Chapter 4

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Skylars POV

"Do NOT touch me!" I yelled. He looked at me in surprise. Whoever he was, I hit him hard enough to give him a bloody lip. And a small bloody nose. I wanted to punch his eye, giving him a fat lip and punching him in the nose would suffice...for now.

"Your daughters got a good right hook." He mentioned whipping the blood from his lip and nose.

"I taught her that just in case she ever meet a scoundrel like you." Hook said.

"Well..." he said, grabbing my wrist, "It's a good thing that I need to just borrow her for something...just for a while." He said, yanking me away from my father. I tried another trick my father had taught me a few months ago, if someone tried grabbing my wrist I'd just turn my wrist until his grip was loose enough to escape. But every time I moved my wrist, he would get a better grip on my wrist.

"I think the correct term for that is called kidnapping." I stated. But heaven forbid they actually hear me. They're too focused on each other to hear anything from me unless I shout it.

"Let her go, Peter!" Hook shouted, that's when everyone stopped fighting and the boys who were fighting the pirates came running back to this so-called Peter's side.

Oh this idiot is Peter Pan.

Not impressed.

Every pirate started inching towards us, but in less than a second he had yanked me closer to him and had pulled a sharp blade close to my throat. "I wouldn't move an inch. I need her, but, that doesn't mean I won't hurt her."

The moment I felt the knife push closer against my throat, I saw a flashback of what happened a few years ago.


"Papa!" I shouted. I gave him a stern look, "You cheated. You said we were only using one hand, and you used your good hand and your hook." I could feel my blood boiling.

"Don't get so mad, we're pirates, we lie and cheat and steal." Hook said, stabbing his sword into the deck.

"Well..." I started, but shut my mouth. I didn't want to be a pirate at that time, either. All I ever wanted was to be a normal girl. Heaven forbid I get the famous Captain James Hook as a father. I heard that he was once a good man. He had both hands and would sail those who needed safe passage across the sea. I asked Mr. Smee what happened, all he said was we took a boy named Liam and wouldn't say more than that.

Lunch had begun before we had to split into groups of two. That way, one group would eat while the other half was on deck. I was in group one due to the whole ladies first thing before I heard my father shouting orders. All of us raced upstairs to see that we were being boarded by the famous Captain Cutter. People gave him that name because he would leave you alive and would cut wherever he wanted, deep enough that you would bleed out if not treated or would have a massive scar.

"All hands on deck! Ready Cannons and don't let them get on board!" My father shouted.

"Cannons loaded Captain!" A pirate shouted.

"Do not shoot until I say so." He ordered.

The pirate was ready for him to say go, but he hadn't. I already knew what his plan was. Get the ship close enough that they would hit the right spot where the ship would have to be repaired almost immediately.

"Fire." He shouted.

The pirate at the cannon shot it in the right spot where the ship would slowly but surely would sink to the bottom of the ocean.

I saw the Captain on the other ship order that someone to take the wheel, and he grabbed a rope swinging from his ship to our ship.

He swung to our ship, pushing pirates right and left. He saw me and ran towards me. I battled him like I never battled anyone in my life. I felt my sword fly across the deck and felt his sweaty hands around my neck.

"Your pathetic." He whispered. He looked down at my arm, and he gave me a smile. "I need to leave my mark on someone here. Might as well be Hook's daughter." He let got off my throat and I dropped to the floor gasping for air. I could feel his sword cutting just above my wrist too and didn't stop until half my arm was cut. He knew what he was doing, he didn't cut anything that could do serve damage.

That's when I heard the gunshot, I looked down to see if I had been shot by anyone but looked up to see my father's gun smoking shooting a single shot at Captain Cutters heart. He dropped to the ground and every pirate froze.

"If any pirate denies joining my crew, they shall walk the plank." My father shouted. I turned to see that the other ship had sunken along with a few pirates, while the rest of them had boarded our ship. Almost instantaneously, ever pirate raised their swords, agreeing to join my father's crew. Some decided not to, though, and just decided to jump off the ship.

Present Day

I snapped back to present time, forgetting the situation I was in. Luckily, I still had one last trick up my sleeve. I elbowed him in the gut making it, so his knife would drop, and booked it to the pirates I called family.


Peters POV

This girl is more intelligent than I had previously thought. She had escaped Felix and me...twice. I would have to think up of another to snatch the girl. Next time, maybe stealthier and more quiet.

She looked at me dead in the eye, saying, "You stay the hell away from me and my family!"

I just glared at her, "I will be back. Mark my words, Skylar James Hook. This isn't the last time you see me. I'll see you soon. That's a promise."

"And when you do, you're going to wish you hadn't messed with me." She said, standing her ground, not flinching at my threat.

As we left the Jolly Roger, I felt a nudge to my right.

"You gave up...why?" Felix asked me.

"I didn't give up, Felix! I just thought she would be more..."

"Wimpy?" He asked.

"No, not wimpy, just not as strong or fast." I explained, trying to make it sound like I wasn't implying that girls are weak. I knew that girls aren't weak, but in fact are stronger than some of them believe. Wendy wasn't weak. She was a remarkable person and a strong girl. I didn't consider her to be anything more than a friend helping me out with the Lost Boys. I didn't love her like some boys thought. She just seemed sad, and I felt like I needed to protect her like a big brother should do.

"Yeah, she nearly cut me with her sword." Felix said, pointing at his favorite shirt.

"They'll expect us to come tomorrow morning, since we like to have parties at night. But we're going to split into groups, making them believe that we're busy."

Felix gave me the agreeing nod, "Which boys will you pick?" He asked.

"I'll explain once we get back to camp."

Skylar James Hook (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now