Chapter 1

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The morning light streamed in through my blinds as my phone alarm rang to awake me. With a groan I reached for the sound, hitting the phone till the noise finally stopped. A sigh escaped my lips as I stared at my ceiling.

'Another day, another migraine'.

Getting out of bed, I started my morning routine. Quickly hopped in the shower, wishing I could stand under the soothing hot water forever.

After doing my morning hygiene, I put on my coconut oil and perfume before staring myself in the mirror, looking at my outfit.

Black sweatpants and over-sized dark blue hoodie with my favorite royal blue ring on my right hand ring finger. The fit's giving- "Antisocial"....

That's exactly what I'm looking for. I fluffed out my natural big poof of loose curls that danced around my head.

Once I leave my room, the smell of Ego Waffles and bacon hit my nose. I reach downstairs and see my mother cleaning the kitchen while my breakfast sits on the counter top.

"Hello my beautiful daughter. Hurry up and eat so I can drop you off." My mother said when she notice me walk into the kitchen.

I nodded then quickly ate. By the time I was done, so was my mom cleaning. We both headed out the door and towards the car. My parents were never crazy rich but we were in a good spot. My mom's a nurse and my dad's an architect. And growing up, my parents always knew how to save money. So we're stable.

The drive to school was silent, just how I like it. We pull up to the school in less than 10 minutes and I began to pull out my earbuds.

"You have a good day and if someone starts causing a problem-"

"I cause one right back. I know, mom." I say with a slight smile.

She smiles before giving me a quick peck on my cheek.

"I love you." she says. Her thick Jamaican accent shining through.

"I love you too." I say back. I leave the car and began towards the school. I plug in my headphones and begin playing my depressing playlist.

Hopefully things are better today than they were yesterday. But that never happens for me. I'm not complaining either. The quicker I get through school, the faster the day ends.

Throwing the hood of my hoodie over my head, I slowly walk to my first period. As I walk to my class, I get some cruel stares, a few shoulder bumps but it's nothing new. It's the regular for me. Getting judged or bullied by the mean white girls named 'Vanessa' or 'Becky' in elementary was child's play than high school. Especially being a senior.

But I don't mess with bullies anymore. It's their fault they brought out the better side of me. It's called Karma. And Karma's honest.

Arriving in my first class, I head to the back left corner of the room that's opposite of the people that don't do their work sit. I find it peaceful.

Class started. And ended. Next torture chamber.

Started. Then ended. Next.

Fortunately for me, the day goes by as slow as it can. Third period is just boring since the teacher wastes her time talking about history that most likely is a lie so I don't concern myself with it. I'm sitting in my usual back of the class spot, taking down unneeded notes when there's a knock at the door.

My history teacher, Mrs. Hardly, pauses her lecture to open the door. After a chat with the principal, she comes in with another person.

"Class, I would like to introduce our new student, Dylan Lee. He's new to school so let's give him a warm welcome." My teacher said with a smile and clasped hands. 

He was a different type of fine. Just his presence alone had me all gushy and I didn't like it.

He was a tall, tanned-skin Asian guy. Strong jawline, hazel-ish green eyes, neck-length black hair that the top portion was put into a man bun.

All the girls in our class, along with some boy's eyes all widened at the sight of him. The whole classroom went silent. I mean I could agree of with why everyone was quiet but it wasn't that deep.

"Well, you can go sit right there, next to Naomi." The teacher pointed at the empty seat to my left.

Well, I officially hate my life.

With a stone cold expression, Dylan's eyes scanned around the room. His eyes finally met mine and before time could pass, I looked away, keeping my blank expression.

He strutted to the desk next to me, about to sit down when a black guy left to the seat put his hand over the desk.

"Sorry, bruh. Dis my frien seat." The guy stated.

Dylan just looked at him. With a plain expression. The boy started to shift uncomfortably in his his own seat before Dylan dropped his bag next to the desk. He sat in the desk, moving the boy's arm out the way in the process.

The boy sucks his teeth while muttering something under his breath. I roll my eyes as Mrs. Hardly resumed teaching the lesson.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Dylan's relaxed hand form into a clenched fists where is knuckles turn white.

What's his problem? Just cause some idiot mumbled under his breath? Get over it. Reasons of why I'm antisocial.

After class ended, it was my lunch period. I was walking out of class when I heard my name called by my teacher.

"Naomi, come here for a quick moment." Mrs. Hardly stated.

I rolled my eyes with a sigh before turning around and making my way over to her desk. When I turned around, I saw Dylan standing next to her desk. I already knew what she was about to ask/tell me and the answer was no.

"Dylan, this is Naomi Ranger, she my top student and does very good in class."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes as she continues.

"She'll show you around school and to all your classes since she doesn't eat lunch." Please teach tell him where I live next.

I release my hands from my hoodie pocket as my teacher hands me a paper with his schedule on it.

"Show him around, and to all his classes, please." she orders.

I look at the paper to see the classes are basically in every corner of the school. It's going to take the whole lunch period to show him all these places.

I sigh as I walk out the classroom, with Dylan following close behind. We walk all the way to the opposite right side of the school.

"That's your 7th period." I say before heading the next class that's on the opposite of the current side.

"That's your 6th." I say and continue going throughout the whole school pointing out useless places including his 5th until we finally arrived at his 4th period. I checked the time and just when I did, the bell for my lunch period rang, and people began to go to their next class.

"This is your 4th period and also your current class." I state before handing him back his schedule. Right when he grabs it, I dart my hand away and into my hoodie pocket. I'm not doing that accidental hand grazing yours to feel some "spark".

"If you have any questions, hesitate to ask or go to the office." I state before turning around.

Before I could walk around, I heard him speak.

"And your name is Naomi, right?" he asked. Sighing, I turned back around.

"Yes, and may you now forget it." I reply before walking off once more to my class which luckily for me, is all the way on the other side of the school.

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

I hate my life .

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