Chapter 16

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Skylar's POV

I did feel bad for Leo and Logan. I know what it is like to lose everything. Especially loved ones, that feeling is the worst thing imaginable. It hurts and over time you heal. Or so they say, I always just feel...empty. I bottle it up and use it for battle. But I've been told the more I keep to myself, the more aggressive I become. And it's quite true. But I think that happens to everyone.

Although some people never experience that feeling. Once you are never the same. I saw it happen with my father when he lost some of his crew. Imagine what he was like when my mom died. It can change you. And that's understandable. Losing someone who's been by your side for decades and then just losing them one day.

"Sky, I want to thank you...for the hug and all." Logan said, with a tad bit of embarrassment in his voice.

"Hey, it's my pleasure. Every so often, the thing we need the most is a hug."

And I desperately wanted one from my father. Even if he left me, I wanted him to give me a hug. That's what I needed is a hug.

And I desperately wanted one from my mother.

I never knew her, but the stories I heard from my father made me cry or bring a smile on my face.

Hook told me that she had this radiant soul and how she got along with everyone. She fought for her family as hard as she could. She would do anything to protect them, no matter the cost. And when they were fighting other pirates, she was scary as hell.

That part always made me laugh.

I wish I could have met her. My father told me that I'm exactly like her and that I got his features. Which I guess I believe. But the more I thought of him, the sadder I became and the more hatred I had towards him. He left me here because I'm a weakness, and mainly because I look like my mother. That had been the worst pain I ever felt in my life.

Someone grabbed my arm, but I didn't care anymore. I mean, where would I even go? They know this island way better than I do. Yes, I'll most likely try running off again, but I know they'll eventually catch me. And to them, this may be all fun and games, but to me, it's me trying to get my freedom. And if I'm being honest with myself, just about any other place is better than here.

From what I can tell, I'm the only girl in Neverland. And that the rest of the island is full of boys.

Not really my ideal place to be. I'd rather be on the sea, battling other pirates and having the sea in my face. The breeze that would bring the smell of the ocean on deck. Or how the wind would make my hair go all over the place whenever I let my hair down. But now that feeling is slowly disappearing by the second. I've started forgetting those small things.

I saw Peter walk over to Leo and by the looks of it he'd forgiven Leo but warned him if he ever did anything like that he'd kick him out of Neverland...permanently. Leo looked over at me and gave me a small smile. I quickly returned it. Logan hugged his brother for a couple of minutes before Peter said that we're heading back to camp.

I snapped out of my thoughts when someone spoke, "We need tot talk."

I looked up to see that voice belonged to that stupid smug face, Peter, I genuinely hate him.

Lucky you, you got a version of revenge on my father, even though he was the one who basically traded me like in object. I'm just a nothing to these boys, well minus Leo and hopefully Logan.

Whoever had me let go, but Peter immediately grabbed me, pulling me aside while the rest of the boys started heading back to camp. Minus Felix. I guess I needed to have some sort of babysitter with me, even with Peter standing nearby. There's probably a small chance that for a little while he's going to have me very close by to either him, Felix, Enzo, or Kai. Who knows which one gets the lucky opportunity to make sure I don't escape...again. Maybe they'll leave me alone and just give me a small part of the island. It seems pretty big to me. But who knows, perhaps I'm entirely wrong. They'll probably lock me up and throw away the key.

"Are you even listening to me?" Peter asked, snapping me out of my trance once more.

"Not really." I admitted.

Peter rolled his eyes and gave me a glare, "Well listen this time."

This time I rolled my eyes at him and gave him a glare.

"Don't roll your eyes at me!" Peter snapped.

"You did it first!" I snapped back.

"Just shut up and listen for once!"

"You don't even know me!"

This boy is actually impossible to reason with!

"Just listen okay." Peter said in a calmer tone.

And apparently freaking bipolar! Mean tone to demanding and then goes to a soft sweet fake tone.

"Fine." I grumbled.

"Anyway, I said you need to start listening to me. You have no idea what's out here. And you're stuck on this island for the rest of your life. And guess what, you are mine."

I looked up at him, and all that rage I was holding back came running back to the surface.

"I don't belong to anyone! Especially you! You treat as if I'm some object! Guess what, I'm not! I have flesh and bones just like you do! So stop treating me like an object and treat me like a human being, cause that's what I am." I shouted.

"Yeah, you are a human being. But you are on my island, and you're stuck here. And everything on this island is mine. The Lost Boys have earned my respect, you haven't. So until I can trust you, you are mine." Peter stated, raising his voice at that last sentence.

"Guess what, you're over controlling jerk! You won't even have a chance to get my trust. Because I'm going to get off this Island one way or another." I said.

He started walking towards me, and me being me, a stubborn girl, I didn't step back. He got directly in front of me and got right next to my ear.

"You're not leaving this island ever." Peter whispered. He pulled away from my ear and looked at me. I smirked at him.

"We shall see. I've already escaped from you, what, four or five times? And even if, I'm at square one all over again. Make no mistake, I'm going to get off this island in due time." I promised.

His face scrunched up, and he gripped my face, "Like I said, you're not leaving this island. And that my darling is a promise."

"I'm not your darling." I spat. Peter let go of my face and walked away from me. I looked at the opposite direction of where he was going. My gaze went to him, back the other way and back to him. As I took one step before, my arm was grabbed. I glanced up to see that it was Felix. I forgot about him, to be honest. He doesn't like to talk much. He's apparently a super quiet guy. Which sucks since he just sneaks up on people when they least expect it.

He started pulling back to camp, and let's just say I fought him just about the whole way there.

Skylar James Hook (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now