ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 29 - ꜰʀᴀʏᴇᴅ

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The jet lands not far and out come running Natasha, Sam, and Kilorn with a stretcher.

"Rory!" Natasha exclaimed in relief when they reached us. I was relieved to see her as well, she was okay. We ran to meet each other and embraced tight. I was relieved to see her walking; she was hurt badly when I had no choice but to surrender. "Are you okay?" Natasha asked as we parted, she looked me over, taking in my suit.

I hated it. And I couldn't wait to get out of it.

I nodded, tried to. "I'm fine." Natasha exhaled. "I'm more worried about Steve."

We both looked to see Sam and Kilorn strap him in the stretcher. Steve seemed to mutter annoyed words that he could walk but they didn't listen. A few more agents came to help, I almost reacted terribly when I saw them begin to check Steve out. Natasha has to assure me over and over that they were on our side.

"Hey," Kilorn said as he jogged up. Enough words said, I accepted his embrace before he even offered it. Kilorn rubs my back assuring me.

It's all I wanted right now, to hug the friend I surrendered myself for. Just knowing he was alright was enough.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that in the jet a figure steps out. A figure wearing a black coat, eye patch and a gruff face. I blinked once, twice. To see if I was dreaming or not.

"Natasha," I said as I reached out to her. "I need you to hit me in the head."

Natasha frowns and so does Kilorn as he parts from me. "You want her to do what?"

I point to the jet, to the oddly similar figure of Fury. "Tell me that you can't see him."

Natasha follows my finger into the distance and makes an 'O' shape with her mouth in understanding. The figure, as if knowing we were talking about him, begins to walk to us.

Judging on Natasha and Kilorn's faces as they moved a little to the side means I am totally not seeing things. "Nick?" I questioned skeptically as I slowly began to walk to him, I was still thinking I had to be seeing things.

"Aurora," Fury replied, stopping in front of me. An actual smile crept on his face. "You miss me?"

I scoffed in disbelief and shock as I shake my head. "You son of a bloody bitch."

He faked his death, how I don't know but that son of a bitch! I began to slap him silly on his chest. "How dare you!" I yelled at him. "You faked your death?! You lied to us!"

I continued to yell, he faked his death, lied to us about all of this, got us into this! Yes, we defeated HYDRA, and yes, we saved countless lives. But a little warning could have been very much appreciated!

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