We Haven't Lost Yet

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We smack into the door and it flies open. I step inside. I look around and, sitting on the bed in her beautiful red polka dot dress, is Carrie. She runs at me and throws her arms around me. A tear of joy slides down my face as I wrap my arms around her.

“Oh thank you.” she whispers.

“You're welcome. I love you.”

“I love you too.” She gets up onto her tip toes and kisses me lightly. We both jump as a gun goes off behind us.

“Guys, we have company!!” Phil calls out. A shriek rings in the air and I bolt out of the room. I pull Carrie behind me and I pull out my gun.

Bing manages to behead the creature while I strike another. I hear a scream from behind me as I cut the monster's throat. I spin around and see two demons holding Carrie. I charge at the thing and she screams again. I watch in horror as the monster sinks its gnarly teeth into her shoulder. It drops her and she collapses onto the ground. I fall to my knees beside her. Jack and Dean take out the monster. It grows quiet a few minutes later. I begin crying. I watch as Carrie's skin begins to change. I feel two arms pick me up around my armpits and I struggle against their grip. It's Phil and Dan. They hold me as Dean beheads the love of my life.

“NOO!!!!!!!” I screech. I start sobbing uncontrollably.

“I'm so sorry Alex...” Phil whispers sadly. They let go of me gently and I curl up on the floor.

“Come on out when you're ready, okay?” Bing tells me. I nod and the others leave.

I drag myself over to Carrie's lifeless body. I hold her cold hand in mine. How could I have lost her? I just found her! It's not fair! With a sigh, I pull my gun out of the holster. I love you Carrie.



Everyone stops and I hear someone gasp. We all know what's happened.

“Dean...He...” Jenny sobs. Tom holds her close and she cries into his shoulder. We take a moment of silence for our fallen friends. Tears form in my own eyes, but I blink them away.

“Are we ready?” I ask. I turn and face my companions. They nod at me and we walk on. We have no choice. We have to go.

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