Chapter 8

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Skylar's POV

I was so close. I don't even know why I stopped in the first place. All I want is to go back to my father and to the Jolly Roger. Back to where my family. I know the things I've told my father and the little things I've said to myself a few times. I honestly don't mind being a pirate. All it was, was me being a teenager.

That's all it was. Absolutely positively nothing.

I'd woken up tied to some type of wooden pole thing that was keeping up the tent. My hands were once again tied behind my back. Good thing I know how to untie myself from every knot that I can think of. It's also nice how I can at least stand up or sit down whenever I feel like it.

I glanced around the room, noticing that this tent was a tad bit bigger than the one I was previously in. There was a bigger desk full of tons of paper on it. Most likely maps of the island and other detailed things on there, along with a knife. I could probably grab that on my way out once I was free...again. Like the other tent, there was a bed but, it seemed bigger than the other bed. It even had some room underneath it. Likely to stash things from prying eyes. I saw a log with a person on it. I couldn't fully see them quite yet. Whatever they used on me took a lot longer to recover then last time.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Nice to see you too." He said. I recognized the voice the second he spoke.

"Ask what you want or whatever you came in here to do, otherwise get out, Peter." I announced.

"Why?" Peter asked, looking at me with a confused look, "You are in my tent."

"So?" I asked. I noticed that my vision was completely healed due to the stupid look he was giving me. A more confused look appeared on his face, earning him a small chuckle from little old me.

"What's so funny?" Peter asked.

"You want to know how I escaped from the knots someone did last time." I responded, trying not to laugh more.

"How do you know I didn't do it?"

That's when I full on laughed uncontrollably.

"I don't think you would do it, since you have others to do the dirty work for you." I pointed out, "And even if you did, I'd tell you that you really need to work on the knots part. You're missing a step, making it so much easier for me to escape."

I could see the annoyed expression on his face. His face was turning to a tomato red color.

"Did I upset you or something?" I asked, trying to make him more angry and hopefully have him storm out. My father said that the last time he was in Neverland that the boy he encountered, who wasn't Liam, had quite a temper. Well, if you pushed the right buttons.

Neither of us said a thing before a boy I hadn't recognized came in.

"Peter, Felix, and Enzo want to talk to you for a moment...alone." He said, looking at me.

"Tell them I'm coming. Just give me a moment, alright, Logan." Peter replied, looking back at me, "I'll be back. Don't go anywhere." He said walking out the tent and flinging the front of the tent to go outside.

Once I was certain that he was gone, I mumbled, "No promises." That's when I stood up, and it took me less than a minute to untie my hands. I started towards the back where I could rip the fabric in half since it looked like it wasn't strong. But I grabbed the knife cutting the fabric, seeing the forest again. I turned back around, thinking I could make things more difficult for them. I raced towards the wooden pole thing that I had been tied to and kicked it, making the tent collapsing. Once I got out of the tent, I screamed to seem like I was injured and still in the tent. Once it was almost to the ground, I booked it, once again attempting to get back to the Jolly Roger.

Skylar James Hook (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now