Chapter 9

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Skylar POV

They'd probably noticed that I escaped...again. But I had to run back to my father, so we could leave before I was taken again for the second or third time on this island. Honestly, whose fault is it really? They did leave me unsupervised, knowing I was going to run off the first chance I got.

I got pretty far before I heard a twig snap behind me. I froze, hoping not to make any sudden movements in case it was a Lost Boy.

"Pretty far, you went the wrong direction, though." I turned around to see that Peter was leaning on a tree. "See, Felix's tent is almost right by me...almost. You went West last time, this time however you went South." Peter said, walking away from the tree.

"Stay away from me." I said, grabbing the knife from my back pocket. It was one of those switch-blade knifes. My dad gave me one as my sweet sixteen birthday gifts.

"See, that knife doesn't belong to you." He said, pointing towards the knife. I saw an inscription on it saying, 'to Benny from Allie.'

"Well, I'm pretty sure it's not. It's says to Benny from Allie. And I'm pretty sure you're not Benny or Allie."

"Give me the knife and let's go." Peter said, slowly approaching me.

"I'm not going back with you. I'm going back to my home."

"Sorry, can't let you do that." Peter said. I saw him fly towards me and disarm me and pushed me up towards a tree.

"Let go of me." I said, trying not to sound too girly and afraid.

"See, I have two options for you." Peter said, pushing me harder into the tree, "One you can come back with me...willing."

"Let me guess option two, you make me go back with you?"

"Yeah just about."

"Well, personally, I like option three."

He looked at me confused, "There wasn't an option three."

"That's right. I made option three." I pushed him off me, making him tumble backwards. I picked up the knife and put it in my back pocket. "Like I said earlier, stay away from me." I started to walk away when I felt his hand grab my wrist.

"And like I said, I can't." He said, tightening his grip on my wrist.

I didn't know what happened, but I felt my hand clench into a fist and hit him in the eye. Like I wanted to last time. His hand let go of my wrist and I turned back running again when I ran into someone falling backwards onto the ground laying on my back looking up towards the stars. I saw a person who I hadn't recognized look at me and tilted his head. He looked back and stare and Peter.

"Are you good?" He asked.

"Yep, just great. I'm glad I brought you with me, Kai."

"What now?" Kai asked, "You going to use the dust again?"

"No, pick her up and let's go." Peter demanded.

This Kai character picked me up and held me right by my armpit and started dragging me. After a few steps Peter froze which of course made us stop. He turned towards me, holding out his hand.

"What?" I asked, perplexed about what he wanted.

"Give me the knife back." He quickly replied.

"What if I say no?"

"Then I'll grab it myself."

It was in my back pocket, "You wouldn't dare."

He arched his eyebrow and said, "You really don't think I will?"

I couldn't tell whether he was bluffing or not. There isn't tons about him, I know. What I do know is he has a temper and doesn't like having someone back talk to him. I didn't do anything before he took about two steps towards me before I caved in.

"Fine!" I yelled, grabbing the knife with my one hand and held it out towards him.

"See, that wasn't hard, was it?" Peter said as a smirk formed on his stupid face.

We continued walking for what felt like forever. I didn't realize that I had gotten this far. After a while, I could hear boys chatting among themselves, and then we walked in they just stopped. After a moment, they went back to doing their business and I saw two familiar faces that I had seen earlier.

"Peter, we need to talk." Felix quickly said, ignoring me completely, unlike Enzo was. I did hit him with his spear.

"About what?" Peter asked.

He looked at me and back towards Peter, "Not in front of her." Felix said.

The guy who was still holding me asked, "Where do you want me to put her?"

He was going to tie me back up, just in somebody else's tent.

"Leave her out here where we can keep an eye on her. I've already had to fix two tents today."

"I think you mean somebody else did it." I sarcastically said. He just looked at me and I noticed that a bruise was already forming on his face, "You might want to put ice on your eye, so it doesn't look worse tomorrow." I said, pointing at his face.

He glared at me, "Get her out of my sight." He said, throwing his arm in the air. I felt the tugging on my arm start again. I'm gonna probably have a bruise there tomorrow.


Peters POV

That girl is going to be even more of a pain in the ass now. She is fast, strong, intelligent and all the things I didn't know would be in her head.

I saw Kai push her on the floor, which made me just a little happy. When Kai turned his back towards her, she stuck her tongue out like a five-year-old.

I looked back at Enzo and Felix, "What did you want to talk about?"

"Oh, before we saying anything, you should put something on your eye. It looks like it's going to be a nasty bruise." Enzo suggested.

I shot him a quick glare, and he just looked away.

"It's Hook." Felix started.

"He wants to alter the deal about this." Enzo said, nodding towards Skylar.

"What does he want to change it to?" I asked. They both looked at each other, but, didn't say a thing for a moment.  "What's the new deal?" I asked starting to grow impatient.

"Ask him yourself. But I'd recommend bringing her along. Just keep her quiet but awake, so she can also hear what he wants." Enzo suggested.

"Trust me, she may be more compliant when she hears this." Felix added.

I sighed, "Fine."

According to Felix and Enzo, I could bring all the Lost Boys as I wanted but, apart from that, they wouldn't say anything. I'm just eager to see what this deal is and why they want me to bring Sky along. And I'm now calling her that. She'll probably hate it. That's just a bonus for me. 

Eekkkkk I can't wait to see write the next chapter!

Also tell me what you think so far. I want honest opinions on this it would mean a lot to me to hear feedback from you guys!

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