Junior Prom!

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Another school year was coming close to an end as everyone was getting excited for the junior prom. Everest however was frustrated she was having a hard time finding a dress that would fit her. She was pregnant with twins and she tried on so many dresses. "Maybe I should just wear sweatpants" Everest said super frustrated. "Hey don't give up we will find you a dress" Ella said, "Whatever" Everest said sitting down. Skye and Ella were determined to find her that perfect dress and knew she was going to love it. It took them a bit but they were able to find a beautiful teal dress that fit her and she was stoked. "I told you that it would fit" Skye said, "YES" Ella said. The lady at the store was even able to fix the seam so it would fit her in a week when it was time for prom. The boys all had their tuxes picked out as well and each of them had a bow tie to match the color of the girls dresses. Rocky was helping Chase with his homework as it was getting close to exams and Chase didn't understand. "Rocky slow down, I don't understand" Chase said. "You need to solve for sin x, there are options on your calculator see them here sin cos and tan?" Rocky said. "Yeah but I won't have the calculator for the exam" Chase said, "Yes you will, you need it for the exam" Rocky said. "Anyways just push this equation in and it will basically solve it for you" Rocky said. Chase tried and was still confused and he threw the pencil across the room. "Chase watch" Rocky said as he laid the equation out simply and Chase was able to follow. "Seriously I just have to put all that into the calculator?" Chase said. "Yes" Rocky said as the answer popped up. "Hmm, I feel like I still don't get it like what is the purpose of trigonometry?" Chase asked. "I don't know but it will be useful for me as I want to be an inventor so I actually like this stuff" Rocky said. "Yeah and your brain is literally able to just look at the question and instantly know the answer its not fair" Chase whined. "It is not instant I still have to work out the problem I just can find it easier" Rocky said. They finally finished and Chase felt his brain would explode.

One week later is was time for exams and Chase knowing that he was trying his best no matter what was super nervous. He knows that he probably could have tried harder this year but he had other priorities. The teens all finished writing their exams and were very excited to finally be done with grade 11 even though they knew grade 12 was around the corner. The girls all left after the exam to get ready for the prom. "I guess we all go to Chase and Marshall's as they have the limo reservation?" Zuma asked. "Yeah or we can pick you all up just might take longer" Chase said. "It's cool we will grab our stuff and head to your place" Rubble said as they all went home to grab their tuxes. They arrived at Chase and Marshall's shortly after and were standing outside looking at Marshall and Everest's house. "Holy it is coming together fast" Rocky said. "Yeah it is" Rubble said as he was helping build it as he was hired by the construction crew last summer. Marshall saw them all watching and walked outside, "want to see the layout on the inside?" he asked. "Yeah totally" Zuma said. Marshall walked everyone through the house and they were all amazed and Rocky said "Wow, you are so lucky this place is really awesome" "Thanks I think my parents would be proud of this house" Marshall said as he wiped away a tear. "Has Everest seen it?" Zuma asked. "No and she doesn't want to until it is done" Marshall said. "Alright boys time to get ready or the girls will be waiting to long" Chase said. They dressed in their tuxes and Katie was taking pictures she was happy to be chaperoning as well so she could take pics of them with their dates. Cassie was spending the night at Julia and Julius's house, "Mom the limo is here we need to go" Chase said as he left. Ryder and Katie were leaving in a separate vehicle.

The boys picked up the girls at Skye's and they were all amazed at how their girls looked, they were absolutely stunning in their dresses. (I will post a chapter of them on the next page). "You look beautiful" Chase said to Skye. All of the boys said it to their girls but Marshall was blown away as Everest looked absolutely stunning as she was 7 months pregnant with his twins. "I still wish you guys knew what you were having" Skye said, "We didn't want to know, it is the element of surprise when they come out" Everest said. "How do you know what to buy though boy clothes or girl?" Ella said. "We bought some of both and gender neutral" Marshall said. They arrived at the dance and Katie was ready with the camera as each couple came out of the limo. "Aw mom seriously" Chase whine, "Just let me take a few pictures of each of you" Katie said as she snapped photos. They all entered the gym which was set up beautifully as a enchanted evening theme under the stars. They were all having a good time and dancing to the songs and Skye even surprised everyone as she sang on the stage. She dedicated a song to Chase and it was a thousand years by Christina Perri and everyone was blown away. Especially Chase, "Thanks babe that was beautiful" Chase said knowing how much she loved him. It was now time to announce the Prom King and Queen, Zoe walked onto the stage and said "Thanks Skye that was beautiful, it is now time for what we have all been waiting for this years prom King is.....Rocky!" Everyone cheered and Rocky was in shock never in a million years would he ever think he would beat Chase. Zoe placed the crown on his head and everyone cheered and whistling for him. "Now this years prom Queen is......Ella!" Zoe said. Skye had to admit she was a little sad to lose but was super happy for Ella. The crown was placed on her head and Rocky gave his queen a kiss. "Now the King and Queen will share their first dance" Zoe said as a love song came on. "How did we win? I mean I get you because you are gorgeous but me?" Rocky said. "Baby you don't give yourself enough credit, You are handsome and literally one of the most popular guys in school. And trust me you look sexy in this tux" Ella said. Rocky smiled and kissed his girl one more time and said "I love you my queen" "I love you too my king" Ella said back. 

The rest of the night went smoothly and everyone had a great time. Sweetie was even nice this time and literally did her own thing. She had a boyfriend now and she finally stopped her obsession with Chase. Her boyfriend was name Jonah and he actually liked Chase as he was also on the basketball team. He kept Sweetie occupied and away from the group as he knew she hated them. "You know it is nice having Jonah with Sweetie it means I don't have to deal with her anymore" Chase said. "Yeah only because he likes you" Skye said, "Well if he wants to keep himself on my team he had better like me" Chase said. "Your team?" Skye said raising her eyebrows. "I mean yeah I am captain and lets face it, we would not have 3 championships in a row if it weren't for me" Chase said. "I guess so" Skye said, Chase started to tickle her and she said "Okay you are right please stop" as she squealed with laughter. The night came to and end and the limo drove everyone home. It was a magical evening and everyone was super happy as they were going into the summer. 

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