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Hey guys sorry I haven't really added anymore to this story I've been working on like three other books on here. I know I should stick to one but sometimes you just have to write stuff down before you forget it and that's kinda what happened with me. I'd appreciate it though if you guys would check out some of my other books. I know it's like a stupid thing to say but, I always feel happy when someone reads my books.

Again thank you for reading this book!!

Tell me what you think about it so far!

Books I'm working on right now.
Melody Fawson

Melody's life was always a mess. She was always escorted wherever she went by her family's bodyguards,she wasn't aloud to do much but when she did she would hangout with her only friend Thea Wells.

Liam Anderson his life was revolved around his fathers death when he was 17. He's had them watching that house for a year and a half. Soon what he's been planing will finally come into motion...just needs the right opportunity.
(Her Life)
I was just turning 19 which meant I should be able to leave my own home since that's the age you turn when you turn 18. Not in my case though. My family didn't let me do anything but stay at home and did college online. Parents says it's to dangerous for me to leave till I'm at least in my 40s.

But for the first time in years my parents were finally leaving me a sense. They were going to Pairs for some business trip. They owned thousands of different types of buildings from restaurants to strip clubs.
(His Life)

My father left the mafia to me when he died. I am after all the only heir to his throne.  I've been doing this for five years, I'm now 22 years old. My father died when the Fawson's family killed him. But now revenge is mine. After all my Mafia is the strongest in New York.

Second book I'm working on

The Adventure That Awaits For Her

And this one well...guess you're gonna have to read to find out 😁

Skylar James Hook (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now