Chapter 13

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Peters POV

We'd barely even left before Hook's ship left and disappeared. In a way, though, it made me happy to see him leave Neverland. And even better, I got my revenge on him, not in the form I wanted. But still better than nothing, I guess. But I also felt bad. The way Skylar heard he didn't want her anymore made tears fall from her eyes.

Once we were back in camp and landed on the ground, I felt Skylar's wrist move from my grip and I saw her running back towards where we had come from.

"Skylar!" I shouted. She didn't even turn around.

"Want us to go grab her?" Felix asked.

"No, I got it." I said, running in the direction where she went. I'd already figured she would go towards the beach.

She'd gotten pretty far before I saw her sitting on the sand with her legs tucked in towards her chest with her head resting on them. I could hear the soft sobs, walking closer and closer towards her.

"I can hear you, Peter." She mumbled. I stopped thinking that I was being quiet. "What do you want?" She questioned, turning her towards me. I could see her face was red and tears were still streaming down her face.

"I'm here to take back to your new home." I casually said.

She let out a faint chuckle, and she stood up, walking even further towards the water. I was actually worried that she would swim to the end of the ocean trying to find her father. But he was long gone.

"I'd rather stay here and watch the sunrise and stay here until the sunsets."

"Can't let you do that." I said, I walking over towards her grabbing her arm but felt the tip of a knife pointing right at my throat. As I went to my side, seeing that my knife and my pouch had disappeared. I looked at her and saw her holding both of the items in her hands. She stepped back and quickly grabbed some dust, blowing it in my face. I could feel my legs starting buckling. I then fell on the sand, seeing nothing but darkness.


Skylar's POV

I knew I shouldn't have done that but, I just don't want to listen to him for a second longer. I didn't know how long the dust would last. So, I took his knife and green pouch with me. I ran off the beach into a different direction then I'd come and was running until I was beyond exhausted. I got pretty far and was out of view of where you could see the port, while on the beach. The sad thing is I can still smell the scent of the salty seawater. I once loved that smell, but now... I don't know whether I love it or hate it. One thing is for sure, though. I hate my father. I hated him at this very second and would probably hate him for the rest of my life, which could be forever. The further away from Peter, the calmer I became. He wasn't always breathing on my back twenty-four, seven.

I found out that this was a place that you'd never grow up. Most likely why people wanted to find this place and never grow old like Wendy. But she wanted a family of her own. She wanted to grow old with someone she deeply loved and have kids of her own.

I had decided that I should rest, knowing that tomorrow was going to be a lot harder than it was today. And it would probably get worse every day that I was stuck in this godforsaken place. I put the dust underneath me, while the knife would be at least far enough that I could easily grab it. I may have put it inches from my face. As I laid down, I had already started to drift off into sleep on the uncomfortable dirt floor.

Felix POV

It had started getting dark and still no sign of Peter or Sky. I waited maybe about an hour longer before he came stomping into camp. I looked towards him, but I didn't see her with him.

"Where is she?" I stupidly asked. I knew he would tell me even if I didn't ask. That's always been Peter. You could say I'm like his therapist in someway.

"She took my knife and knocked me out with my own bloody dust!" He yelled. I saw a few eyes cautiously look at me, but they all instantly looked away from the scene going on.

"Which way did she go?"

"Wherever she went, she covered her tracks up pretty well. She grabbed something and as she walked she pulled a stupid trick, making it harder to find her." Peter said. I looked down at his fists and he was clenching then, and they started turning scary white.

"Peter will get her. She's probably sleeping and if I may be so bold I think we all should sleep as well. We'll track her down tomorrow."

Peter glared at me, and from what I could see he knew I was right. He patted me on the back. "And this is why you're my second in command, Felix."

I smiled. And his best friend. Well, sometimes his only friend. It depends on his mood and on his temper. When that temper showed up, that's when you stay back. Let's just say that he can get unpredictable when he's in that stage. And so far, the only person who wasn't about to have that was Sky. I'm not terrified of his temper, it's the after effects of it.

I saw as all the boys scattered, not saying a word about the girl. We did what we do almost every night. Tonight, Peter decided not to play his pipe like he normally does. Probably too upset about Sky. After he made sure all the boys were in bed, that's when we all waited for the morning to arise.

Sorry this is a short chapter but I wanted it to be a tad different then what I'd originally planned.

But tell me if your enjoying my book or not. I'd appreciate any little comments that you have about my book.

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