ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3 - ʜᴏᴍᴇ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ʜᴏᴍᴇ

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"Home sweet home." I smiled when we finally landed on Asgard. The Bifrost still looked the same, as if it hadn't totally been destroyed, which it totally was. By my brother. 3 years ago. It also happens to be where he faked his death. "Looks even better now huh?" Kilorn said from next to me. I chuckled; they didn't change a damn thing.

My smile went wide when I saw Heimdall. "Hemindall!"

Heimdal, in his gold armor, turned the Bi-frost sword in its podium which closed the Bi-frost behind us. The Bi-frost sword is what he uses to open and close the bridge. He let it go and welcomed me with open arms. I smiled as I walked up the steps of the Bi-frost to greet him. "It's been so long!" I said as I gave him a hug. Himedall chuckled, "Nice to see you princess."

When we parted I reached down into the bags, I had brought gifts for all my friends and pulled out a pair of binoculars. "These are for you," Heimdall stared at them and took them, bringing them up to his eyes. He aims them at Kilorn who waves. Heimdall pulled back and gave me a look, "They amplify things."

I nod. "Yup." Kilorn laughs. "Good one." I couldn't help but laugh, "Okay, okay. That's not your real gift." I reached back inside the bags and pulled out a small telescope looking trinket.

"This is for you," Heimdall took it and examined it with his hands. "It's called a kioscope. You look through it on one side and turn the knob. Go ahead and try it."

Heimdall did what I told him to do and looked through it, he smiled upon seeing the inside and turned the knob. "What a wonderful invention."

I smiled, "Well when I saw it, I thought of you. You protect Asgard every day as the all-knowing and all seeing. You have the right to take a break and look at something beautiful every once in a while."

I took the binoculars from him. "I'm not that evil." He smiles.

"Do I get a gift?" Kilorn asked as he peaked inside the bags. I swatted his hands away, igniting them just a bit to prove I was serious about him not touching. "Yes, you'll get a gift. But first our friends need to return from Vanaheim."

"Well, that's not fair you gave Heimdall his gift already."

"I don't want to keep him waiting." Kilorn huffed. I reached down to the bags before he could peek again and threw them over my shoulder, "Is Loki in the prisons? I want to see him before I go find my mother and father."

Kilorn griminced, taking a few of my bags from me. "Your father requested an audience with him."

"Oh great." That's going to go lovely. I can just imagine the glares. "The throne room I presume?"

Kilorn nodded, "Very."

"Great." I waved to Heimdall. "See you later Heimdall."

It's never dawned on me how much I missed this place. Asgard in all its glory. The gold colors, the clear skies, the people.

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