Bummer Summer

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The summer was not going very well for anyone as everyone spent most of their time either working or sitting with Chase. It has been 2 weeks now since his crash and there was still no change. He had not regained consciousness but he did show signs of brain activity with his reflexes and response to pain. Dr. Shepard was remaining hopeful as she has seen older patients come back from much worse. She felt that Chase was young enough that he could get through this. Dr. Shepard came into Chase's room to check on him and noticed Katie asleep beside him, she tried not to wake her as she did her routine check on Chase. He had great vitals and pupil reaction to light, he also had great reflexes and was able to move his limbs. Katie and woken up and said "any change?" "No, but the only thing keeping him in a coma is himself. There is no sign of brain damage. He has strong vitals, he is breathing on his own. I am hoping he will wake up any day. The only person who knows when he will wake up is Chase." Dr. Shepard said. Katie wanted to remain hopeful as she hoped he could hear all the people around him and how much they loved him.

Ryder, Marshall and Cassie came by the hospital that afternoon and there was a package for Chase. "This was in the mail today for Chase. I haven't opened it yet I felt like it should be done here in front of him. It is from Toronto" Ryder said. Katie looked at him and said "Okay let's open it." Ryder opened the package and inside was a cheque and a USB drive, Ryder plugged into Katie's Mac and they all watched. It was a video from the the Toronto Raptors they said "Chase we heard about your accident. We are sorry that our biggest fan is hurt. We are sending this cheque to your family to help pay your medical bills. We are hoping to have you play for our team one day. Speedy recovery Chase. Love all the raptors." Everyone was stunned as Katie looked at the cheque, "Ryder this cheque is for 100,000$, this was incredibly generous of them I can't believe it." Katie said. "WOW" was all Ryder could say. Chase was hearing everything around him but he couldn't will himself to wake up. Chase wanted so badly to open his eyes he really had no idea what was going on. He just couldn't do it no matter how hard he tried. This began to frustrate him and made his breathing go up and his heart rate to increase. The monitors started to go crazy and nurses and doctors rushed into the room. Chase's family was pushed out of the room and were now super worried. 

Dr. Shepard came out and said "He is fine, we had a little scare there. I believe Chase is very aware of what is going on around him. He is trying to wake up and it is frustrating him that he can't. We are going to take him for a CT scan just to see if there is anything that is preventing him from opening his eyes. I don't think there is but we just want to be on the safe side. Shouldn't be to long." Katie and Ryder were relieved he was alright, they were really hoping he was going to wake up soon. Meanwhile Marshall received a text message,

Ella: your house is done!

Marshall: That is awesome. Just at hospital with Chase be there soon

Ella: Okay how is he doing?

Marshall: Doctor is optimistic she says that he can understand and hear everything going on. He just can't wake up

Ella: Weird. I hope he wakes up soon I miss him

Marshall: We all do trust me

Marshall said to Ryder "Hey dad, Ella just texted me our house is finally done mind if I take the car to go and see it with Everest." "Sure bud, we can't wait to see it ourselves" Ryder said. Marshall left and arrived at home shortly after as he went to get Everest to show her the house. "Hey baby our house is ready, are you ready to see it" Marshall asked her. "Yes let's go" Everest said as they walked next door. "How is Chase doing?" Everest asked as they walked over. "The same but he wants to wake up. Dr. Shepard said he is aware of everything around him" Marshall said. "Good, hope it is soon" Everest said as they walked in the front door and were blown away. "WOW" they both said. They had an open concept living room, kitchen and dining room. All the furniture was stunning and the kitchen was amazing. They had 3 bedrooms upstairs and the master had an en suite and a walk in closet. There was also a 4th bedroom on the main floor for guests. The nursery was beautiful as well it was painted a yellow and had 2 cribs side by side. Everest started to cry and Marshall hugged Ella "Thank you Ella this is amazing, we don't know how to thank you" Marshall said. "It was my pleasure I can't wait to meet the babies, I am glad we met on the beach that day. You all are amazing friends" Ella said. Everest hugged her as well and they continued to look around their new house. "I can't believe we get to live here" Everest said. "I know, my parents would be proud" Marshall said. "I think so too, I love you Marshall" Everest said. "Love you to baby!" Marshall said giving her a kiss. Everest started to feel cramps and she grabbed her stomach.

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