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Rocky typed as fast as his fingers would let him and then he said "I have to pee" "Too bad keep working" Ralph said. "I can't concentrate, I really need to go to the bathroom." Rocky yelled at him. Karl received a text "Let him go, just handcuff him and don't let him out of your sight" Karl said "Fine let's go" as he untied Rocky and handcuffed him leading him with a gun to a bathroom. Rocky noticed they were in a large warehouse, Karl stayed within sight of him as Rocky finished and he was taken back into the small room. Rocky was able to hack the first firewall only to be trapped behind a second one that was stronger than the first. He also sent Chase another message: in warehouse, both have guns. Rocky typed as Ralph and Karl paced the room, Ralph was looking over Rocky's shoulder and said "What is taking so long?" "I am 15 years old, I have zero experience in this, they have every means necessary to block people from doing this. I am trying my best" Rocky said really hoping they wouldn't torture him anymore. Karl and Ralph exchanged looks and Karl received a message: See what happens, make sure he keeps trying. I have food for him. 

Karl went out to get the food and brought it back in and said "here, we don't want you wasting away on us" Rocky looked at the burger and said "What did you do to it?" "Nothing we won't get what we want if we kill you. Rocky eat" Karl said. Rocky ate the burger as he was starving and the clock on the computer said 9pm. 

Meanwhile Chase received the message and he said "They are keeping him in  a warehouse and they have guns" Rachel was asleep on the sofa as she cried so much it wore her out. The sheriff texted the info to Tavers and he was done searching Karl's house as well. He was coming up short on everything he received the text and called his tech "any warehouses that are abandoned right now?" Tavers asked him. The tech searched and said " 3 sir, here are the address's" Tavers went to the furthest one and had some other officers check out the other 2 with instructions to not go in without him. 

Rocky after finishing his burger was able to hack the second fire wall he was shocking even himself at this point. The third firewall was not as strong as the first 2 as he was able to get passed that as well. "I have some control of the database. What is it I am doing?" Rocky asked. "Nothing you are to get us in that is it" Karl said. "Well I am in" Rocky said and Karl took the computer out to Thomas and he was looking at it. He noticed the messages Rocky sent and he said "That little shit, tie him to the chair good make sure he can't escape, then stick his head under the faucet of the tank and let the water slowly drip onto the cloth. We need to get out of here" Thomas said. Karl and Ralph did what they were told and Rocky tried to fight it but couldn't. The cloth was matted to his face and he couldn't shake it off and every few seconds more water came down, making it harder and harder to breathe. He realized now that they left and Rocky had to fight to try and get out of this. He was losing oxygen and was slowly starting to fade then the cloth was taken off and he saw a german shepard dog staring at him before he blacked out. The dog barked getting his owners attention, "Good job Bruiser" Tavers said as he called the paramedics as he tried to wake Rocky up. He checked his pulse it was there but it was weak. The paramedics put oxygen on him right away as he was untied now and the one paramedic said "he is alive, he is just in shock." They rushed him to the hospital.

The other officers were able to catch Karl, Ralph and his dad Thomas. They were never able to clear his FBI record. The FBI were brought in and they were all taken away. Tavers texted the sheriff and said "Rocky is alive, he is okay. His dad and 2 men were caught and now in FBI custody. Rocky taken to hospital" the sheriff shared the news and Ryder drove them all to the hospital. Rachel was told immediately what was going on and Dr. Shepard said "He is alright, he is just scared, but he has no injuries" Rocky walked out of the room and ran to his mom she hugged him tight. "Oh Rocky, I am so sorry" she said. "Why? You didn't know those men" Rocky said. "Your father did though, they were working for him. They wanted you to get his FBI record cleared" Rachel said. "Well they probably did, I was able to hack the database, I am going to be in trouble for that probably" Rocky said noticing the sheriff. "They were caught Rocky, they are in FBI custody. As for the hacking I can let it slide if you promise to never do it again. Seeing as how you were under a lot of pressure" the sheriff said. "I promise" Rocky said. "How did you find me though?" Rocky asked. "Your texts to me we were able to find all the warehouses and well they were lucky" Chase said. "They did work then, awesome it was hard to sneak those in" Rocky said. "You really are a smart kid" the sheriff said as he drove Rachel and Rocky home. Chase and Ryder went home as well and Chase sent 1 more group text: Rocky is okay and at home. Don't bombard him with texts. give him space, he's been through a lot.

Skye: thank god he is okay

Ella: I am so happy is okay, I can't text him at all?

Rubble: Good glad he is safe

Zuma: Glad he is good, who did this?

Chase: Ella you can text him just don't talk about what happened, Zuma his dad

Marshall: dear lord, did he get caught?

Chase: Yes

Zoe: Good

Ella sent a text to Rocky: hey babe, I am glad you are alright. I am here if you want to talk. Don't feel pressured. 

Rocky: Thanks babe, I am just really tired. Will talk to you tomorrow

Ella: Okay night

Rocky: night

Rocky wasn't sure if he wanted to go to sleep he kept thinking about the water and how that was the worst thing he ever experienced. He googled what happened to him, "waterboarding" he said to himself. Rocky cried himself to sleep only to wake up not to long after from a nightmare. Rocky hated his father for this, now he knew why his dad came back, he was furious. Rocky never thought he would ever experience something like what he did. "If that dog didn't find me when he did, I would have died" Rocky thought he was terrified to go to sleep. He was also even more terrified of water, his dad knew his one weakness and he tortured him with it without even being in the room. Rocky knew he wasn't going to sleep he texted Chase hoping he would answer: Chase are you awake?

Chase: Yeah what's up bud you okay?

Rocky: no, I am terrified Chase

Chase: he is in jail he can't hurt you, anything I can do?

Rocky: I don't know, every time I close my eyes I am being tortured

Chase: You don't have to tell me if you don't want to but what did they do?

Rocky: Google waterboarding

Chase did this and texted: Holy shit, what the hell? that is so awful. Using your fear against you. Rocky dude I am sorry

Rocky: yeah it is the worst thing I have ever experienced. If that dog didn't come when he did I would have died

Chase: Damn, what can I do?

Rocky: I don't know. I am to afraid to sleep

Chase: I am coming over 

Rocky: no its okay

Chase: to late I am coming

Rocky was thankful for his best friend but he didn't know what Chase could do if he came over. Chase texted Skye and Ella: Ladies wake up Rocky needs us

Skye: What Chase? it is 1am

Ella: I am awake 

Chase: Well Rocky needs Ella, and I am going over to and I need you Skye so wake up I am coming to get you

Chase told Ryder what was going on and he agreed to drive Chase and pick up the girls. "Are you sure he wants all of you there." Ryder asked. "He needs someone to comfort him, Ella is the best for that. I am going to make sure he is okay. And well Skye is for me" Chase said with a slight chuckle. Ella was allowed to leave as her parents were very chill, Skye's mom on the other hand was reluctant but she let her go. Chase texted Rocky: here dude open the door

Rocky went downstairs and opened the door surprised to see Ella and Skye as well. "Why are they here?" Rocky asked. "Ella is here to comfort you as I would not be the best at it and Skye is here for me so I am not left out" Chase said. Rocky rolled his eyes "you didn't tell them did you?" Rocky asked. "Nope not my story to tell. We are strictly here to make sure you are alright. You don't have to tell anyone. I promise your secret is safe with me" Chase said. "Thanks Chase" Rocky said as they all went up to his bedroom. They all climbed onto Rocky's bed it was a king size bed and they all fit comfortably. Rocky tried to sleep but he kept seeing the wet cloth on his face. Ella noticed her man struggling she played with his hair and held him saying "Shh, you are okay" this calmed Rocky immensely and he was able to fall asleep. Chase and Skye were also asleep fairly quickly. Ella was the last to fall asleep as she continued to comfort Rocky wanting him to be completely asleep before stopping. Rocky was able to sleep the rest of the night as he felt comfort knowing his friend were with him. 

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