up to the front desk and said "My son was brought in, he was hit by a car" "He was just brought in a few minutes ago, he is still with the doctors please have a seat someone will come talk to you shortly. Marshall arrived with all their friends and they sat in the lobby waiting to hear news. Katie was crying she was anxious and started pacing. Cassie had fallen back asleep in Ryder's arms and he handed her to Marshall as a doctor came out and spoke to Ryder and Katie. "Hi, I am Dr. Shepard, Chase's injuries are quite extensive, he has some internal bleeding and we are taking him up to surgery, he also has a very serious concussion and is currently in a coma. He does also have a broken leg but it should heal just fine in time. We will let you know when he is out of surgery" Dr. Shepard said as she left. Katie started to cry harder and Ryder hugged her close. "It will be okay, Chase is a tough kid" Ryder said trying to convince himself. Ryder explained everything to Chase's friends and told them "You should all go home, there is nothing anyone can do from here. We will call you with any updates" "I can't leave him, I feel like it is my fault. I dared him to do the run" Skye said as she cried harder. "Skye it wasn't your fault that car was going way to fast, I mean it was his fault no one blames you" Zuma said as he tried to comfort her. "Yeah it is so not your fault, Chase wouldn't want you to blame yourself." Everest said. "I understand you don't want to leave Skye, but it is late. I promise we will call." Ryder said. Everyone agreed as they all went back to Zuma's as they were staying the night. No one however was going to be sleeping as they were all still trying to process everything. "Marshall, if you want to stay I understand, but Katie and I were hoping you could take Cassie home" Ryder said. "Sure, I can take her home" Marshall said a little sad that he was stuck babysitting when his best friend and brother could possibly die. 

Marshall had Cassie tucked back into bed and she still really had no idea what was going on, Marshall was thankful for that. It had been a couple hours since Chase as hit and Dr. Shepard finally came back to talk to Ryder and Katie. "Hi, sorry it was more extensive then we thought, we did have to remove Chase's spleen but it shouldn't cause any problems later. We were able to stop the bleeding and Chase is now on his way to recovery. He is still in a coma and we won't know the extent of any head injuries until he wakes up. As for right now he is stable and we are monitoring him closely. A nurse will take you to him in a few minutes" Dr. Shepard explained as she left them to their thoughts. Ryder was glad he was stable for now Katie was still unsure as Ryder had to hold her up. They entered Chase's room and he was hooked up to several machines and Katie sat beside him holding his hand and cried. Ryder texted Marshall, "Chase is out of surgery, they took out his spleen. He is stable right now and we just need to wait for him to wake up." "Okay, thanks. Cassie is asleep, can we come see him tomorrow?" Marshall texted back. "Yes I will come get you and Cassie, I am on my way home now" Ryder texted.

Marshall sent a group text: "Chase is out of surgery, they removed his spleen, we are waiting for him to wake up. Can see him tomorrow"

Rocky: Good to hear!

Skye: My poor Chase :'(

Everest: Hope they catch the guy who did this.

Zoe: Me too, such a horrible thing to happen.

Zuma: yeah not a good start to a new year.

The next day everyone came to visit Chase as they were allowed to see him one at a time. Chase had still not woken up.

Highschool  PAW patrol!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora